Dependence Of Morality On Blood Type - Alternative View

Dependence Of Morality On Blood Type - Alternative View
Dependence Of Morality On Blood Type - Alternative View

Video: Dependence Of Morality On Blood Type - Alternative View

Video: Dependence Of Morality On Blood Type - Alternative View
Video: Theories of Addiction 2024, October

This chapter is an assumption of the author and the correctness of this assumption requires verification, three versions of which the author proposes at the end of the chapter. The assumption is based on the law of cyclicity, the author did not set the goal of offending people with the 1st, 2nd and 3rd blood groups. Their resentment is comparable to the resentment of a child against adults that he (the child) has not yet grown up.

According to esoteric knowledge, the goal of Being, and what we consider life to be one of the stages of Being, is progress, i.e. improvement (evolution). But improvement goes in two directions - Mental and Moral (all types of cultural, physical, etc. improvement can be attributed to one of the two above or to two at once). These two types of progress, although they do not go side by side, mutually support each other. According to my assumptions, moral progress in the material world plays a greater role than mental progress. Our body depends on many factors: temperature, humidity, radiation, nutrition, etc. From how we receive these factors, our morality is formed. I will give an example: The need for moisture makes us feel thirsty, which in turn makes us want to drink, we can buy water, steal,pick up and even kill someone like you for the sake of water. What you choose will constitute the morality or immorality of your behavior. Also, according to esoteric knowledge, we are the fifth Root Race, 4 Root Races already existed before us

In medicine, there is the term recapitulation, meaning a biological process during which each of us, during the months of our embryonic, uterine development, goes through the full path of organic evolution on Earth - from fish, reptile, mammal to man. And the complete social experience of the human race is experienced by man in infancy - not a rational creature crawling on all fours, childhood is a savage who knows the world; the hunter period, then the warrior phase follows; and at the end a new mature person appears. It arises as an individual with the ability to think and perform deliberate, purposeful and socially responsible actions. We looked at improvement at the physical and social level, while at the mental level, there is moral improvement. That is, our essence (soul, consciousness, self, ego, monad, i.e. that,what constitutes our essence) must be morally improved in the process of reincarnation. and mentally. What can be an indicator of a person's moral improvement? As already mentioned, according to the esoteric teachings, there were 5 Root Races.

The Firstborn Race was in the form of field clots and did not possess blood, and then with the advent of each new race a new blood group appeared - the first, second, third and fourth. In the process of reincarnation, the human essence must go through all the Root Races that existed before us. Thus, the higher the blood type of a person, the more reincarnations his essence has gone through, the higher his morality.

"The main Doctrine of Esoteric Philosophy does not allow any advantage or special gifts in a person, with the exception of those won by the" Ego "by personal efforts and achievements over a long series and incarnations."

(H. P. Blavatsky "Secret Doctrine" v.1 article 74 published by "EKSMO-PRESS" Moscow, "FILIO" Kharkov, 2000)

According to the observations of specialists, people with the 4th blood group (and there are only 5 to 7% of them on Earth) are empotic, that is, they are able to empathize, they are chorismatic, just like not wealth they are apolitical. They do not strive for career growth, but those placed in higher positions are conscientiously fulfilling their duties. The basic commandments of morality - do not kill, do not steal, do not lie, and the most important thing is to treat people the way you want them to treat you.

You can check my assumption as follows:

1. The higher the blood group, the more reincarnations a person can remember in regressive hypnosis.

2. Compare the blood type of historical celebrities with their morality.

3. According to esoteric knowledge, our 5th Root Race is on the verge of replacing it with the 6th Root Race, representatives of this 6th Root Race, according to some assumptions, are Indigo children. What is their blood type? Is there a new 5th group. If my assumptions are correct, then in power structures, especially in law enforcement agencies, there should be people with 3-4 blood groups. After all, we do not let our children manage trains, airplanes and nuclear power plants. Carriers of the 4th blood group were Nikolai 2, Kennedy, Merlin Monroe, Y. A. Gagarin. By the way, on the Turin Shroud (the cloth in which Jesus Chrestos was supposedly wrapped after the crucifixion) the 4th blood group.