Arena Of Disputes - Alternative View

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Arena Of Disputes - Alternative View
Arena Of Disputes - Alternative View

Video: Arena Of Disputes - Alternative View

Video: Arena Of Disputes - Alternative View
Video: The Past, Present and Future of Online Dispute Resolution 2024, September

All roads lead to Rome. And from Rome straight to eternity. But if you should postpone a visit to the latter, then you should not postpone a visit to the capital of Italy. This is a city in which the connection of times is felt especially sharply. By the number of architectural monuments per square meter, it is ahead of the rest. Each of them has its own story, and, as a rule, not only long, but also exciting. Don't believe me? We hope your visit to Piazza Navona will dissuade you …


Why do you think Piazza Navona is called that? The fact is that in the 1st century. n. e. the Roman emperor Domitian built a stadium here, where all kinds of competitions were held. Rome is a big fan of spectacles, as you remember. And "agons" - "competitions" in Greek - were held here until the 4th century. n. e., until the sprawling city required sacrifices, that is, additional areas. The stadium was removed. All that remains of it is a regular rectangular shape and a modified name: "Agons" turned into "Navona". Houses were built where there were stands before, the arena became a square. However, the memory of the place made itself felt: right up to the 5th century, ordinary Roman people came here to watch the "August regatta". Especially for her, the surrounding streets were blocked, and the entire space between the houses in Piazza Navona was flooded. And two teams entered the battle: "aristocracy" and "clergy". Over time, the regatta was forgotten. But until the beginning of the 19th century, a bizarre Roman fun lasted: in the summer, on Saturday evening, the square was dammed up - and until Sunday night, decorated carriages scurried about it, showering each other with spray …


Rome is called the Eternal City, including because it was built with conscience, for centuries. Just think: the system of Roman aqueducts, built fifteen hundred years ago, to this day supplies Rome with the purest drinking water. Through a complex system of aqueducts - straight from the mountain peaks - water enters the city, including the numerous fountains, which are innumerable in Rome. Three of them - "Four Rivers", "Mavra" and "Neptune with Tritons" - are located in Piazza Navona. The first, located in the center, has a history that confirms the "competitive" reputation of the square.

The creator of this fountain, Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini, worked in Rome under five popes, but with the arrival of Innocent X, he fell out of favor: the new pontiff could not stand his predecessor, let alone his favorites.

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Nevertheless, he patronized art, realizing that this was a great way to immortalize his name. To this end, the Pope bought an Egyptian obelisk and wanted to install it in Piazza Navona - opposite the Palazzo Pamphili, his family residence. It is possible that he wanted to do something nice for his brother's widow, Donna Olympia Maidalchini, who lived in the palace. This extraordinary lady, who was popularly nicknamed "the papess," twisted the pontiff like a puppeteer with puppets. According to contemporaries, she was as terrible as a mortal sin. However, the Romans suspected that she was the papal mistress. Be that as it may, Donna Olympia quickly turned into the true ruler of Rome: even foreign ambassadors first went to introduce themselves to her and only then went to the Vatican …

So: the Egyptian obelisk, even though it was ancient and high, Donna Olympia did not like - a pillar! What if "surround" it with a fountain? A competition was announced among sculptors and architects, in which Bernini was not even allowed to participate. However, the master, taught by friendship with five popes, was not a bastard. He carried his project of the fountain straight to Donna Olympia. And she fully supported him! So dad had to give the order to Bernini, bypassing Francesco Borromini, who won the competition. Bernini got down to business …


Meanwhile, Borromini did not stand idle: exactly opposite the fountain, he was building the Church of St. Agnes. In the 17th century, the Roman authorities decided that the memory of the youngest early Christian martyr should be immortalized at the site of her execution, which took place in 304. At the time of her death, the girl was either 12 or 13 years old. What was her sin?

First, she was incredibly beautiful. Secondly, she professed Christianity, which was forbidden at that time. And, thirdly, she refused the son of the Roman prefect Sempronius, stating that she had taken a vow of celibacy and decided to devote her life to God. The prefect flew into a rage, and when he learned that Agnes was a Christian, he made her choose: either she sacrifices to the Roman gods, or goes to a brothel (which, by the way, was also not just somewhere, but in Piazza Navona). Agnes refused to honor the pagan celestials. Then the prefect ordered to take her to the house of tolerance, and before that - to shave her head and strip her naked. However, the public did not manage to enjoy the shame of the beautiful Agnes: her hair miraculously grew back and covered her nakedness. Miracles continued in the brothel: all the men who tried to take possession of the girl,they could not do this due to the sudden male failure that swept over them. As for the groom Agnes, who appeared on the doorstep of the brothel with quite definite intentions, he died altogether, barely approaching the girl. However, heeding the pleas of his father, Agnes resurrected the young man with prayers. Because of which, everyone unanimously decided that she was a witch and threw her into a fire, which was lit next to a brothel. But the fire did not take Agnes, and then one of the soldiers hacked her to death with a sword …which was set up next to the brothel. But the fire did not take Agnes, and then one of the soldiers hacked her to death with a sword …which was set up next to the brothel. But the fire did not take Agnes, and then one of the soldiers hacked her to death with a sword …

The girl was buried in the Roman catacombs. And when Christianity was established in Rome as the main religion, the remains of Agnes were found and surrounded with all kinds of honors.

By 1672 Borromini had finally completed the construction of the basilica. Then the relics of Agnes were divided and the head of the holy great martyr was placed in the crypt of the new church.

Now the Basilica of St. Agnes is one of the most visited: its popularity is ensured by the parents of girls and unmarried girls. The former ask the great martyr for the well-being and health of their little ones, and the latter ask their grooms. After the death of Agnes, she turned into a matchmaker: it is believed that by praying at her relics, you can arrange your personal life and marry your loved one. Therefore, if you also have such a need, you now know where to go.


However, in 1648, when Bernini and Borromini began to create their masterpieces, they existed only on paper. And the rivalry between the two architects was such that they barely greeted each other. They had to work practically on the same construction site and at the same time - never quarrel: otherwise Inokcentius X would have deprived them of their orders. And so I wanted to annoy the opponent! We have to admit that Bernini emerged victorious from this fight too.

In the fountain of "Four Rivers" he connected the Nile - the main river of Africa, the Ganges - the sacred river of India, the Danube - the longest river in Europe, as they thought then, and La Plata - a small river from North America (why the choice fell on it is unknown until so far). With the help of allegorical images of the four rivers, Bernini decided to express his attitude to the rival's talents. Therefore, in the "finished product" one of the river gods covered his head with a cloak: supposedly he did not have the strength to look at the outrage created by Borromini, and the other raised his hands, fearing that the Basilica of St. Agnes was about to collapse on him …

On the day of the grand opening of the Four Rivers fountain, Innocent X arrived at Navona Square. The fountain came to life, jets of water shot up, scattered in a million dropping drops. Dad was delighted: "You gave the city not just a fountain, you gave us ten years of life."

Since then, a sign has appeared in Rome: if you want to stay in this world, drink water from the "Four Rivers". It is also worth quenching your thirst in the fountain if you are in a state of irreconcilable enmity with someone or you need to come out victorious from an argument. The spirit of the great Bernini lives in his creation: do not hesitate - there will be no misfires!

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