Forbidden Technologies That Could Solve Most Of The Problems Of Mankind - Alternative View

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Forbidden Technologies That Could Solve Most Of The Problems Of Mankind - Alternative View
Forbidden Technologies That Could Solve Most Of The Problems Of Mankind - Alternative View

Video: Forbidden Technologies That Could Solve Most Of The Problems Of Mankind - Alternative View

Video: Forbidden Technologies That Could Solve Most Of The Problems Of Mankind - Alternative View
Video: Will automation take away all our jobs? | David Autor 2024, September

Why are our technologies developing in a straightforward manner and in a certain spectrum? For some reason, many discoveries and inventions do not advance to a higher level, and yet they may well give humanity a new round of development.

Zero point energy

The first person who was able to clearly demonstrate the effect of antigravity was John Searle. His name has already been mentioned in my articles. After Searle, many experimental enthusiasts independently came to the conclusion that the electromagnetic field of certain frequencies is capable of generating a state in which there is no gravity, and matter, time and space change their characteristics.

John Searle's magnetic generator
John Searle's magnetic generator

John Searle's magnetic generator.

But to admit this assumption means to question the classical concepts of gravity and reanimate the notion of the zero element - ether and the zero point, carefully erased from history and science. And this means recognizing the possibility of obtaining free energy from a vacuum and losing everything, because all modern world energy will collapse and it will no longer be possible to enrich itself at the expense of oil and gas.

But what exactly is zero point energy? In our case, it is synonymous with vacuum energy.


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The change in zero energy, as the boundaries of the vacuum displacement region, leads to the Casimir effect, which manifests itself in nanoscale devices. It was this effect that the scientist and inventor John Hutchison brilliantly used in his works.

Hutchison effect

Studying Tesla's longitudinal waves and simultaneously using the Van de Graaff high voltage generator, back in 1979, Canadian physicist and inventor John Hutchison witnessed a new phenomenon unknown to science.

The Van de Graaff high voltage generator generates up to 7 million volts !!! The principle of operation is based on the electrification of a moving dielectric tape. In this case, the current strength turns out to be incommensurably small and even children can touch the generator.

Van de Graaff generator
Van de Graaff generator

Van de Graaff generator.

The interference of longitudinal waves generated by two or more Tesla coils caused a core with a mass of 32 kg to levitate! Metals and dissimilar materials were fused together or heated to the temperature of melting and ignition, and massive steel rods spontaneously burst like paper.


Hutchison did not hide that much of what was discovered was a continuation of the experiments of Nikola Tesla, whose available works he carefully studied.

Grebennikov's gravitoplane

In 1988, an amateur inventor from Novosibirsk, Viktor Stepanovich Grebennikov, was convinced that the classical view of gravity should be carefully studied in 1988.


I did it quite by accident, studying the chitinous covers of the May beetle under a microscope. The scientist drew attention to the ideally structured, like a honeycomb, the inner surface of his fender liner, imparting an anti-gravity effect to the insect in flight. However, Grebennikov found out about this later and quite by accident, when mechanically he folded one of the wheel arch liners under study onto another.


“But it wasn’t there,” he recalled later: the pieces escaped from the tweezers, hung in the air for a couple of seconds, turned a little clockwise, slid down through the air to the right, turned counterclockwise, swayed and only then quickly and sharply fell on the table . Based on this discovery, using bionic principles, the author designed and built an anti-gravity platform and developed the principles of controlled flight at a speed of 25 km per minute.


Today, a model of Grebennikov's gravitational craft without a floorboard is preserved in a small museum named after him, and alternative, modernized versions of personal air transport are being successfully tested around the world.

Read more on the tag: "grebennikov platform".

Dark matter

As studies show, in the Universe, and especially in our galaxy, there is much more gravity than the visible matter that could produce it.


A bone in the throat of the supporters of the classical theory also remains the question of the anomalously high rotation speed of the outer regions of galaxies. To somehow explain the inconsistencies, scientists introduced the concept of "dark matter" - a mysterious force of the Universe, which, although not visible to the eye and a telescope, is able to fill the missing calculated deficit of material mass. However, this matter still remains the same "dark" and hypothetical.

Verlinde's gravity hypothesis

According to the idea of a professor at the University of Amsterdam, Eric Verlinde, gravity manifests and behaves differently from the way Einstein describes it, and the very existence of dark matter must be questioned.


If Verlinde's hypothesis can be proved, then it will finally allow us to combine the laws of classical physics with the subtle, and much more unobvious world of quantum mechanics. According to the hypothesis, in order to explain what is happening with the Universe, we should not be interested in the volume of matter at all.


The right solution is to rethink what gravity really is. The scientist compares it to a temperature that rises with the movement of microscopic particles and decreases as they slow down. Or more precisely: gravity is only a consequence, not the cause of everything that happens in the universe.

Dear readers, the effects associated with gravity are rather poorly understood, but what if it is thanks to this phenomenon that a person learns to draw energy from the world around him? Perhaps having comprehended all the subtleties of gravity, humanity will be able to make an incredible technological leap, but what do you think?