Genetic Memory Armor - Alternative View

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Genetic Memory Armor - Alternative View
Genetic Memory Armor - Alternative View

Video: Genetic Memory Armor - Alternative View

Video: Genetic Memory Armor - Alternative View
Video: AC1 | Vidic describes Genetic Memory 2024, September

In a time of confusion and timelessness, in days of national confusion, we need to understand what the Russian picture of the world is, our laws of life, the formulas of national resilience, so as not to adopt someone else's and alien to us, so as not to extinguish the Russian spirit. Our people are faced with the task of clearing their minds from the clouding and returning to the primordial ideas, archetypes of national thinking.

Linguistic genetic memory is a person's ability to speak, based on an innate understanding of the primary language roots that laid the foundation for human languages. It manifests itself in humans as an instinct and is controlled by genes. The roots of our proto-language are the most ancient combinations of consonants that have a specific meaning. At present, 203 roots of the Proto-language have been established, from which the Indo-European, Altai, Uralic and many other languages were born.

This discovery, made by the remarkable Russian linguist ND Andreev, is equal in importance to the discovery by DI Mendeleev of the periodic table of elements and modern achievements in decoding the human genome. In my opinion, the knowledge of the roots of the proto-language is recorded in our DNA, and we master the native language under the control of genetic memory. This is comparable to how a migratory bird unmistakably follows the paths laid by its ancestors to winter and back to its homeland, as a fish spawns in a backwater where millions of generations of its breed have spawned. In humans, behavior is also largely instinctive, and instinctive behavior, as modern genetics proves, is dictated by genes. The primordial meaning of the word, embedded in the proto-language, recorded in the genetic memory, can determine our behavior and social role. In the primordial language, the word husband has a primordial meaning - thinking, thinking, wife initially means - giving birth. Before us are the words that define the social and family functions: the husband must think about everything, take care of everything, and the wife must bear children.


The genetic memory stores ideas about the native language. Today this phenomenon is called the national linguistic picture of the world. Moreover, the linguistic memory contains such knowledge about the world, to which mankind came much later than the words containing the correct knowledge were created. For example, the word time - originally vert-men - meant rotation, and indeed, time as the change of day and night is a consequence of the rotation of the Earth around the Sun. But the word time appeared in the language long before the discovery of Copernicus. The word health originally meant - your tree, it is the intimate knowledge of what we today call the family tree. That is, human health according to the picture of the world of our language depends on good heredity. But this word was born before any genetic research that established the connection between heredity and human health. The linguistic picture of the world determines, for example, our national view of marriage: spouses are two in the same harness, husband and wife pull the strap side by side all their lives. And in Chinese, a married couple is denoted by words that literally mean - two mouths, that is, a husband and a wife are two eaters, two freeloaders and no more.

Our life experience testifies to the existence of linguistic genetic memory. Well, isn't it a miracle that a child from birth to three years old perfectly masters the grammar and phonetics of the language, perfectly understands a lot of words, while he does not turn to explanatory dictionaries and even does not ask his mother about the meaning of this or that word. It is during this period of time that the child's genetic mechanisms for mastering speech are turned on. Moreover, linguists conducted experiments when a six-month-old baby made sounds and, by the nature of these sounds, adults unmistakably determined who this child was - a future carrier of their native language or he was a stranger, a foreigner. The infant already has a predisposition to the native language. That is why a person in early childhood easily and quickly learns his native language, and then makes unthinkable efforts,to learn a foreign language over the course of long adult years.

The mechanism of linguistic genetic memory turns on with the birth of a child, which is why the mother must constantly talk to him and instinctively does this, although such speech seems meaningless, because the child does not understand anything yet. In the same way, as a child under the control of genes at a certain time begins to sit, stands on his legs, walks by the year, in the same way, after a year, with the inclusion of linguistic genetic memory, he begins to speak. Late and early development of speech is also considered hereditary, and this is further evidence of the existence of linguistic genetic memory.

Human speech, the language of a mother for a child is a national picture of the world, which must be instilled in him, literally - put into the ears of posterity. Modern research has shown that in the first year and a half, an infant learns up to fifty words. By the age of two, the baby already knows about three hundred words, at the age of three, the child masters them under a thousand, and by the age of six he understands about ten thousand words! - and, therefore, perfectly masters the native language. The speed of language learning in childhood is twenty words a day! After six years, the mechanisms of genetic memory slow down, which is why children raised by animals and found by humans at the age of four or six cannot then be taught normal language and thinking.

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Linguists who study national linguistic pictures of the world almost always come across linguistic genetic memory, which dictates to a person models of behavior, rules of attitude towards God, towards life, towards the Motherland, fortunately, towards wealth. For example, happiness is comprehended in the primordial meanings of the language as its own part, that is, its own share, fate, destiny. And therefore Russian happiness can be difficult, and bitter, and mixed with tears. And the Anglo-American happiness - happiness - is formed by the ancient great-root meaning to grab, grab, hit. As you can see, the Russians and the British have different ideas about happiness due to the different picture of the world, which is dictated by the language.

Linguists have a postulate: the experience of language is many times richer than the experience of the life of an individual. And each of us involuntarily and involuntarily uses the experience of the native language. Here is the saying "Woe is not a problem." Why do we say that when we want to console another, and even ourselves in misfortune? Yes, because grief comes from the word to burn, this is when the soul burns, there is sorrow in the heart, it also bakes the soul. That is, grief is personal misfortune. And trouble comes from the ancient verb to misfortune, which means to enslave, trouble is primordially a yoke, enslavement. So grief can be personal, but trouble - only general. And personal grief is nothing in comparison with common misfortune, with enslavement, with yoke. This is the meaning of the Russian proverb, which stores the centuries-old experience of the language. And let us ponder the meaning of the word victory. Victory is literally what comes after trouble, victory is liberation from the yoke,from slavery, victory is freedom. This is what we subconsciously understand and feel.

