The Five Most Mysterious Alien Contacts - Alternative View

The Five Most Mysterious Alien Contacts - Alternative View
The Five Most Mysterious Alien Contacts - Alternative View

Video: The Five Most Mysterious Alien Contacts - Alternative View

Video: The Five Most Mysterious Alien Contacts - Alternative View
Video: Woman Witnesses Strange UFO Sighting In British Columbia | Alien Mysteries 2024, September

On July 2 all over the world representatives of the progressive society celebrate the Day of the Ufologist.

It was on this day that significant events took place for the planet Earth. In New Jersey in 1947, the fall of an unidentified flying object (UFO) was recorded), the wreckage of which was subsequently interested in representatives of the American army. The experts surrounded the crash site and all the fragments of the ship were taken to the local airbase for research. By the way, all the actions took place on the ranch of a local farmer. The further fate of the UFO is unknown.

Some of the enthusiasts were sure that a "flying saucer" with a crew had crashed on the farm, but the residents of the States learned about everything from the local newspaper Roswell Daily Record. A press release issued by Lieutenant Walter Hout said that a meteorological balloon had crashed on the farm. After careful study, it turned out that the object served as a kind of reflection of radar signals and now it does not pose any threat to society.


Other Americans were convinced that the military had discovered the secret Mogul apparatus on the ranch, which was designed to test ballistic missiles. Note that rumors are still going on around the events that happened many years ago. People are trying to understand which of the authorities is deceiving them and what actually happened there.

Many years later, in 2007, a letter from the very owner of the land where the apparatus crashed was published in the British tabloids. The report said that he saw with his own eyes an object discovered north of the city: an object up to 4.5 meters long had an ovoid shape and had no windows, doors, tail, or specially designed wings for flight. It was also reported that the farmer saw two bodies covered with a tarp: the deceased looked like children, but there was still one feature that distinguished them from ordinary people - large heads.


At the end of June of the same year, the media received a message from entrepreneur Kenneth Arnold, who saw an unidentified object during the flight. In a statement to military intelligence, an expert on fire-fighting devices said that his plane was illuminated by a bright flash emanating from the device and at first he could not more closely inspect the allegedly neighboring plane.

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A little later, an American noticed in the distance a chain of nine strange objects that he had not previously seen in his life. It was noted that every few seconds two or three "planes" were either lowering or gaining altitude, so the rays from the sun reflected a bright flash from their metal structure. Every few seconds two or three of them descended or changed course slightly. According to an eyewitness, the first ship from a distance resembled a curved sickle in shape, the rest looked like flattened disc-shaped plates.

Kenneth Arnold contacted the Associated Press with his story and the whole world learned about his find, but most importantly, they believed the American. In contrast to the military experts, who, in their telegraph letter sent to the US Air Force Aviation Technical Intelligence Center, wrote about the regret of the inability of the eyewitness to give an explanation for what they saw. It was then that the world first heard the phrase "flying saucers". A month later, counterintelligence officer Frank M. Brown, serving in the 4th Air Force Army, joined the American's words. The soldier emphasized that he believed in Kenneth.


It is noteworthy that history repeated itself with another resident of the States. On July 7, William Rhodes photographed a convoy of ships in bizarre shapes. The objects are very similar to those described by Arnold. An eyewitness reported that he captured the UFO from a distance of 700 meters and even managed to notice bright rays emanating from them. Photos were posted in The Arizona Republic newspaper. The day after the publication, representatives of the Air Force came to the house of a resident from the states of Arizona and took all the negatives.

On August 19, 1961, American couple Betty and Barney Hill claimed that they were abducted by aliens. For six months, a team of psychiatrists worked with the spouses, led by the famous physician Benjamin Simon. The doctor managed to find out what really happened to the Americans. On that day, Betty and Barney were driving their car, they were blinded by a bright flash and after a certain period of time they found themselves in their own car, but 100 km from the place that they remembered before the UFO approached.

The spouses, on a 45-hour audio recording, say that they were brought aboard the ship by creatures whose height was at least 1.5 meters. The inhabitants of another planet had a wide chest, a Mongoloid type of face and large round eyes of gray and blue shades. The aliens spoke English and took tests from the couple. The doctor did not believe what he had heard and said that all this was a fantasy of a 41-year-old woman and she did not understand how she inspired her husband with her thoughts.


But the words of the Americans after 5 years were confirmed. During the specified period of time, the statement of the spouses was investigated by the astronomer Margery Fish. The specialist placed 200 beads in the air in such a way that they looked like a star map. For a long time, the woman could not understand from which side of the galaxy Betty saw her native Earth. As it turned out, the “place” where the abducted American woman and her husband were staying turned out to be a separate group of stars of the Zeta I or II type Grid, located 37 light years from Earth. Margery's research has been confirmed in computer simulations by professional astronomers.


In the Soviet Union, an unidentified flying object was first recorded at the end of the 1980s. A squadron of ships was found in the village of Konantsevo (Russia, Vologda region). The crash site was visited by many scientists, including the writer Vladimir Lagovsky and the UFO expert from WAGO Anatoly Listratov.

The ship was discovered by a group of schoolchildren, and each student was interviewed separately. An investigative experiment was conducted at the crash site, during which it turned out that the boys and girls would not even have thought of such a thing. All the students told and showed in which direction the ships were moving, which outwardly resembled luminous round plates. The objects hovered over the meadow, moved along the ground, and already at the very end of their path, on the river bank, one of the balls opened.

Schoolchildren, who at that time were from 11 to 13 years old, saw the creature. He, as it seemed to them then, had no head. The alien's skin had a yellow tint and at the same time was radiant, the hands were below the level of the knee joints, which the students did not notice at all. At the moment when the figure of a humanoid creature swam on straight legs to the transformer pole, the ship disappeared into thin air.


According to the students, the growth of the alien was about four meters. The experts believed the students' words, since the exciting behavior of the students could hardly be faked in life. Subsequent events looked like a detective story. A woman appeared on the lawn, the guys shouted at her to run. The alien approached her, took her hand and both disappeared. Literally a few seconds later, the woman appeared in the field of view of the schoolchildren, but already 40 meters from the post. The only thing that was known about the fate of a local resident was that the woman was lying in a regional clinic and lost her memory.

Note that, according to current polls, residents of the Russian Federation - 68%, Americans - 55% mostly believe in the existence of UFOs and aliens.
