Toltecs. "People Of Knowledge" - Toltecs. Carlos Castaneda - Alternative View

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Toltecs. "People Of Knowledge" - Toltecs. Carlos Castaneda - Alternative View
Toltecs. "People Of Knowledge" - Toltecs. Carlos Castaneda - Alternative View

Video: Toltecs. "People Of Knowledge" - Toltecs. Carlos Castaneda - Alternative View

Video: Toltecs.
Video: The Toltecs 2024, September

The peoples will find faith in the future in the greatness of their past.


Toltecs are one of the greatest civilizations of the past. One hundred and fifty years of archaeological research does not answer the question: where did the Toltecs come from?


Legends say: “they came from the depths of the plains that between the rocks” and was headed by their leader Mishcoatl (“Milky Way”), who conquered Teotihuacan.


The official history claims that the Toltecs lived in the territory of "medieval" Mesoamerica from the 9th to the 12th century. In the 9th century, the Toltecs created a state that covered the central and northern regions of Mexico with the capital in Tula (Tollan). In the 10th century, the Toltecs under the leadership of Topiltzin Se Acatl Quetzalcoatl, who came to Yucatan from central Mexico, conquered the major cities - the Mayan states: Chichen Itza, Uxmal, Mayapan. In the second half of the XII century, the invasion from the north of the warlike tribes of the Aztecs put an end to the rule of the Toltecs.

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According to one hypothesis, the Toltecs were the descendants of the Atlanteans who survived the Flood and created unique pyramids and temple structures in Mesoamerica. Huge five-meter basalt columns in the shape of warriors, installed on a stepped platform in Tula, were called the "statues of the Atlantes".

The Atlantean Statues attract researchers with strange "outfits" and objects that historians interpret as cult-religious (symbols of the Toltec priests), and representatives of alternative views consider objects of a highly developed, possibly extraterrestrial civilization (protective armor, a communication panel, a laser).


According to ancient traditions and legends of the peoples of Mesoamerica, in very ancient times, the ancestors of the Indians were visited by "gods" who "gave their word to return one day." One of the legends says that the god Quetzalcoatl arrived from across the sea - a man with white skin and a long beard, who brought the Indians knowledge of astronomy, mathematics, agriculture and crafts. The Aztecs and Toltecs called the white god Quetzalcoatl, the Incas - Kon-Tiki Viracocha, the Maya - Kukulcan. Images of Quetzalcoatl on ancient manuscripts and archaeological finds suggest the Toltec roots of the culture of the peoples of pre-Columbian America.

The "place of power" of the ancient Toltecs was Teotihuacan - "City of the Gods". According to legend, after the Flood, the gods returned to Teotihuacan to "re-create the world." Legends say that Teotihuacan was built by giants and was designed to "transform people into gods."

The artifacts found during the excavations confirm the involvement in the creation of Teotihuacan of a highly technically advanced civilization, the level of development of which surpassed the capabilities of any of the Indian civilizations known to historians.


For the Aztecs who came to Teotihuacan in the 14th century, the Toltecs were the creators of the entire culture. Aztec legends identify the Toltecs and the Quetzalcoatl cult with the mythical city of Tollan.


According to legends, ethnographic and archaeological evidence, the Aztecs called the man of knowledge “toltek”, and the “toltec” lifestyle implied their desire to comprehend the paths leading to the Spirit.

Legends say that the Toltecs - "people of knowledge" were descendants of the Atlantean race, who preserved ancient knowledge about the "primary energy", which "revives and sets in motion everything that exists." The ancient Chinese called it Tao, and the ancient Toltecs called it the Eagle. The warriors of the new Toltec community call this power the nagual.


According to anthropologist, writer, mystic Carlos Castaneda, Teotihuacan was a city of ancient magicians - the Toltecs, who had special magical knowledge. The structures of Teotihuacan were only a kind of project for the Toltecs. In “joint contemplation”, the “dreaming” Toltecs “fixed” the pyramid of the Moon in the “dream attention”.

The ancient Toltecs argued that the world is only one of many parallel worlds, and we have the ability to penetrate them, although energetically limited by the ability to perceive only our world.

The theory of multidimensionality of space says that the Universe is not only the number of n-dimensional spaces, but also a combination of their interaction. Spaces are, as it were, nested within one another. Like nesting dolls, they form a complex multidimensional structure.


The Toltecs used four dimensions and therefore cannot be understood in a frame of reference rigidly limited to three dimensions. The Toltecs developed the ability to see, they manipulated their consciousness and at the same time achieved an altered state of consciousness.

With any change in our perception of the world, our consciousness and, therefore, our knowledge changes. Thanks to this knowledge, the Toltecs learned to “dream” alternative states of reality - to discover alternative paths in the evolution of consciousness.


According to the philosophy of Carlos Castaneda, the Universe is a limitless accumulation of energy fields, similar to threads of light. Energy fields called "Eagle emanations" radiate from a source metaphorically called "Eagle".

Human beings are also made up of innumerable amounts of the same threadlike energy fields. These "Eagle emanations" form a completely closed cluster that manifests itself as a ball of light.


According to Castaneda's concept, a person's perception of the external and internal environment interprets the energy signals with which the Universe is full, constructing a model of the world (usually taken for the world itself). The entire world is pure energy, from which perception creates a description of the world. And no matter how adequate human knowledge is, it is limited.

The area of perceived and perceived, usually known to human attention - tonal - is quite narrow and does not reflect all sorts of aspects of the universe - nagual. A person's ability to perceive energy fields is called "seeing", and a necessary condition for him is the corresponding "intention".

According to the teachings of Carlos Castaneda, a prerequisite for the development of attention is the achievement of a state of "impeccability" and stopping the "internal dialogue", which is responsible for the fixed structures of perception in everyday life. To achieve a state of impeccability, a person must get rid of belief in his own immortality, self-importance and self-pity. The tools for achieving these goals for a person are stalking and the art of dreaming.


The goal of the Toltec sorcerers was to achieve a state of full consciousness in order to experience all the possibilities of perception available to man.

Author: Valentina Zhitanskaya
