Self-hypnosis. (part 2) - Alternative View

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Self-hypnosis. (part 2) - Alternative View
Self-hypnosis. (part 2) - Alternative View

Video: Self-hypnosis. (part 2) - Alternative View

Video: Self-hypnosis. (part 2) - Alternative View
Video: Hypnosis for Developing Your Higher Self (Meeting Your Higher Self Part II) 2024, September

Amazing transformations occurring exclusively due to suggestion and self-hypnosis do not give rest to scientists

The first part is here

In the first part, you learned that your own imagination can acquire real power. In what the famous Russian doctors Botkin and Bekhterev were sure. And the experiments conducted by American psychotherapists and hypnologists seem to convince: the power of thought can increase both male dignity and female breasts.

Careless thoughts

Scientists, however, warn: be careful with suggestion - both to yourself and to others. In order not to harm.

Literature gives us examples of sick imagination. But doctors assure that this can happen in life. So, Nikolai Gogol in "Old World Landowners" told a story about Pulcheria Ivanovna, who, being a deeply superstitious person, believed in the nearness of her death, began to prepare for her, stopped eating and soon faded away.

Agatha Christie in the story "House in the Countryside" tells the story of a girl named Ellis, who "poisoned" her husband with words. She informed him that poison was added to the coffee he had just drunk. The husband, believing in this, immediately gave his soul to God, although the drink contained nothing but sugar.

The history of medicine knows about a man who "froze" when he was accidentally locked in a refrigerator car, although he did not work. The tragedy would not have happened if a person had inspired himself: “I have the strength to warm myself. I will be warm if I work with muscles, exercise. I will be able to let people know about myself."

This is what happened to the savages on the island of Java. A crime was committed in one settlement. To identify the culprit, a sorcerer was called. He gave all the suspects a "witchcraft" liquid - a rather poisonous, but non-lethal potion. Everyone drank boldly, being absolutely sure that the poison would not affect the innocent. And the perpetrator of the crime immediately fell into despair. He had already believed (hence, inspired himself) that his position was hopeless. In the body, he underwent drastic changes - the vegetative functions were disrupted. And after a while he passed away. Both the guilty and the innocent were affected by the power of self-hypnosis.

Snake in a glass

One day a certain man was invited to a friend's house. When he was about to drink the offered glass of wine, it seemed to him that a snake was visible at the bottom. Not wanting to offend the host with his suspicions, the guest drank. And when I returned home, I felt terrible pains in my stomach. Many medicines have been tried. But all was in vain, and the man, now seriously ill, felt that he was dying. His friend, having learned about the "cause" of the disease, once again called him to his house. Having made the man sit down in the same place, he again offered him a glass of wine, saying that there was medicine in it. When the sufferer raised his glass, he again saw the snake. This time he drew the owner's attention to it. Without a word, he pointed to the ceiling above the guest's head, where hung a stocking twisted with sausage stuffed with heads of garlic. The patient immediately realized that the "snake" was only a reflection. Friends burst out laughingand the "disease" immediately receded.

Experts are sure that the time is not far off when the power of verbal suggestion and self-hypnosis will be used not only for treatment, but also in education, and in the organization of personal life, and even in long-distance space flights. The possibilities of brain programming in the future are hard to imagine.


20 knots will change life

Promotional video:

The famous French scientist Emile KUE has developed a method of conscious self-hypnosis, which allows you to supplant painful negative ideas and replace them with positive ones. In his opinion, each of us can correct a lot: turn grumpiness into peacefulness and good nature, stinginess into generosity and breadth of soul.

The main formula of Emile Couet is: "Every day, in all respects, I am getting better and better." The formula must be repeated at least 20 times. In order not to distract attention to counting when repeating a phrase 20 times, Coue recommends using a cord with twenty knots or a rosary.


Doctor of Medical and Psychological Sciences Vladimir LEVI: "Smile in the mirror"

- We constantly use self-hypnosis. In the morning we get up, have breakfast, and get ready to go to work. We examine ourselves in front of the mirror, straighten our hair, collar, not suspecting that we are making self-hypnosis. Having remained satisfied with our appearance, we feel cheerfulness, excess energy and boldly go to work, being absolutely sure that we will cope with the assigned task. And if a person saw himself in the mirror, as it seemed to him, unhealthy? Immediately lost heart.

Chair of Philosophy, Sacramento College, California, Robert Todd CARROLL, author of The Encyclopedia of Misconceptions: Don't Waste

Your Time

“Some people believe that they can fight cancer by imagining how healthy cells, like little warriors, destroy cancer cells one after another. However, the likelihood that such visualization will lead to recovery is close to zero. The time spent meditating may be wasted for medical intervention.


stars have inspired themselves …

Often any, even a trifling ailment causes panic among the actors. According to Hollywood psychoanalyst Alan DORFMAN, some of her can even get seriously ill. And over-identification with the character is fraught with trouble.

Robert De Niro, after filming the movie "Flawless", where he played a partially paralyzed man, began to have severe back pain. A medical examination did not reveal any abnormalities in the body, and only psychoanalysts were able to cure the actor, proving to him that it was all about the role played, in which De Niro got used to it so much that the pain and suffering of the character organically passed on to him.

Johnny Weissmuller - Olympic swimming champion, who later became the legendary Tarzan on the movie screen, literally reincarnated as a child of the jungle. He could not walk down the street without uttering his famous cry. At first Johnny just frightened passers-by, then began to hoot, whistle, yell, forgetting human speech, and ended his life in a psychiatric hospital.

The fate of the dwarf who played the main role in Steven Spielberg's film "Alien" turned out to be similar. He so sincerely perceived the touching story composed by the scriptwriters, so got used to it that he suffered, cried and tormented for real and soon died.

Oleg Dal was walking to his hotel room after the performance, when his colleague stopped him with a question: "Where are you going?" “I'm going to die,” the actor replied as if in jest. But, closing the door behind him, he soon died.

Yevgeny Evstigneev died of a heart attack, when in a London clinic, before the operation, they explained to him in detail how his heart disease would proceed and how everything could end if there was no surgical intervention.

Natalya Varley fell out of the coffin on the set of the film "Viy" (the coffin was supposed to be carried at high speed according to the plot). Some time after filming, the actress fell seriously ill.

<Vladimir Vysotsky died after the premiere of Little Tragedies, in which Don Juan dies from the Commander's handshake.

Vasily Shukshin died some time after his hero died in the painting "Red Kalina".