Svetlana Dragan About - Alternative View

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Svetlana Dragan About - Alternative View
Svetlana Dragan About - Alternative View

Video: Svetlana Dragan About - Alternative View

Video: Svetlana Dragan About - Alternative View
Video: Программа "На Шаг Впереди". 18 выпуск. 2024, July

It is no secret that the unstable political environment and difficult economic situation make us worried about the future. Every day, new information about currency instability, crises in commodity markets, political battles, terrorist attacks and paramilitary clashes comes from TV screens, which does not add optimism.

It is not surprising that many Russians and Ukrainians are trying to look into the future by studying the analytical calculations of financiers, experts in the field of economics and politics. Of course, these forecasts are rarely unambiguous, because in our dynamic era even the most sophisticated political scientists and financial experts do not dare to give unambiguous answers to serious questions.

Astrological specialization of Svetlana Dragan - economic forecasts

That is why many people are tracking information about new forecasts from astrologers, numerologists and psychics, for whom the future is an open book. Among such experts in the field of astrology is Svetlana Dragan, who specializes in economic and political forecasting, and also consults officials and entrepreneurs. Let's find out what this celebrity specialist is looking forward to in 2018!

Global forecast

According to the latest astrological calculations made by Svetlana Dragan, over the next few years humanity will plunge into the abyss of a deep political crisis. Totalitarian regimes are becoming more active in the world, the peoples of many countries are learning the limitations of freedoms, new conflicts will flare up. The world will be able to return to a calm state no earlier than in 2020, when, according to the astrologer, external forces will come to the rescue of humanity.

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Dragan associates the deterioration in the area of world order with the transition of Saturn to the area responsible for the destruction of old values. Historical, religious, political and ideological motives gradually exhaust themselves and cease to be the driving forces in the development of civilization. The astrologer predicts a kind of catharsis for humanity, which must be experienced in order to come to rebirth with a new understanding of faith. Unfortunately, for some time the world will be ruled only by the thirst for profit and material wealth.

At the same time, people will become witnesses of unusual natural processes and phenomena, which they will call "miraculous", awakening faith in higher powers. In 2018, when Uranus rules the world, the technology sphere will intensify. The world is waiting for several technological breakthroughs that will lead humanity to the conquest of new matters. Such information will be kept secret from ordinary people for a long time, and those in power may not use new knowledge in the most respectable way.

According to Dragan, a technological revolution will begin in 2018

2019 will be a period of active construction. And this is not about buildings or roads, but about the restructuring of economic structures, which will become more and more rigid. Dragan does not exclude the conduct of construction work underground, which can lead to catastrophic consequences in the form of explosions, collapses and seismic activity. It is also possible that there will be several large earthquakes or tsunamis in the world.

Svetlana explains the drastic changes in ideology and geopolitical situation that the astrologer promises us in 2020 with the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn. The world will need a new foundation, and some new leader will help it, who will lead a fundamentally new teaching. Over time, the peoples will enter into a reasonable and mutually beneficial political dialogue. The astrologer does not exclude that extraterrestrial civilizations will help mankind, since everything will take place on the "territory of Aquarius", which is responsible for space communications.

Forecast for the Russian Federation

The new calendar period will open up optimistic prospects for Russia. The country will be able to strengthen its position in the international arena by signing several agreements and creating an association of allied countries around itself. The ruble will strengthen due to the growth of oil prices, although at first it may seem that economic indicators are only getting worse. However, this will only be a brief period of fever before the economy recovers.

Over time, however, it may turn out that the previously signed agreements were flawed, giving America extremely strong leverage over Russia. The leadership of the state will have to take drastic measures to defend its position and the country's independence. It is quite possible that the case will result in a direct demonstration of military power. The astrologer says that Russia will have something to show its opponents, since before that it will be able to attract funds that contribute to the creation of military innovations.

By the end of 2018, Dragan has made the Russian Federation a world leader in many industries. In parallel with this, the power of Vladimir Putin will grow. However, all this will be accompanied by a sharp change in domestic and foreign policy, as well as tightening control over the population - the astrologer does not exclude that a paramilitary regime will be established in the country.

Forecast for Ukraine

By the beginning of 2018, Ukraine will enter a period of dramatic changes. The people, pretty tired of financial difficulties and abuses by the authorities, will openly oppose the government. The current government will try to suppress the social revolt with the help of tough measures, but this will only lead to the intensification of crime and radical right forces. It is not excluded that the result will be either the overthrow of the ruling elite, or early re-elections.

It cannot be said that the stars promise Ukraine a just and honest leader. Dragan predicts that the new president will be a wealthy but calculating and ruthless man who will play on the weaknesses of other politicians. Nevertheless, it is he who will be able to bring Ukraine out of the crisis. The conflict in the east of the state will gradually come to a solution. It is too early to talk about final reconciliation, but in 2018 active militarized clashes will subside, and the authorities of Ukraine, DPR and LPR will take the path of dialogue.

Should you trust Svetlana Dragan's forecasts?

Unfortunately, little is known about Svetlana Dragan. She allegedly lives in Moscow and has been engaged in astrological science for over 20 years. In addition to astrology, she is engaged in palmistry and physiognomy, reading the fate of people along the lines in the palm of her hand, and character according to facial features. Svetlana herself says that she was able to foresee many global and personal events, so a line of pop stars, businessmen and politicians is lining up for her.

Dragan claims that she knew about the financial crisis of 2008-2009, calculated the occurrence of the Donbas and Syrian conflicts. Nevertheless, there is no official confirmation of these assurances - Svetlana informed the Internet community and TV viewers about her predictions that came true after the fact. Loyal fans of Dragan's talent believe that she told the truth, but everyone else can decide for themselves whether or not they should trust the astrologer.