Antimatter Is The Essence Of The Existence Of Our World And The Universe - Alternative View

Antimatter Is The Essence Of The Existence Of Our World And The Universe - Alternative View
Antimatter Is The Essence Of The Existence Of Our World And The Universe - Alternative View

Video: Antimatter Is The Essence Of The Existence Of Our World And The Universe - Alternative View

Video: Antimatter Is The Essence Of The Existence Of Our World And The Universe - Alternative View
Video: What Would An Antimatter Universe Look Like? 2024, September

For many years I have been thinking about the topic "Antimatter". Good, that is, interesting topics are never born out of nothing and do not fall like an apple on your head. The material is collected gradually, summed up, qualified. The first version of the "Revelation of the Biblical Texts", which was called "What did the Bible hide?" was “ready” by 2005 and consisted of 16 typewritten pages. The editorial staff of Science and Religion did not accept it, just as they did not accept the second version two years later, 20 pages long. Published on the Internet as a revised version in 2009, a new 85 page text is now ready. Each new discovery in science, unfortunately, not in Russia, but abroad, confirmed my theory of the structure of our planet and its history.

But together with the history of the origin of the planet and the solar system, including the Universe … right there everything is in one bundle, it's time to think about the topic "Gravity" in order to explain for myself and I will express my theory to you, due to which stars are formed, Solar system and planets near the sun. From small numbers to large ones.

The first question, which haunted me for many years (of course, not every minute, I worked simultaneously on the "Codification of the Holy Gospel" for six years and the "Revelation of Biblical Texts" from 2002 to the present day, translated the Church Slavonic text of the "Bible" published by 1900 years ten years. But the topic of "Gravity" no, no, and it came up when listening to or reading various scientific theories. Always one thing confused: all these theories were not linked into one whole. If someone tried to explain the existence of dinosaurs in Alaska, then put forward delirium, such as woolly or with a thick layer of fat under the skin, not understanding this thing: fur and fat do not create heat, but only keep it. Rave they did not know that a fur coat exposed to frost freezes. And how warm is fur and fat can keep the cold-blooded? They will not allow the creature to warm up under the sun's rays.

So I created the theory of "Revelation of Biblical Texts", and now the topic "Gravity" has come, otherwise the theory of the creation of stars and planets begins not with the letter "A", but with "O" at least. Imagine yourself reading a 100-page novel. So I don’t want you to read the novel not from the middle and figure out what was there at the beginning, but at least from page 20. It dawned on me yesterday! True, not like Archimedes and not in the pool, but … “Today the muse visited me … I visited, sat for a while, and left. She left silently in English … but two lines remained from her."

And then there was an article: "A supermassive star exploded without warning, violating all the laws of astronomy."

“The Hubble Telescope has recorded the disappearance of a supermassive star without a trace. Nothing like this has happened in history before: before the eyes of astonished astronomers from all over the world, something incredible happened, and no one can understand what it was.

Astronomers have never seen anything like it before. Scientists are now suggesting that the star could suddenly turn into a black hole. However, there is one problem: supermassive stars always explode before collapsing into a black hole.

The disappeared star disappeared without any explosion - once it is no longer in the sky. At the moment, scientists can not offer any explanation for this incredible event.

Promotional video:

… and my comment on it:

“Who said that submassive stars always explode before turning into a Black Hole? Have we seen a lot in modern history of supernova explosions? Modern science has observed … Or maybe they were able to trace the whole process of reducing the rotation of submassive stars? Has anyone calculated what the speed of rotation inside the star Sun will be 6,000 km from the core? Not at the edge of a star with a diameter of 1.3 million kilometers, but inside a star. Let's imagine a carousel that has a magnet in the center and a rotational speed that inertially repels a magnetized object due to the rotational inertia. Why does gravity affect a person? After all, man consists of completely different material than the core of the planet? The magnet has almost no effect on the apple … (“almost” because a little bit, but it is there). How to explain the gravitational effect on a person? Only one thing: inside the planet, a molten core is created from the contact of matter with antimatter, antimatter attracts matter to itself and thus creates from our matter of space the core of the planet and planets (in the plural).

Matter melts when in contact with antimatter, but this is what allows the creation of new types of matter. At the site of the fall, many thousands of years ago, of huge asteroids and meteorites, the Americans seize minerals on an enormous industrial scale. Huge pressure and temperature create kimberlite (diamond) pipes to the depth of the meteorite's entry into the depths of the earth. When a meteorite fell into the Lovozero tundra, a deposit of eudialyte was obtained, which is not found on the neighboring mountains. There is a mystery there, when the left wall of the crater, which on the map is designated as "Eastern Circus of Raslak" even on the surface has traces of eudialyte, and the right one (farthest from the Ilmen mine - from Lake Ilma) has no such traces, as does the Western Circus of Raslak) … Raslak is a hill opposite both "circuses". On the one hand, the meteorite created minerals,and on the other, he destroyed civilization and the city that stood on the neighboring Mount Karnasurta (Voronova Gora).