The behavior and actions of a person depend on his linguistic picture of the world, and it is stored in the genetic memory. It is on these mechanisms that national stereotypes of behavior, cultural scenarios, according to which peoples and ethnic groups live and act, are based. We have an expression: “You are not behaving in Russian”. The non-Russian type of behavior, communication, lifestyle immediately catches the eye and causes rejection. That is why in a time of confusion and timelessness, in days of national confusion, we need to understand what the Russian picture of the world is, our laws of life, the formulas of national resilience, so as not to adopt, by chance, someone else's and alien to us, so as not to extinguish the Russian spirit.


Anthropology studies what distinguishes peoples from each other in a physical sense. Philosophers, historians, linguists, psychologists ask themselves what the spirit of the people is and how people differ from each other spiritually. So what is included in the concept: a natural hare, a true Englishman, a real German, a true French? Character, habits, convictions, customs and ideas create the special properties of each nation, they are visible and tangible, and these special properties are assigned to a person by his native language. It is in the language that the archetypes of ethnic thinking and behavior have been preserved for thousands of years, which distinguish peoples from each other. It is language that provides an opportunity to discover and reveal the prototype of a word, and it is set as an eternal value that multiplies over time in new and new words with the same root.

See how the archetype of thought in the word hand develops and bears fruit. Initially, hand means grasping, holding. Then this word takes on a high meaning - power of power. From these two meanings flow to lead, to vouch (to take under your authority). Thus, the hand turns from a concept of a physical organ into a symbol of power and strength.

Not only the thought of each people is guided by the word of its native language, but also the way of life of the people, their vision of this world and their role in it depend on the word. But, which is very dangerous, the weakening of peoples is also possible through language, when a person is imposed on ideas and customs, a way of thinking and a vision of the world that differ from those that are set by his native language. Psychologists call awareness of national archetypes of thinking and behavior mental hygiene, a person's rootedness in his past, a hereditary property of his nature. Mental hygiene is necessary today for Russians more than ever, for they are trying to muddy our mind in every possible way. Since it is almost impossible to change the archetypes of thinking, since they are given in the root stock of the native language, they are trying to muddle them. A man with a clouded mind - insane - this is the stateto which our people are steadily leading. Therefore, the Russian people are faced with the task of clearing their primordial ideas, archetypes of national thinking - the Russian mind from the mud.

Archetypes of Russian thinking

The archetype of the subconscious is a popular term in science today, and this is not accidental. Human civilization has reached a dead end, carried away by the ideas of progress and the fight against prejudices, rejecting tradition and spirituality. Humanity has fallen ill with unprecedented diseases: the refusal to create a family and childbirth, an epidemic of mental illness, suicide, a general obsession with vices that lead an individual and a people to self-destruction, contrary to the survival instinct that is inherent in all living things. The transformation of humanity into a controlled, nationalless biomass, into biorobots is carried out by the methods of neurolinguistic programming (NLP), that is, as NLP experts say, "rewriting the texts of human souls."

In search of a way out of this impasse, modern philosophy, psychology, sociology turned to the study of the defense mechanisms of human consciousness and found that our consciousness is primordially controlled by the subconscious. Instincts and reflexes are embedded in the human subconscious, forcing us to act rationally in accordance with the task of procreation, with the aim of the survival of our people.

In Russian, this opposition of consciousness and subconsciousness corresponds to two complementary concepts - mind and mind. Mind is a category of consciousness, it is clear that a good property, to which, however, the Russian person is very critical, because in our country, as they say: "it took it to mind", "to live with the mind - to suffer", "go crazy from the mind", “We will think wisely, but we will do it without the mind”. On the other hand, intelligence in the minds of Russians is an undoubtedly positive quality. If the mind can get a person into trouble, then the mind can never. It is not for nothing that Russian proverbs say: "Mind without reason is trouble", "Mind is strong with reason", "Reason does not command - do not ask the mind", "Mind is a help to reason", "Mind goes beyond reason" (when the mind suppresses reason), "Where the mind is not enough, ask the mind. " These eternal principles of folk wisdom testify that the mind does not dwell in the human brain, the mind is a property of the soul. And the soul is a storehouse of the subconscious.

The archetype of the subconscious, or the archetype of thinking, is a term coined by Carl Gustav Jung. We use it because of the expressiveness and accuracy of the archetype's formulation, that is, the "oldest type" - the model and pattern of instinctive behavior originally embedded in the human soul under the influence of innate impulses inherited at the genetic level. Psychologists say that the archetypes of thinking are primordial thoughts, primal ways of thinking. And thought is impossible without the word, it is inseparable from the word, it is clothed in the word. This means that without language, the action of the archetypes of thinking is impossible. Then it is in the language that one should look for forms of expression of such archetypes to protect against neurolinguistic programming.

Thought is really clothed in a word, but the word itself carries a thought. It is the word, which is the expression of the thought originally embedded in it, that determines the way of thinking and behavior of the majority of humanity. How does this happen? Psychologist C. G. Jung spoke of such cases that thoughts seem to "float" in a person's head. From what depths do thoughts "emerge"? Psychologists metaphorically call them "the depths of the subconscious", "the heritage of the life of their ancestors," while linguists still argue about the linguistic sources of "floating thoughts."

