"The Stone Of The First Meeting" Is A Mayan Find That Contradicts The Official History - Alternative View

"The Stone Of The First Meeting" Is A Mayan Find That Contradicts The Official History - Alternative View
"The Stone Of The First Meeting" Is A Mayan Find That Contradicts The Official History - Alternative View

Video: "The Stone Of The First Meeting" Is A Mayan Find That Contradicts The Official History - Alternative View

Video: You Need To Hear This! Our History Is NOT What We Are Told! Ancient Civilizations | Graham Hancock 2024, September

I have already published a long article about the Mayan civilization, which proves by many facts that the Maya had direct contact with an extraterrestrial highly developed civilization.

As it seems to me, after reading my article on Maya, even skeptics should not have too many questions and doubts, since everything goes too well there. But I decided to devote, most likely, the last article, to another find, which once again confirms that the Maya had contact with aliens.


In Mexico, not far from a fairly large city called Veracruz, a cave was discovered, with a stone that apparently belonged to the Maya.

As far as we know, this is jade, and the shape is something like a rectangular slab.


The slab depicts a man worshiping an alien in a centuries-old standard image (small stature, large eyes, thin limbs).

One gets the impression that a person gives something to a creature, or on the contrary, it is difficult to understand here. But as far as we know, it was an extraterrestrial civilization that gave the Maya knowledge and technology.

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Above them there is the same "flying saucer" and some rays are emanating, in general it is difficult to explain this picture with precision, after all, we cannot know what was happening.


The funny thing is, the words are written on the stone. One of the phrases was deciphered as "Stone of the first meeting", striking, isn't it?

After all the information I've learned about the Maya, skeptics, such as those who deny extraterrestrial life or who believe the official story is true, can only make me smile.


But this is everyone's business, I'm not going to make anyone believe in any version. But for me personally, the fact is that the Maya, and other ancient people, contacted other civilizations that helped them.


For example, I do not understand how one can deny extraterrestrial life, if, as thousands of years ago, they depicted creatures with large eyes, thin limbs, and now. The same is with the "plates", they were depicted many centuries ago, and ordinary people see them in our time.

In general, there is too much evidence and facts. But everyone can continue to believe in what he himself desires.