When the mass of molten matter, from contact with antimatter, exceeds the mass of antimatter many times, the planet's surface cools down and turns into "solid". This is how the planet and other planets were created. But stars do not have enough cosmic dust due to the enormous size of antimatter, and they remain molten in space, apparently to different degrees and therefore have different degrees of brightness. But the "Yellow Dwarfs" are stars that have managed to gather around themselves matter that has exceeded the mass of antimatter inside themselves and have a core inside them that is close in size to our Sun - this is not much - not less than 1 million 300 thousand km. Let me remind you that a hundred radius of our planet is 6 thousand kilometers, which means the diameter is 12 thousand. We have 330 thousand km to the moon. We are trying to imagine the size of the "Yellow Dwarf" nucleus. The core of our planet has a radius of about 400 km and a diameter of about 800 km. The difference with the radius is 15 times, if we multiply 1 million 300 thousand by 15 we get 19 million km of radius and 38 million km of diameter. And in every star and in every planet there is antimatter inside the core. Antimatter plays the role of (+), and matter (solid) of the planet's surface carries (-) and this explains the orbits of the planets in the Solar System, when (+) the star cores interact with the (-) surface of the planets are attracted to each other, and (+) inside the planet repel each other. The question remains: why are the planets close in mass and diameter lined up at different distances from the Sun?and in every planet there is antimatter inside the core. Antimatter plays the role of (+), and matter (solid) of the planet's surface carries (-) and this explains the orbits of planets in the Solar System, when (+) star cores interact with (-) the surface of planets are attracted to each other, and (+) inside the planet repel each other. The question remains: why are the planets close in mass and diameter lined up at different distances from the Sun?and in every planet there is antimatter inside the core. Antimatter plays the role of (+), and matter (solid) of the planet's surface carries (-) and this explains the orbits of planets in the Solar System, when (+) star cores interact with (-) the surface of planets are attracted to each other, and (+) inside the planet repel each other. The question remains: why are the planets close in mass and diameter lined up at different distances from the Sun?Why are the planets close in mass and diameter lined up at different distances from the Sun?Why are the planets close in mass and diameter lined up at different distances from the Sun?

The second question: why then does antimatter affect a person with its gravity? Because every atom of our matter (meat and skeleton) is an exact copy of the planet, and there is a micro-nucleus in it, created by micro-anti-matter. You grow, your mass increases, but gravity does not change, because the mass of antimatter in the atoms of your matter also increases with the mass of the body. Just do not think that the antimatter inside our atoms divides like an infusorian, but is added through the matter we eat. Remember how you plant a seed in a pot on your window. The mass of the earth and grain at that moment is like 100,000: 1, but after a year the mass of the earth and plants, together with the root, is already like 10: 10,000, because you already have only one roots in the pot. The plant split the earth and from the soil atoms created the plant molecules (roots, stem and leaves). But due to the rotation of the planet,there is an inertia of repulsion from the surface. In the "Revelations of the Bible Texts" I proved that before the Flood one day on planet Earth was no more than 12 hours. Twice the speed of rotation gave us a large inertia of repulsion, which allowed the existence of giant dinosaurs weighing up to 100 tons. Now there are a little more than 24 hours in a day and elephants weighing up to 6 tons are the only animals on the planet that cannot jump. Apparently this is already a critical mass for a living creature on land, which has limbs for movement. Here I give myself an excuse, if they suddenly find a crocodile weighing over 6-7 tons or an equally heavy snake - there is information that an anaconda 50 meters long was killed on the Amazon in 1905 from a Maxim machine gun. But on the other hand: neither the crocodile nor the anaconda can jump, and prefer to exist in the water. As well as the mythical yet (not proven by science) Mokkembe is an African dinosaur.

May I tell you about the death of the tallest man on the planet from Syria. He grew up all his life, although his height has already exceeded all the criteria for human growth. So he died after he stumbled and fell unsuccessfully. At the same time, the expert said that for an ordinary person such a fall would leave only a small bruise, and this one died, as if he fell from the fourth floor. But he did not reach the height of an elephant or its weight. So what's the difference here? This is the third question that I could not find an answer to.

