Mavro Orbini - The First Slavic Historian - Alternative View

Mavro Orbini - The First Slavic Historian - Alternative View
Mavro Orbini - The First Slavic Historian - Alternative View

Video: Mavro Orbini - The First Slavic Historian - Alternative View

Video: Mavro Orbini - The First Slavic Historian - Alternative View

“While some fought and won, others lost, but wrote history,” M. Orbini.

Of course, the book by Mavro Orbini "Slavic Kingdom" - deserves attention not only for the content, which is different from what they have been stuffing us for decades, but also for the list of sources used in it. For some reason, it is not surprising that the overwhelming majority of the books that the author refers to when retelling the history of the Slavs are currently not known, many may have been lost forever. Western (mainly German) historians, under the strict guidance of the Catholic Church, removed awkward books from circulation and wrote a new version of our history (according to which our children are taught to this day). And although some of the theses and statements set out in the book have not yet received scientific reinforced concrete evidence, the bulk of the information is confirmed by new data on excavations and genetics.

In the picture on the left is a warrior with the coat of arms of the future Tartary
In the picture on the left is a warrior with the coat of arms of the future Tartary

In the picture on the left is a warrior with the coat of arms of the future Tartary.

Orbini - Croatian monk of the Benedictine order, among other enlightened people of that time, participated in discussions about the deplorable situation of the Slavs. Following the idea of collecting scattered information about this warlike people, he spent his entire life researching libraries in different European countries, using funds and donations from like-minded people for this. As a result, in 1601 his book, which incorporated direct and indirect quotations from more than 330 works (more than 280 of them are listed in the list preceding his work, in addition to which about 50 more are mentioned), was published. This was facilitated by a happy coincidence: Pope Clement VIII was preparing a military alliance against the Ottoman Empire, with the goal of liberating the Balkans. However, the favorable conjuncture disappeared and two years after its publication, the book was included in the Index of Books Banned by the Church.


An unprepared reader may get the impression that the author is confusing "desired with reality", but nevertheless, all this is true, which is still diligently hidden!

“The Russian people are the most ancient people on earth, from which all other peoples originated. The empire, with the courage of its warriors and the best weapons in the world, kept the entire universe in obedience and submission for thousands of years. Russians have always owned the whole of Asia, Africa, Persia, Egypt, Greece, Macedonia, Illyria, Moravia, the Shlen land, the Czech Republic, Poland, all the shores of the Baltic Sea, Italy and many other countries and lands … "If we accept that the Russian people are descendants haplogroup R1a, then all this is perfectly combined with the conclusions of DNA genealogy (I spoke about this in detail in part 1-2 "The Motherland of Mankind and who are the Aryans?").

"At the time when Pompey the Great fought against Mithridates the King of Pontus, the Russians (they are also Muscovites), led by their sovereign Tasovaz or Tazius, inflicted a strong defeat on the King of Pontus, being allies of the Roman state." Orbini confidently places the Slavs in ancient times, talks about their battles with Alexander the Great, the conquest of Rome, the enthronement of their emperor in Byzantium, etc. They refused us in antiquity and took us out of the Scandinavians only in the 18th century, before they simply did not think of such impudence!

Promotional video:

“But also what (other peoples remembered about the Slavs), mostly due to the wars started by the Slavs with other peoples, and not for the sake of praising the Slavic peoples and enlightening them, their enemies, for the Slavic peoples conquered almost all peoples with their weapons. Universe: they ruined Persia, ruled Asia and Africa, fought in Egypt and with the great Alexander, annexed Greece, Macedonia, Illyric land, took possession of Moravia, the Shlen land and the shores of the Baltic Sea. The Slavs went to Italy, where they fought against the Romans for a long time. Sometimes the Slavic people were defeated, sometimes, after losses in the battle, they took revenge on the Romans with great bloodshed, and sometimes they were equal in battle. Finally, having conquered the Roman state for himself, he took possession of many of their provinces, ruined, making tributaries of the Roman emperors, which not a single people in the world did. He owned France, England and organized a state in Spain; took possession of the best European provinces; and from this people, always glorious in past times, other powerful peoples arose: Vandals, Burgontions, Goths, Ostrogoths. And also the Rus or races, Visigoths, Gepids, Getae-Alans, Uverls or Heruls, Avars, Skirrs, Girras, Melanchlens, Bastars, Peuki, Dacians, Swedes, Normans. " Orbini argues that the Slavs, Rus, Venet (d) s, Huns, Alans, Goths, Heruli, Vandals are all people of the same people, at different times called differently.melanchles, bastars, peuki, dacians, swedes, normans. " Orbini argues that the Slavs, Rus, Venet (d) s, Huns, Alans, Goths, Heruli, Vandals are all people of the same people, at different times called differently.melanchles, bastars, peuki, dacians, swedes, normans. " Orbini argues that the Slavs, Rus, Venet (d) s, Huns, Alans, Goths, Heruli, Vandals are all people of the same people, at different times called differently.

Prince Rurik
Prince Rurik

Prince Rurik.

“Almost all of them were skilled warriors, were tall, had a very beautiful face, had medium blond hair, beautiful and formidable eyes. Those who died of old age were considered fools and idlers. Glorious was the one who was killed in the war. They did not take prisoners, but cut off the head of the defeated enemy, tore off his skin and put it on their horses … and with such decorations led the horses into battle. They had no Church, no Temple, no Pops, no special Gods, no huts, no wagons. But taking the sabers out of their scabbard and sticking them into the ground, they worshiped them as God Ares, in whom they believed as the patron saint of all those places where they fought. They attacked PALESTINA, EGYPT and JUDAH, which they inflicted a terrible devastation during the time of VESPASIAN the Tsar, since the Tsar of Urcan opened the passage of the Caspian gates for them. Ruined the MusselARMENIA … The Alans had a war with DOMITIAN and TRIAN Caesars; DURING THE SAME DEKIUS TAKED BYZANTINE. ADRIAN Caesar could not defeat them with weapons, but attracted them with gifts. The GRATIAN did the same. VALENTINIAN, heir to GORDIAN, whom the Alans defeated … issued a decree according to which those who can defeat them were promised exemption from taxes for ten years. Then the GERMANIS … moved against the Alans and overpowered them … VALENTINIAN then entered the war against the Alans for the second time, but was not only defeated by them, but also strangled at the behest of their king BORBOGAST. Alane, joining other Slavic peoples - the Vandals, Burgundians and Swedes - under the leadership of their common prince Simgiban, took possession of GALLIA. From there they marched into SPAIN and captured part of Spain, calling it ALANIA, which is now distortedly pronounced as CATALONIA. Not satisfied with this,they attacked PORTUGAL and captured the city of Emerit Augusta with all GALICIA there, where they established their kingdom for some time …"

And most importantly, what is interesting - no matter what data, facts or arguments lead in defense of the antiquity and development of the Slavs - our official scientists are still talking about Scandinavian genes, some kind of "IHE", a short history of the people and the saving influence of the enlightened Germans … I suppose that our all-pervading church (it was she who has always been - regardless of the social structure) is simply blocking scientists thinking differently, well, they cannot break through to the "rostrum" …! Thank God there is a free information field in our time, and you and I must know, remember and be proud of our ancestors. Bring this knowledge to people, to the best of your ability, do not remain indifferent!

Book: "Slavic Kingdom (historiography)".