Elites Want To Change Earth's Orbit? - Alternative View

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Elites Want To Change Earth's Orbit? - Alternative View
Elites Want To Change Earth's Orbit? - Alternative View

Video: Elites Want To Change Earth's Orbit? - Alternative View

Video: Elites Want To Change Earth's Orbit? - Alternative View
Video: Rep Asks Bizarre Question About Changing the Earth's Orbit 2024, September

Express.co.uk: Man-made climate change is an extremely pressing problem today, which means that the apocalypse of global warming is becoming more and more likely.

However, the long-term outlook for the planet is even more dire, as the Sun will one day run out of fuel and expand, most likely vaporizing or severely destroying the Earth. Astronomers estimate that this will happen in five billion years.

In such a long-term perspective, moving the Earth to a more distant orbit that will help avoid this fiery oblivion may seem like a very untimely and far-fetched decision, but already now engineers have outlined several projects that will help the Earth escape its fate.

Scientists know that one day the Sun will transition from its current yellow dwarf state to a red giant - a star much larger than the current size of the Sun, the edge of which, according to the most pessimistic forecasts, may reach the orbit of Mars.


But even if there is no such colossal expansion of the Sun, it will in any case reach the Earth's orbit, making it completely uninhabited before. And that will happen in about five billion years.

However, space engineers at the University of Glasgow, led by Dr. Matteo Ceriotti, have come up with some radical solutions that will help move the Earth into a higher orbit.

The proposals seem extremely extreme today, as the mass of the Earth is so great that we do not have enough power to move the planet using conventional rocket propellers.

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Radical ideas are largely based on modern technology, although it is safe to assume that by then the surviving humans will have significantly more advanced science.

Dr. Ceriotti says, "Let's do a thought experiment on what we could do, using exclusively our existing technology, to move the Earth's orbit - say, to the orbit of Mars?"

Mars is about 1.5 times the radius of the Earth's current orbit, so with a relatively small expansion of the Sun, the new orbit could keep the Earth habitable in the future. But how can the planet's orbit be changed?

One of the ideas discussed today is the use of large asteroids that pass in the vicinity of the Earth. First, such an asteroid can be moved to the Earth, and then, having installed engines on the asteroid and using its gravitational attraction, we can use it as a tug, changing our current location.


Dr. Cheriotti tells Express.co.uk: “With this idea, we will need a huge number of spacecraft that can fly to asteroids and then deflect the asteroids into orbits that pass around the Earth. Each asteroid will move the Earth by quite a bit, but in total these movements will come to the desired result."

Another way to use asteroids as tugs is by firing ion beams at the asteroids. As a result, the surface of the asteroid will sublimate or turn into gas. And the release of this gas will provide a jet thrust that moves the asteroid, and with it the Earth from the old orbit.

Another method is to build a system of mirrors around the asteroid, which will collect and concentrate the light sent to its surface, which, in turn, will lead to the evaporation of matter and the appearance of jet thrust. Although of course, the best would be to use an asteroid-based jet system. True, this project will be extremely costly.

In addition, as Dr. Cheriotti says, asteroids are currently considered a possible, but far from the only option. There is an option to build a light sail in space, which will be erected using 3D printing technology. This reflective sheet will catch a pulse of light from the expanding Sun and use that pulse to propel the planet forward.

Finally, the last project under consideration is the construction of huge solar power plants capable of converting the light from the Sun into electricity, and then this energy can be converted into laser radiation. Hundreds of lasers installed in one of the hemispheres will throw energy into space and this energy will be used to move the Earth.

And although all these projects seem to be at first glance. completely untimely and fantastic, according to Dr. Cheriotti, some of them are already being worked on in Glasgow.

Editorial comment

If today was somewhere in 1980 and we worked somewhere on Soviet television, based on the revelations of this Dr. Cheriotti, we would close up a gorgeous issue of the “International Panorama” on the topic: “The decay of the West has reached our brains: crazy capitalists are investing money into projects that will be realized in 5 billion years!”.

However, now is not 1980, but 2019, in which the blog is full of rumors about the approach of some Nibiru, which has every chance of shifting the Earth's orbit and turning the planet into a snowball (for more details, the material Nibiru can make the Earth its moon. Part 1) …


And against the background of these strange rumors and conjectures, not Soviet, but Chinese propagandists for some reason release the film "The Wandering Earth", in which the script seems to be copied from the works at the University of Glasgow, about which Dr. Cheriotti talks (for more details, the material Nibiru can make the Earth its moon. Part 2: "The Wandering Earth").


Finally, to top it all off, a tabloid with a global audience is interviewing some Scottish Archimedes who is about to "move the Earth."


There are no such amazing coincidences in nature, and at least some talk about a shift in the Earth's orbit in the global leadership is definitely underway. But what this shift will be connected with is anyone's guess.

According to one of the versions, Nibiru will change the orbit of the Earth, throwing the Earth somewhere into outer space, or vice versa, throwing it closer to the Sun. And the elites are well aware of this perspective, gradually preparing and slightly informing the public with serials / films.

With the TV series Game of Thrones, for example, one of the representatives of the Order of the Maesters of the Citadel in plain text gave a strikingly frank thing from the screen: We (that is, the Order of the Masters of the Seven Kingdoms) are the memory of this world. Without us, people would be a little better than dogs, who remember only the last meal and think of nothing but the next.


In light of such revelations, conspiracy theorists have long suspected that the so-called "bunker" (a mysterious place, presumably located in the mountains of Switzerland, where representatives of antediluvian civilization live) is the very "citadel" where the "keepers of the memory of this world" sit. And they are well informed about Nibiru, about the Earth-snow (as they say: "Winter is coming!"

At the same time, their information concerns not only Nibiru and the principles of behind-the-scenes management of the “kingdoms” of Pithecanthropus, but also some, most likely, ancient technologies.

So, if the Earth turns into a snowball once every several thousand years - surely in one of such periods of civilization restoration technologies could be created that allow the Earth to move. For example, some kind of "planetary mover".


And from time to time, when Nibiru is already on its way, the “maesters of the citadel” turn on this propulsion device. But since Pithecanthropus are not aware of the situation, the "maesters" send some Australopithecus to the newspaper, who begins to tell fairy tales that are understandable to the children's minds of primitive people - stories about some lasers and asteroids.

This happens approximately as with the flights of Apollo: the military have been flying to the Moon and Mars for quite some time, but for the audience in the primitive camps, Kubrick made a movie about a flight to the Moon in a tin can.

And the exact same situation, apparently, with this (and similar) Earth shift project from Glasgow. Sooner or later, the "maesters of the citadel" will move the Earth somewhere (it is possible that the movement is already taking place now), but the main character of the event will be made by some "Doctor Cheriotti from Glasgow" step of all mankind”. And millions of conspiracy theorists will think: how NASA and “Dr. Cheriotti from Glasgow” were able to move the Earth with their solar rags?