Man, Who And What Is It? - Alternative View

Man, Who And What Is It? - Alternative View
Man, Who And What Is It? - Alternative View

Video: Man, Who And What Is It? - Alternative View

Video: Man, Who And What Is It? - Alternative View
Video: Special Alternative View of Wind Turbines and Global Warming 2024, October

Most people perceive a person as a kind of material object. But man is a symbiosis of spirit and matter. So, let's start from the stove. Knowledge is divided into esoteric and exoteric. Esoteric - internal, secret. Exoteric - external, for everyone. Religious literature is exoteric, but it also contains veiled esoteric knowledge. Not everything that is written in religious literature should be taken literally.

So the concept that “God created man in his own image” is perceived by many as the fact that God is exactly like a man: with head, hands and feet. But the main thing in a person is not the body, but the spirit. Here is what esoteric literature says about this:

“The Single Ray multiplies small Rays, Life precedes Form, and Life experiences the last Atom. Through countless Rays, the Ray of Life, One, like a Thread in a Necklace.”“The Book of Dzyan,”Stanza VII / 2.

Let us substitute the Spirit instead of the ray; but the One Spirit is God.

Thus, all matter is spiritualized, from mineral to man and beyond. In scientific language, this process (Ray multiplication) is called the Big Bang, and in Indian manuscripts - the awakening of Brahma.

And then the goal of Being begins to be fulfilled, that is, improvement, progress, evolution. Matter improves externally - plasma, gas, liquid, solid state. The spirit is improved hierarchically: "From mineral to plant, from plant to animal, from animal to man … and at the highest stages the planet, star, galaxy, universe." The transition of the essence (spirit, small ray) occurs after the death and new birth of the Universe. Those. with the birth of a new Universe, its Spirit (Ray) breaks down into small and fertilizes (takes root, forms a symbiosis) minerals; the spirit that was in the minerals passes into plants, etc. along a chain.

“Man, like every atom in the Universe, strives to become a God-man and then God.” E. P. Blavatsky. The Secret Doctrine, volume 1, p. 231.

During its stay in the material body, the spirit undergoes 777 reincarnations. This knowledge was transferred to H. P. Blavatsky by the Teacher.

"Try to solve the problem of 777 incarnations … Although I am forced to deny you information … nevertheless, if you solve the problem yourself, it will be my duty to confirm this." Ibid, p. 241.

Improvement takes place in two independent, but mutually supportive directions - mental and moral, and this mainly concerns a person. If external conditions cannot influence the spirit, then the body is entirely dependent on them (humidity, temperature, radiation, etc.) For a comfortable life, the body needs clothing, housing, food, etc. to be in acceptable comfortable conditions. And the way we get everything we need for existence and build relationships with others like ourselves is our morality. Our ancestors knew about the immortality of our essence and divided the World into Reality and Nav. So our moral perfection is carried out in Java, and mental perfection - in Nava.

Fulcanelli has an interesting statement in his book "Philosophical Abode": "The most important secret, in which all the elements and principles of higher knowledge converge, does not lie in life, because life is in us and around us, it is familiar to us and those who know how to observe will certainly catch all of it. the most varied manifestations. The secret lies in death, in this invisible part of spirituality, where, at the end of its earthly journey, a soul freed from fetters hides. In nothingness, in a mysterious nothing. In absence, where all presence reigns, one should look for the causes of those consequences that life demonstrates to us … Birth will teach us little, but death, from which life is born, will reveal everything to us. She alone holds the keys to the laboratory of nature, she alone frees the spirit trapped inside the material body."

And here is what the Emerald Tablets says about this: “Fire - coming from the implicit, existing for some time in the explicit and then disappearing again in the implicit, - forms a symbol of consciousness, which arises from the implicit, exists for some time in physical body and then disappears into the implicit. Thus, man is clearly told to seek wisdom beyond consciousness."

In Buddhism, there are "four noble truths":

- life is full of suffering;

- life itself is the cause of this suffering;

- suffering can be stopped;

- there is a path leading to the end of suffering.

And according to Plato, “true knowledge is not our sensations, opinions about something, but cognition, penetration into another world, the memory of an immortal soul about the ideas that it knew before entering a mortal body, but partially and completely forgotten, being in bodily dungeon."

So, we can conclude that a person is one of the material carriers of the spirit on its (spirit) gradual improvement.