There are several hypotheses on this score. The most common of them claims that "elementary thoughts", "primordial thoughts" are stored in the roots of the language. This is the idea expressed by Academician N. I. Tolstoy about the allocation of the semantic core - the original meaning of the word. Moreover, as linguists V. I. Abaev, O. N. Trubachev, D. N. Shmelev believe, the memory of the original meaning of the root of a word is kept even in words that have already lost any connection with their root progenitor. So it turns out that the original meanings of the roots of the Proto-language (in our case, we will talk about the Proto-Indo-European language, from which the Proto-Slavic language, the ancestor of Russian, grew), the original meanings of the words of the Proto-language exist as a genetically innate heritage of ancestors, which even unaccountably, but reliably stored in the depths of the human subconscious.

Here is the Indo-European root * nw– carries an "elementary thought": it means "something new, unknown, unknown." The original meaning of this root was established by the remarkable Russian linguist ND Andreev - “designation of changes in the surrounding world”, the root * nw– exists in all Indo-European languages. In Russian, such a root is present not only in the adjective new (cf. Latin novus, Greek neo, English new, etc.), but the same "elementary thought" about the new and the unknown, about changes and constant movement is kept by others. words of the Russian language, in which we do not even suspect a relationship with the adjective new. But such primordial kinship is present in them: but - a union that introduces new information, a grammatical sign of changes, now - "now" literally means - "on a new day", well - an affirmative particle,demanding from the interlocutor to receive new information, well, a command, prodding a horse by a rider, a signal to start moving, that is, a new path. So the “elementary thought”, which is contained in the ancient root * nw-, which is preserved in many words of the Russian language, determines the actions of a person to gain new knowledge, new impressions, new news, focus on waiting for change.

How many such primordial thoughts were in the most ancient language of mankind is unknown. 203 roots of the Proto-Indo-European language have been reliably established and their original meanings are described. This great discovery, which is equivalent in science to the discovery of the periodic system of elements of D. I. Mendeleev, was made by the linguist N. D. Andreev, and he also showed how from a tiny seed-root, which consisted of only two sounds in our proto-language, grew, like a tree with a trunk and branches, derived words with many meanings.

The 203 roots of the Proto-Indo-European language established by N. D. Andreev with their reconstructed initial meanings that gave rise to the meanings of words in modern languages, today can be reliably accepted as a material - linguistic embodiment of the archetypes of thinking of Indo-European peoples, which psychologists call the collective unconscious, inherent these peoples, and anthropologists - a racial type of behavior. Here is one example of racial language-defined behavior.

The Indo-European concept of husband, man * xn - (Greek an-dros) originally meant going in front. A man, according to the meaning of his naming in Indo-European languages, should be a leader, a leader - for the family, for the clan, must direct, promote his business, carry out his ideas, seek and pave the way. In Russian, this concept is preserved in the preposition over, which speaks of superiority and leadership. At the same time, man is the bearer of mind and thought thanks to the meaning of his other Indo-European naming * mn-, preserved, for example, in the Russian word husband and in the English man. That is, the archetypes of thinking stored in the linguistic roots dictate to the man the attitude that he is leading for everyone and thinking, that is, taking care of everyone in the family and family.

And the concept of a wife in Indo-European means giving birth, that is, intended for procreation. The task of a woman, according to the naming, is the birth of children, the archetypes of thinking do not lay in her the programs of a leader or thinker. The life of a woman, according to the linguistic ideas of the Indo-Europeans, is justified by the birth of children.

The archetypes of thinking, that is, "elementary thoughts" stored in the words of husband and wife, act independently of our desire, we obey them as instincts, these instincts are rooted in sayings, for example, husband - head, wife - soul. But the innate linguistic instincts come into conflict with the social status of husband and wife, man and woman, changing under the influence of external influences in modern European civilization. The wife is equal in rights and destiny with her husband, and he ceases to perform the functions of a leader, dominant in the family and society. The result of such a conflict is a high mortality rate for men, primarily in countries where their role is most belittled.

Why are men dying out unprecedentedly in Russia today? The number of dead or dead Russian men of working age, according to Roskomstat, exceeds the number of dead and dead women four times. I repeat: four times more men are dying in Russia than women, and there seems to be no war, and pestilence does not seem to kill the population, but they are dying! They try to explain the pestilence by different reasons: drunkenness, drug addiction, high mortality in road accidents, heart failure, which selectively prefers young men … But these explanations do not concern the main thing: why Russian men do not want to live? Why do they drink too much, poison themselves with drugs, beat on the roads, why their hearts can not stand?..

Doctor of Medical Sciences Igor Gundarov gave the most intelligible answer to this question: “The epidemic of supermortality in Russia is the result of the imposition of spiritual values that are historically and culturally alien to us. The type of thinking, which is in every possible way introduced into the consciousness of a Russian person, contradicts his moral and emotional genotype, and the extinction of a nation is a specific reaction of rejection to someone else's spirituality. I would formulate it more harshly: the tasks that are set before the people by their language, namely the language, I repeat, directs a person's thought into a national channel, in the conditions of someone else's spiritual expansion, are impracticable. And a person refuses a meaningless life, he intuitively refuses to live, not wanting to be a vegetable in a human garden.

What is happening now in Russia with the Russian people? Russian women still somehow fulfill their destiny, they give birth, even one at a time, two at a time, but they give birth to children, and thus hold on to life. But Russian men in their own country, in their own families, have ceased to be leading the way. A man today cannot determine the future by himself, the future of those for whom he is responsible, the future of those who are handed to him by fate as going ahead. Take at least the smallest matrix of society - the family. Most men cannot feed her. According to the latest data from Roskomstat, 17 percent of the country's population, that is, 24 million people, receive wages below the subsistence level. And next to the beggars, hungry families of Russian peasants who do not have the slightest opportunity to feed their children in their native fatherland, they eat, feast,alien strangers grow fabulously rich. Even if we take for granted the false, overestimated average salary in Russia of 37 thousand rubles, actively cultivated by the pro-Kremlin media, you still cannot build a roof over your head and you cannot build a roof over your head for such a salary in Russia even in ten years, so a Russian peasant cannot feel like he is going ahead your family.

