Was Atlantis On Earth? - Alternative View

Was Atlantis On Earth? - Alternative View
Was Atlantis On Earth? - Alternative View

Video: Was Atlantis On Earth? - Alternative View

Video: Was Atlantis On Earth? - Alternative View
Video: Legend of Atlantis (Full Episode) | Drain the Oceans 2024, October

Humanity is looking for Atlantis on Earth, but are we not becoming like a seeker who “searches for a black cat in a dark room, but the cat is not there”. What if, in general, the Atlantean civilization was not on Earth, but on Mars, and are they not the builders of pyramids on Earth, because exactly the same is observed on Mars.

The likelihood of such an assumption is indicated by the text of the Emerald Tablets. According to the text of the Tablets, a certain entity - the Dweller - the Child of Light, as Thoth calls him. This entity is not from our dimension.

"The children of men are small in number, that they looked into the mighty face, and remained alive, for they do not resemble the sons of men. Children of the Light when they are not embodied in a physical body."

(Emerald Tablets, hereinafter (I. S.) (does not the description of the Deity in ancient manuscripts and the Bible resemble)

The inhabitant passed on knowledge to the Atlanteans who were capable and worthy of receiving it. But “Some of the people who ascended to the height among the people (Atlanteans) fell from the Light into the darkness. They were proud of their knowledge, proud of their position among people. They plunged deep into the forbidden, opened the gates that led down. They were looking for more and more knowledge, but they wanted to bring it from bottom to top. The one who descends must have balance, otherwise he is bound by the absence of our Light. And then they opened with their knowledge the paths ordered to man "…" Deep under the earth's crust, into the Halls of Amenti, the Dweller descended in the blink of an eye. He brought the forces that the Seven rulers possessed; changed the balance of the Earth. Atlantis went under the dark waters. All the islands were destroyed, except for Unal and part of the island of the sons of the Dweller."

Then the Dweller summoned Thoth and set him a task: “Gather the sons of Atlantis now. Take them and run to the people of the stone caves. Fly to the land of the Children of Khem. Then I gathered the sons of Atlanta. In the spaceship (pay attention to the ship) he brought all my notes, brought the chronicles of the sunken Atlantis … And we took off on the wings of the morning … We quickly rushed on the wings of the morning, rushed to the land of the children of Khem. There, with my power, I conquered them and ruled them. I raised the children of Khem to the Light. Deep under the rock, I buried my ship, waiting for the hour when a person could be free. Above the ship I erected a sign in the shape of a lion, but at the same time it looked like a man. There, under the image, my ship still rests, to rise up when the need arises. (I. S.)

The first thing that catches your eye when reading the above quotations is why, within the Earth, fly from continent to continent in a spaceship. What if the Atlanteans called their planet, which we now call Mars, Earth, and ours, which we call Earth. Khem, then it becomes clear why the flight was carried out in a spaceship. In the belt of life around the Sun there are three planets Venus, Earth, Mars, but the fourth Phaethon probably existed. Was the death of Atlantis the result of an interplanetary war? As a result of which one planet was destroyed - Phaethon, and two became unsuitable for the life of their inhabitants - Mars and Venus.

There are four races on Earth in terms of skin color, but skin color depends on the amount of melanin produced by the body, and this depends on solar radiation, then Negroid - possibly generated by refugees from Venus, White - refugees from Phaeton, yellow - local Terrestrial and red - refugees from Mars. (Red and yellow possibly vice versa). Those. the farther from the luminary, the lighter the skin of the inhabitants of the planets. The temperature on the planets is also distributed in different ways, depending on the distance from the sun. Is it because those whom we call the Hyperboreans chose the polar zone (possibly from Phaethon), and the Negroid (Venusians) - the equatorial zone.

According to the information we know from the Greeks, the Atlanteans had a high height of 3-5 m. But the growth of creatures depends on the gravity of the planet on which these creatures live. As you know, on Mars, gravity is about 3.5 times less than on Earth, which means that the growth of its inhabitants should be higher than that of earthlings. This may be further proof that the Atlanteans are not from Earth.

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