Little-known Facts Of The Great Patriotic War - Alternative View

Little-known Facts Of The Great Patriotic War - Alternative View
Little-known Facts Of The Great Patriotic War - Alternative View

Video: Little-known Facts Of The Great Patriotic War - Alternative View

Video: Little-known Facts Of The Great Patriotic War - Alternative View
Video: Песня Великая Отечественная война попурри - Great Patriotic War Medley (English Lyrics) 2024, June

It would seem that all the data about the past war is freely available, but, unfortunately, we do not know about it and half of the events that took place. Here are just a small part of the facts that are little known to a wide circle:

During the negotiations, the main topic of which was the unconditional surrender of Czechoslovakia, its head Emil Hakha suffered a heart attack. But despite the extremely difficult situation, Hitler was forced to sign this document.


October 1941 is the black month in Odessa history. After all, it was when the Romanian military units, under the vigilant supervision of Germany, killed at least 50,000 Jews. Now this fact is known as the Murder of the Jews of Odessa.


A daring Japanese raid on Pearl Harbor provoked Canada to declare war on Japan even faster than the United States did.


During the Second World War, the main prize of the most popular cinema academy - the Oscar was made of plaster. Due to the severe shortage of precious metal.

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The Parisians did not allow Hitler to climb their main pride, the Eiffel Tower. They severely damaged the elevator lifting mechanism, and the Fuhrer refused to go up on foot.


The resourcefulness of the doctor Yevgenush Lazovsky, together with his colleague, helped to save more than 8 00 Jews from the Holocaust. They declared a typhus epidemic. German troops did not enter the infected city.


The losses of the German troops in the battle of Stalingrad alone at the hands of Soviet soldiers far exceeded the losses that the Germans suffered in all battles with the United States.


Spain has maintained neutrality in all world wars. But during the civil war, which lasted from 1936 to 1939, it lost half a million people.

Brazil was the only independent Latin American country that took an active part in World War II.


During the war, the United States and New Zealand tested about 3,700 bombs. Which were supposed to cause a tsunami and demolish all coastal cities.