And where can a Russian peasant be ahead in matters for the good of his Fatherland, if industry is ruined, agriculture has degraded, land is sold to foreigners. Laws are written in such a way as to destroy the country, and not create its power, while the Russians are not capable of destroying and destroying their own: the one who is called to lead forward is obliged to lead to good! Where can a Russian peasant serve the Motherland in order to justify his name in front of him? Nowhere!

And the Russian peasant will not get through to power in order to change the situation, to uproot bestiality from the life of the country. There is a line of other, non-Russian features, arrogant, predatory, insidious.

What remains? Die! Not valuing life, squandering it in a drunken stupor, in a narcotic half-sleep, in fruitless dreams. What we see today.

But every time in history, when the Russian peasants walking in front were cut off the paths of movement, development, creation, they made their way with the sword. To feel like a warrior walking in front of a dispossessed, orphaned, offended people is the only possible way of salvation for the Russian peasant. This nation-saving experience tells us, for example, the Serbian language, in which the wife calls her husband - war. In Serbian, the head of the family, a married man is a warrior! The Serbs, who have been under Turkish rule for five hundred years, know that a people enslaved by the yoke can withstand only when its men, husbands without exception, become warriors.

Today Russian women need to follow the example of Serbian wives. Our husbands, in order not to lose the meaning of their existence, must become warriors. This is their only opportunity to choose the path ahead. History does not provide nations with any other way to be saved.

Motherhood and Motherland

The original meaning of the word mother is huge, vast, basic in life, which created the most ancient archetype of mother, understandable to a person from birth: mother is the support of all that exists (cf. the same-root words mother, continent, mother), mother is the root of all human undertakings and creative aspirations, the basis of every beginning and end. Attachment to the mother as the basis of our life invariably forces everyone to return to their native hearth, to seek new strength and new inspiration here.

The peculiarity of the Russian national consciousness is that the archetype of a mother in a Russian person directly correlates not only with affection for the woman who gave birth to him, but also with love for his native land, which has distinct features of motherhood.


“I have taken it from the earth, I am feeding on the earth, I will go to the earth,” the Russians used to say from ancient times. “Thou art the earth and will go to the earth,” the liturgical rite echoes in the manner of the primordial belief. This is the concept of the Motherland. For we are all born and live in the physical, bodily sense precisely on the earth, in it lies the ashes of our ancestors, from which everything grows, which feeds new generations, and these generations themselves in due time will also become dust and soil for descendants. The Earth really gives birth to us and bears us, and therefore it is the Motherland, and therefore it is the Mother. "A mother is kind to her children, and the earth is to all people." "No matter how good someone is, but everyone is not kinder than the Mother of the Raw Earth: everyone shelters the family to the grave, and the earth shelters the dead." "A fish needs water, a bird needs a free expanse of heaven, but a person does not need anything more than the Mother of Cheese Earth - he will die and then he will go to her."

But not every land is a mother, but a dear one, the one where a person was born, for his father and mother, grandfathers and great-grandfathers lie in it. The earth is an icon of ancestors. And that is why since ancient times, in front of the face of the earth, a native person could not lie, and they said in the old days: "You cannot lie - the earth hears!" And that is why a person did not dare to swear with a black word, because according to legend, the earth under his feet burns for three years for someone who swears. And the Russians also firmly believed that the earth does not accept after death those who know with evil spirits, such wander in shadows among the living, inducing fear and horror, which is why the sorcerer was driven into the grave with an aspen stake - so that he would not roam the earth, since it he does not accept, but he did not frighten good people.

Oaths before the face of the earth were brought to us by language memory, those were the vows heard by generations of ancestors: "In the land, grandfathers and great-grandfathers lie, they hear every word from the earth!" It was believed that the earth does not hold grave sinners either on itself or in itself, they fall "through the earth", and therefore, in confirmation of conscientiousness, it was said "let me fail in this place!" And in ancient times they swore: "Do not give birth to Mother Earth Cheese!", Which is tantamount to a prayer-guardian "God forbid!" And the people still kept the oath “Let the Mother of Cheese Earth cover me forever!”, So they said, taking vows, overshadowing themselves with the sign of the cross with their right hand, and holding a clod of earth in their left. Those who fraternized for life and death not only exchanged cross-vests, but also handed each other a handful of earth. There was a belief that if you collect a handful of earth from the graves of the obviously good dead at seven morning dawns,then this land will save him who gathered it from all troubles and misfortunes.

Paganism is dense! - someone will sigh, but in Russian Christianity the same antiquity is preserved - and the earth from the graves of the saints of God is worn by the Orthodox as a shrine, and a handful of consecrated earth is placed in the coffin of the deceased after the funeral service.

And who of his contemporaries is not familiar with the belief: "Whoever does not take a handful of his native land with him on an alien journey will never see his Motherland again"? Therefore, a man who set off on a long journey took with him his native land, tied in a rag, because this is a particle of the relics of his ancestors, a visible blessing of his people.

How many Russian sayings based on a special understanding of the Mother Earth, punishing and merciful, caring and harsh, are still in our everyday life: I would fall through the earth, I would not see the earth beneath me, but how else does the earth carry it, even from under the earth? get it, it’s easier to lie in the ground … It is imprinted in our genetic memory, it is the indestructible archetype of our national consciousness: earth is Mother, earth is Motherland, earth is an icon of ancestors, earth is a nurse, earth is a healer.