And what if the rotation of the planet slows down to 48 hours, then the gravity will increase … sorry, the gravity will remain the same, but we will feel it as increased and stop jumping, since the inertia of repulsion from the surface of the planet due to the reduced rotation speed. When the rotation drops to 96 hours a day, only mice will be able to live on the planet due to their low mass. This will be the process of the collapse of the planet, when gravity will compact the planet, compress the core around the antimatter to such an extent that the matter from its atoms will give its microantimatter to the core of the planet or star, thereby increasing the mass of the star's subantimatter and increasing the gravitational effect so that the star will already begin to absorb the surrounding her planet. Thus, we enriched "uranium" when we accelerated matter to super speeds in the reactor,split the matter of the surface of the atom and allowed to combine into a single mass of previously scattered "uranium" atoms into a single superatome of antimatter. If this mass of uranium antimatter exceeds a mass of 700 grams, an atomic reaction will occur, which we saw in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. If such masses are brought closer to each other, then these masses will heat up and we use this reaction instead of coal and fuel oil, in the boilers of nuclear reactors. The steam, expanding, acts on the blades of the turbine blades and the rotation of the turbines gives us electrical energy. I will not describe in detail the operation of the Nuclear Power Plant - it is on the Internet from engineers and academics. But we turn to the most important thing for us: “warming up the masses”, which should remind us of the “core of stars and planets”. If this mass of uranium antimatter exceeds a mass of 700 grams, an atomic reaction will occur, which we saw in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. If such masses are brought closer to each other, then these masses will heat up and we use this reaction instead of coal and fuel oil, in the boilers of nuclear reactors. The steam, expanding, acts on the blades of the turbine blades and the rotation of the turbines gives us electrical energy. I will not describe in detail the operation of the Nuclear Power Plant - it is on the Internet from engineers and academics. But we turn to the most important thing for us: “warming up the masses”, which should remind us of the “core of stars and planets”. If this mass of uranium antimatter exceeds a mass of 700 grams, an atomic reaction will occur, which we saw in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. If such masses are brought closer to each other, then these masses will heat up and we use this reaction instead of coal and fuel oil, in the boilers of nuclear reactors. The steam, expanding, acts on the blades of the turbine blades and the rotation of the turbines gives us electrical energy. I will not describe in detail the operation of the Nuclear Power Plant - it is on the Internet from engineers and academics. But we turn to the most important thing for us: “warming up the masses”, which should remind us of the “core of stars and planets”.in boilers of nuclear reactors. The steam, expanding, acts on the blades of the turbine blades and the rotation of the turbines gives us electrical energy. I will not describe in detail the operation of the Nuclear Power Plant - it is on the Internet from engineers and academics. But we turn to the most important thing for us: “warming up the masses”, which should remind us of the “core of stars and planets”.in boilers of nuclear reactors. The steam, expanding, acts on the blades of the turbine blades and the rotation of the turbines gives us electrical energy. I will not describe in detail the operation of the Nuclear Power Plant - it is on the Internet from engineers and academics. But we turn to the most important thing for us: “warming up the masses”, which should remind us of the “core of stars and planets”.

When the rotation of the star stops, gravity will compress the matter of the star, and the star will no longer be gaseous, but super-solid matter. And when the critical mass of antimatter in the core is exceeded, the star will collapse, absorbing into itself even super-light masses - photons of light and radio waves. This means that even photons of light cannot escape into space, and this is the "Black Hole", exactly what we observed, or rather, you astronomers observed, and we read about it in this article.

But what about the rest of the questions about the construction of planets in their orbits with the same mass and diameter?

And this is what dawned on me:


The matter of our planet has all these components created by nature.

“The table shows the structure of the atom of an element, each of which has a positively charged nucleus, consisting of antimatter, as well as negatively charged electrons and protons revolving around it. The number of protons and electrons is numerically the same and is determined in the table by the ordinal number of the element. For example, the chemical element sulfur has number 16, therefore, it will have 16 protons and 16 electrons."

I took the liberty and slightly changed the text taken from the Internet. And I suggest you look at No. 8 Oxygen and assume that it is a microscopic twin of our "Solar System" and has 4 protons: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars - solid planets and 4 electrons: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune - gas supergiants. Then we will be able to understand why some planets are solid and small, others are gas supergiants. And our solar system was created by antimatter, which has a place in its world in the same table, but with a negative charge and we no longer read "oxygen" - "Sour giving birth", but No. (-) 8 = "pre-roll". № 1. And instead of "giving birth to water" we will see № (-) 1 in the table "antimatter =" pre-genus ".

Having before our eyes the periodic table, we can allow ourselves to imagine that in the anti-world there is the same table with negative positions. Then, we can understand that antimatter with one electron can create in the material world only Hydrogen with one positive electron and nothing else.

Blessed day to all! Yours Pavel Shasherin