Precisely a nurse and a healer! For which the Russian people never tired of thanking the land. Whoever does not honor the land as a nurse, she, according to the people, will not give bread, not only to full, but even from hand to mouth. Whoever does not bow to the Mother of the Raw Earth with a filial bow, leaving for the first time in the spring in the field, on the coffin of that person will not lie down lightly, but like a heavy stone. Patients, tormented by feverish addicts, used to go out into the field, bowing to four sides and saying: "Forgive me, Mother of Cheese Earth!" Is it not known to everyone when, in illness, at death in a foreign land, a person strives for one thing - to return to his native land. Only the action of the archetype-instinct can explain the seemingly irrational testament of many who died far from Russia - to be buried in their native land and rest there.

Many of these beliefs have already been lost, we hardly realize that our native land is an icon of our ancestors and a multi-thousand-year-old mass of the remains of pious families. We are not aware of this to such a degree of unconsciousness that in the places of old cemeteries, demolishing them with bulldozers, today we are building entertainment centers and shops. We no longer think about the fact that they hear us from the earth, and therefore we are not ashamed of using foul language, lying, and cheating. We have already begun to perceive the earth only as the environment around us. Yes, it’s not a shame, just like that - surrounding us. And we, therefore, living now, are the navel of the earth. All kinds of dirty tricks our native land has not endured: we cut down forests, turn rivers, dry up swamps, kill all living things on our native land. We no longer think that She is alive, that She is a shrine. We consider it only a source of resources, income and profits. A good son doesn't do that to his mother.

But the earth is Mother. In the archetypes of our Russian thinking from time immemorial and forever it is written: Earth - Mother. Everyone knows: grief will embrace, surround a person, misfortune laughs at his soul, crushes injustice or melancholy, and then the wretch throws himself face down on the ground, grabs her, dear, with his hands, as he fell on his mother's chest in childhood, weeps out his grief, tears everything that is in the soul, and it becomes easier. Why does a man stick to the ground? - who knows. Yes, only the heart latently knows the old belief "Hold on to the ground, the grass will deceive!" Hold on to the ground!

But if the Earth is Mother, and this is undoubtedly in the recesses of our soul, in the archetypes of thinking, then we are her children, sons and daughters. Motherhood of the earth has laid in us the animal instinct to protect Her, to take care of Her as a Mother. I repeat - animal instinct. All Russians who were born on Russian soil are indispensable defenders of the Motherland, Mother Earth, at the call of their ancestors. This conviction has kept Russia and Russians safe from external invasions for centuries. Whoever a newcomer came to our homeland is not a visit, no matter what disguise the stranger was hiding under, his intentions were revealed by the way he treated our Mother Earth, the Russian Motherland. Trampled her, tormented, ruined, ruined the color of the earth - the strength of the Russian rose, although it did not happen immediately, the sons of the Native Land rose, no matter how many of them remained, to stand up for Mother. There was no self-interest in that Russian anger. Neither to defend themselves, nor to intercede for their relatives, nor to defend their property - this was not what the Russians thought about, they stood up for their Motherland Mother. Our enemies know this primordial Russian instinct, and therefore they plant with all their might into our consciousness today tolerance - the son's indifference to his mother, tolerance for those who swear at Her.

In the well-known Old Russian verse about the Pigeon Book, the question is asked: "Which is the land for all mother lands?" The answer follows: "Holy Russia is the land to all mother lands." "Why is the Holy Russia Earth to all mother lands?" - “And there are a lot of Christian people in it, they believe the baptized faith, baptized pious, Christ himself, the Heavenly King, His Mother Lady, the Lady of the Theotokos, on it there are apostolic churches, pious, holy ones, They pray to the crucified God …”. Whoever turns his tongue to call these words a manifestation of Russian chauvinism or self-regard. Not only Russians considered their homeland the mother of all lands. The territory on which Russia is located is still called heartland - "the heart of the earth" by geopoliticians of Europe and America. This is how other peoples of the planet saw our land, and this is confirmed by new studies of global warming. While Western Europe, America, Australia, Africa will undergo terrible natural disasters, according to forecasts of climatologists, the most decent and comfortable land for life will be a land called Russia. So the envious eyes and grabbing hands of strangers will burrow into our Motherland, this is what explains the gradually controlled invasion of non-indigenous peoples into Russia - it is necessary to dilute, dissolve the Russian people in order to exterminate and exhaust its filial strength when our hour comes to stand up for Mother Syru Earth - for our Russian Motherland. This is what explains the gradually controlled invasion of Russia by non-indigenous peoples - it is necessary to dilute, dissolve the Russian people in order to exterminate and exhaust its filial power, when our time comes to stand up for Mother Cheese Earth - for our Russian Motherland. This is what explains the gradually controlled invasion of Russia by non-indigenous peoples - it is necessary to dilute, dissolve the Russian people in order to exterminate and exhaust its filial power, when our time comes to stand up for Mother Cheese Earth - for our Russian Motherland.

Fatherhood and fatherhood

The Slavic word father contains the most ancient meaning - the source of existence. The root ot– at the word ot-ets is originally the same as in our Russian preposition ot, which is used with the genitive case. That is, the father is the one from whom you come, the father is your source. When a wife gives birth to her husband, he becomes a father. So the father in the origins of the Russian language is called the source of our life.

And one more word denotes a father in Russian - this is dad. It goes back to the Indo-European pater. English father and German fater have the same origins. The root of this word retains its original Indo-European meaning - "protector". Dad in the Russian representation, as in the representation of other languages, is the protector of the clan and the family, the one who protects and protects from trouble, which is what the Russian sayings of any presumptuous son warn about: "Do not get in front of Daddy into the scorching heat." To be exposed to risk and danger is the privilege and duty of the father - the protector of the family.

There is also a wise saying, which is usually remembered with belated remorse: "If there was a father, I would kill him, if there was no father, I would buy him!" But how accurate our natural wisdom is. Every son is the diameter of the father; the old and reliable father seems to him backward and outdated. And how many of these sons who repented after their father's death remember this saying! They also remember when they are raising their own sons, the same as themselves, diameters, picky-eyed and debaters.

Two meanings associated with the name of the father in Russian - the source of our life and our protector - are now escaping the consciousness of Russian people. Not everyone remembers the fifth commandment of the Law of God: "Honor your father and your mother, so it will be good, and you will be long on earth." The commandment decides what is the guarantee of our prosperity on earth and the guarantee of the longevity of our kind, that is, children and grandchildren. In fact, reverence for the father-mother as a commandment and as an archetype of thinking is the basis of the ideology of nationalism. Nationalism is love for one's nation, the only ideology that allows people to survive in the nightmare of globalization. Love for the father, and the father - love for his father - our grandfather, and the grandfather - the veneration of his father - our great-grandfather … The veneration of the elders in the family is transformed with us into the veneration of grandfathers and great-grandfathers in the family,and love and respect for one 's family pours into love for the native people.

The laws of heredity, spelled out in the archetypes of Russian thinking, just like the fifth commandment, see the longevity of the clan in the preservation of a good spirit, passed on from father to children, in the continuity of good and evil in the clan: "As the father is, so are the children", dad are kind and little children "," An apple is not far from the apple tree "," A son is a father, a father is a dog, and both are a mad dog."

Each of us, hearing these words from parents, grows up in the conviction that the future of our family and our kind, the fate and happiness of our children are in our hands. And there is no need to study the biological laws of heredity, study genetics in order to understand where our children have flaws and vices - from ourselves.

Russians today still have a rather deeply rooted love for their mothers; there are very few sons-daughters who abandoned or despise their mothers. But at the same time, complete disregard for the fathers reigns in Russia. Why is this?

Fathers from you! Look at yourself, what you have become! Are you the source of life for your children? Are you a protection and amulet for your families? Not. Rampant drunkenness, from which, according to a UN report, 11 million people will die out in Russia by 2025. Lack of will and responsibility for the Motherland and children. And how many abandoned children, how many vagrant children, street children. These are apples from which apple trees? The guilt of the fathers who gave power to foreigners and other religions in Russia always falls on the heads of their children. And in our children - cowardly, weak-willed, not willing to think and study, swearing, drug addicts, drinkers - we must recognize ourselves. Only the vices and sins of children will multiply tenfold, because they are no longer restrained by the efforts of their parents.

A people that has lost their paternal love, a nation in which there is no reverence for fathers, are doomed to extinction, just like a family in which a father is not a protector, and a son does not honor a father, is no longer a family or clan. This archetype of thinking must be cleansed from the dregs in the depths of your soul.

I hear skeptical voices: where can a bitter drunkard wake up! As a person who never had the will to win and succeed, to try to achieve something in life, well, how can you really get on your feet if you've spent your whole life on your knees. Do not believe this crafty reasoning! Lice and bedbugs overwhelm us not because we cannot fight them off, but because they are dirty, neglected, lazy. So now, everyone will die because of the drinkers, the relaxed, the weak-willed, because of those from whom the body of the people got sick, lice. We will wash and cleanse ourselves. Perhaps some kind children will raise their dying parents from the ruins, perhaps some fathers who have come to their senses will enlighten fallen children. To save the nation, it is necessary to restore the feeling of paternal love among the people. This is the law of national survival: it is also rooted in the original name of the Motherland. Fatherland is not so much our land,it is primarily the land of our fathers, the land of our ancestors, who passed it on to new generations.

Good and evil in Russian

A distinctive feature of our time is an impudent and stubborn confusion of ideas about good and evil, when a person, committing crimes, does not realize that he is doing evil. But to distinguish between good and evil is characteristic of any person. The understanding of "what is good and what is bad" is nationally conditioned.


The ancient roots of the words good and evil in the Russian language initially carry the concepts of good and bad. Moreover, good and evil exist in constant comparison with each other, they are the main scale of assessments of everything that a person encounters during his life. Therefore, the excuse that someone does not understand something while doing evil is pretense and wickedness.

In the same coordinate system, there are many pairs of words, correlating one with good, the other with evil, these are: right and left, top and bottom, straight and crooked, in front of the back, light and darkness, white and black. By the way in the Russian language these words are distributed in the categories of good and evil, we can judge the ideas of our people what they consider good and what they hate and despise as unconditional evil.

So, the concepts of good and evil are the initial attitudes given by our native language. The same coordinate system contains pairs of words opposed to each other, which reflect the people's ideas about what is good for them in life and what is bad. These are, first of all, the words right and left. Of course, they denote specifically the right and left sides in the orientation of a person, the right and left arms and parts of his body. But at the same time they keep in themselves the idea that the right is good, and the left is evil. That is why, in the understanding of the Russian people, it is possible to rule in the state only by doing good, to rule, according to our language, should only be for the good. If the Russians are convinced that those in power are bringing him harm, they demand that the situation be corrected. They intuitively seek to straighten their lives if the government does not rule the people, but leads them to evil.

The root is right - it is unusually fruitful in our language, all human activity, from the point of view of Russian self-awareness, should be sanctified by the idea of rightness. The key concept for us, truth, originally meant a set of rules by which Russian people live. And the first Russian collection of laws and regulations was called "Russian Truth". The people considered the truth as a rule of Russian life, that is, life in goodness, as an all-conquering force: "God is not in power, but in truth", "Money can do a lot, but truth can do everything."

Justice is the main principle driving a Russian person who is ready to endure material hardships and hardships, want and hunger, but violation of justice insults and infuriates him. Remember the Manezhnaya Square of the capital, where our children - fourteen, sixteen, eighteen-year-old boys - spoke out against lawlessness and state lawlessness, that is, against injustice. It seems that they had somewhere to learn a sense of justice, because they grew up in the most unfair times in the last half century! But the fact of the matter is that this feeling is innate in Russians, and it rises in our souls unpredictably.

As far as the good concept of the right permeates our whole life, the word left has a brightly negative connotation in the Russian language and consciousness. The concept stands in us - to leave, leftist, walk to the left, get to the left, sell to the left, go to the left. All this is about illegal, indecent, unsightly, from the point of view of a Russian person, affairs. And how tenacious are the attitudes based on the ancient idea that on the left, behind our shoulder, we have an unclean force buried and, in order not to jinx it, we must spit on it over the left shoulder. And let us also recall our ancient expressions, which do not need to be explained to anyone: stand up with your left foot, put on a shirt on the left side …

The word truth is opposed in the Russian language to the concept of a lie. Moreover, truth is everything that does not contain a lie, and a lie is an unconditional evil, unacceptable for a Russian person, who considers all derivatives of a lie - deception, cunning, dexterity - to be immoral. Our Russian psychology of truthfulness, honesty contrasts sharply with the psychological attitudes of other peoples, for example, the Jews, for whom these concepts are positive qualities, which is reflected in their religion. So, the most ancient spatial orientations right and left in the archetypes of Russian thinking appear as categories of good and evil. And the concepts of up and down, initially spatial, are also signs of good - up and evil - down. The human body in ancient, reliably stored in the subconscious notions should be covered below the belt, hidden from prying eyes,for there is shame and shame. Everything that refers to the manifestations of physical life below the belt is considered as subject to concealment in order to avoid sin, falling into evil. A person who was exposed in public was called arrogant, that is, naked and, therefore, shameless. What is shame? This word is akin to the concepts of cold, chill. Shame is when the body is cold, that is, when a person is undressed. It is not for nothing that the verb to mock - which means to undress, without feeling cold and shame, and thereby showing your shamelessness - exists.that is, when a person is undressed. It is not for nothing that the verb to mock - what it means to undress, without feeling cold and shame, and thereby showing your shamelessness - also exists.that is, when a person is undressed. It is not for nothing that the verb to mock - what it means to undress, without feeling cold and shame, and thereby showing your shamelessness - also exists.

On the contrary, the top of the human body - first of all the face - must be open, the face in the minds of Russians certainly bears the traits of goodness. If a person's face does not express goodness, in Russian they call him a mug, a hare, a muzzle, and Russian people beat him, mind you, not in the face, but exclusively in the face, because according to our primordial attitudes of good and evil, it is impossible to beat on the face. The face is the top of a human being; there should be a stamp of goodness on the face. In Russian, if there is a desire to hit a villain, you first have to rename his face, call him a mug or a mug, a snout or a hare, that is, equate to an animal's face, and then with a clear conscience smack it on the face. So the language dictates to us the rules of our Russian behavior.

But not only the human body is considered in the Russian language as divided into an evil part - below and a good part - above. The concept of the higher as spiritual, the idea of the higher as the best and rightfully dominant in the social hierarchy, the view of supremacy as a fair leadership of the lower - these attitudes show that any success is regarded as an ascent to a height, that is, as a deserved superiority and elevation … At the same time, the words prostrate, supine, knock, beggar are associated not only with the designation of a drooping person, they characterize any descent, including spiritual humiliation and moral decline, called in Russian meanness or baseness.

In the theological picture of the world order, the Higher Forces, the Lord God and His angels, dwell on high, in the heavens, on the mountains, in the clouds, and the lower spheres, the underworld, are the abode of evil spirits - demons and Satan himself. Therefore, those in power, those who are at the heights of power, according to Russian archetypes, must certainly be righteous, God-loving and striving for good. We usually have long delusions that they are. When it is revealed that, being at the heights of state rule, we are ruled by vile and low personalities who have a place in the underworld, here the behavior of the Russian people can become unpredictable, intuitively, obeying national archetypes of behavior, they are able to restore a hierarchy that corresponds to our Russian picture of the world … And the people will strive according to their merits to send those in power to the bottom of hell,where they should dwell in justice.

And other characteristics of space - east and west - in the Russian view are clearly oriented in the categories of good and evil. The East is seen as a source of good. This is understandable: for an ancient man, a new day as the source of life began with the rising of the sun, its movement upward, and ended with the sunset of the sun - its fall down. But archaic, completely material ideas are conjugated here with spiritual concepts. The Magi saw the star signifying the coming of Christ in the East, Christian churches are turned with the altar to the East, for it is from the East that the Second Coming of Christ is expected. For every nation, for every religion of the world, ideas about the manifestation of the Divine are associated with the East, and with the West - signs of human fall and the end of the world. And until now, we call the West not only Europe, which is really located west of Russia,but we also refer to the West and the United States of America, meaning by this word our ancient concept of the world of evil, bringing Russia and the Russians only adversity. Russian history has fully confirmed the intuitive insight of our language: Russia endured all the most terrible invasions from the West. These are the Teutonic knights in the XIII century, and the Troubles of 1613, and the invasion of the French in 1812, and two world wars of the XX century, and the current occupation of Russia also came from the West. From the West came the expansion of the most harmful ideas for the Russian people - Catholicism, Reformation, Freemasonry, Jewish communism and the same democracy …Russia endured all the most terrible invasions from the West. These are the Teutonic knights in the XIII century, and the Troubles of 1613, and the invasion of the French in 1812, and two world wars of the XX century, and the current occupation of Russia also came from the West. From the West came the expansion of the most harmful ideas for the Russian people - Catholicism, Reformation, Freemasonry, Jewish communism and the same democracy …Russia endured all the most terrible invasions from the West. These are the Teutonic knights in the XIII century, and the Troubles of 1613, and the invasion of the French in 1812, and two world wars of the XX century, and the current occupation of Russia also came from the West. From the West came the expansion of the most harmful ideas for the Russian people - Catholicism, Reformation, Freemasonry, Jewish communism and the same democracy …

The categories of human orientation, called in Russian before and behind, are also tied to the categories of good and evil. What does it mean to be ahead? It means being stronger, smarter, tougher and more patient than others. What does it mean to be behind? This is a sign that you are weak, that you lack will and endurance. These are millennial linguistic concepts of primacy and backwardness. They are as old as the concepts of Russian etiquette, which prescribe not turning your back on the interlocutor, because turning your face away is a sign of disfavor or resentment. Even the front porch and the back door, the backyard are not so ancient things in historical terms, they embody precisely the archetypes of our thinking, stubbornly separating front and back as good and bad, front and ordinary, clean and dirty. Many centuries and bad omens,carrying the same ancient ideas - to put on clothes backwards means soon to be beaten.

But after all, the whole state is turned upside down in our country. People who are not worthy to be ahead, to lead, to lead, made their way into the leaders and leaders of the nation. Obvious villains, hucksters and marketers, reckless men and speculators, are exposed as righteous and courageous statesmen, while genuine heroes and ascetics are relegated to the background. The position backwards and upside down in the Russian representation is not only shaky and unstable, it is destructive and dangerous for the people and requires an early correction in order to restore the original ancient archetype of good and evil, when the best of it should lead the people forward, and all unworthy ones should trudge in the train.

A couple of words day and night in connection with their natural properties - light and darkness - turn out to be carriers of good and evil. The images of light and darkness also contain the words white and black. White is a symbol of goodness, lordship, purity and renewal of life. Black is an image of sorrow, evil, darkness, fear and death. This symbolic color contrast is innate in our soul. You say - a bright person, and everything is clear, and no one needs to explain anything. And if you drop it - a dark personality or a black person - you will stamp this personality in such a way that no soap will wash off the seal. Returning to modern politics: the more we see dark personalities and black people in our government, in the media, even objectively, physically black, the more we realize that this darkness brings us evil and falsehood. Our language helps us to be convinced of this.

The juxtaposition of the words straight and curved, simple and crafty are also oriented in the categories of good and evil. Of course, everyone understands the advantages of being straight and the disadvantages of curvature on roads and crossroads. But these same words describe spiritual concepts. Directness, as a character trait and a type of behavior, seems to a Russian person to be an unconditional good, while curvature is seen to us as an undeniable evil, a vice worthy of contempt. No wonder there is an ancient expression to bend the soul, that is, lie, dodge, hypocrite. Simplicity is the same straightforwardness, also with a readiness to forgive anyone who has done wrong before you, is a clear goodness and an advantage over deceit, which is a deviation from the straight path. Simplicity and straightforwardness, according to Russians, are the strongest and best properties of the human spirit, they even multiply the physical strength of a person. And from these primordial attitudes stems the natural Russian quality of devotion and fidelity, as well as Russian contempt for betrayal and treason as derivatives of curvature and cunning. That is why no one will ever convince us that Gorbachev is a traitor, that Yeltsin is a traitor, who ruined our state, are good, kind people. Our language opposes such assurances with all its meanings, no matter how today Judas is exalted and no matter what monuments to them from white marble are erected. And white marble does not save traitors, because in our view they are certainly black people, dark personalities, crooked, low and cunning.those who have ruined our state are good, kind people. Our language opposes such assurances with all its meanings, no matter how today Judas is exalted and no matter what monuments to them from white marble are erected. And white marble does not save traitors, because in our view they are certainly black people, dark personalities, crooked, low and cunning.those who have ruined our state are good, kind people. Our language opposes such assurances with all its meanings, no matter how today Judas is exalted and no matter what monuments to them from white marble are erected. And white marble does not save traitors, because in our view they are certainly black people, dark personalities, crooked, low and cunning.

In the innate Russian concepts of good and evil, we see a gravitation towards light and a rejection of darkness, a preference for white, that is, pure, light, and a denial of the dark, black, unclean, unconditional service to truth and active hatred of lies and lies, commitment to honesty and straightforwardness, awareness of themselves as a right, white people, that is, standing on the principles of goodness and truth. By the innate property of language, Russians are turned to their neighbors, and not with their backs, while the language dictates to them the need for chastity and modesty, demands to despise arrogance and shamelessness, to reject betrayal and treason.

These are all archetypes of our ideas about good and evil. There is no way to refuse them, it is impossible to forget them, because they are in the blood vessels of our language. And it is with these archetypes of good and evil, rooted in the soul of our people, that the devil, in the person of the modern powers, is fighting. Because it is impossible to lead people into darkness if they instinctively strive for light. It is very difficult to lead a people who are waiting to be ruled, that is, led to the truth, and at the same time plunge the people into lies and destruction. Without these travel markers, which were cut down, burned out, weeded out on our Russian road with the propaganda of lies, vices, outright worship of evil, many Russians can turn into cattle. But the trouble with modern rulers is that it is impossible to completely erase these concepts from us. They can only be muddied, drowned out, trampled, chattered, but not destroyed. And even the smallest not etched, not weeded out roots of our tongue will sooner or later sprout, give abundant growth and fruits. The fruits of Russian goodness and Russian truth.

Excerpt from the book: "Armor of genetic memory" Tatiana Mironova