The First Alien Contactee, And His Legacy - Alternative View

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The First Alien Contactee, And His Legacy - Alternative View
The First Alien Contactee, And His Legacy - Alternative View

On November 20, 1952, a Polish immigrant named George Adamski and six of his friends embarked on an expedition in search of UFOs in the Mojave Desert in California, USA. Shortly after lunch, as the team scanned the sky for activity, a giant cigar-shaped vessel appeared in sight. Hoping to get closer and find a better photo spot, Adamski and two of his friends set off deep into the desert.

Adamski managed to take some pictures through his portable telescope mounted on a tripod and wandered around alone trying to get clearer pictures. Soon the silent silver ship took off and took off into space, but this was not the end of the meeting.

A few minutes later, another, smaller ship appeared, gliding between the two mountains that were ahead of Adamskiy. Watching this, he noticed that, in his opinion, the man was calling him from a distance of about 400 meters. But, as he will find out, this was no ordinary person.

First contact

"The beauty of his form surpassed anything I have ever seen," Adamsky later recalled.

The humanoid figure was about 1.6 meters tall, with long blond hair and smooth, tanned skin. He was wearing a brown one-piece suit with a wide belt and red shoes. The creature was also witnessed by his friends, who were standing a few hundred meters away. Adamsky shook hands with the creature.

The visitor indicated that he was from Venus, and his name was Orton. He came with a message to warn humanity about the dangers of nuclear energy and pollution. He also expressed faith in God and stated that he and his fellow Venusians lived a pure and spiritual life. Refusing to be photographed, he boarded his ship and flew into space. The first contact was made.

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This was not, however, George Adamski's first encounter with an alien world. He claimed that on October 9, 1946, he saw a "home ship" in the shape of an airship above his California home, that is, nine months before the appearance of the legendary flying saucer of Kenneth Arnold.

George Adamski

George was born in Poland on April 17, 1891, and he and his family emigrated to New York two years later. From 1913 to 1916, Adamski served in the US Army with the US 13th Cavalry, K-Troop. In 1918 he worked as an artist and decorator for the Yellowstone National Park government. He also served with the National Guard stationed in Portland, Oregon, and received an honorary discharge in 1919.

It is believed that Adamsky acted as a successful bootlegger during the Prohibition era (1920-1933). In 1926, he settled in Laguna, California, and began lecturing on Eastern philosophy, although he had no formal training. In 1940, he moved to Valley Center, California and became increasingly mystical, creating an iconic movement known as the Royal Order of Tibet and adopting many self-appointed titles such as Professor and Philosopher. Adamsky and his cult followers finally settled on the southern slopes of Mount Palomar, which is famous for its peak and astronomical observatory. This was the beginning of the time when Adamski was known as the world's first alien contactee.

As Adamski's lectures became more frequent and his cult followers grew, so did his encounters with aliens.

He will require travel to the Moon, Mars and Venus. Often newspapers reported on Adamski and his amazing photographs of his crafts taken with his telescope.

When he published his first book, Flying Saucers Have Land, it became a bestseller in 1953 and allowed him to expand his field of activity.

In the second book, Inside the Flying Saucers, he was able to describe his experiences aboard the Venusian ship. He talked about his travels in space and described the moon that has yet to be explored. He reported that lunar dwellers "walked the sidewalks" in lunar cities, and forests, lakes and snow-covered mountains adorned the lunar surface.


Despite overwhelming evidence that his planetary excursions were a fallacy, Adamski continued to fascinate people. Queen Juliana of the Netherlands even received him at her palace, and Pope John XXIII, who was dying of cancer, allegedly allowed him to hold a private audience on May 31, 1963. His mission was to deliver an important package that he received from space to people in Copenhagen. This statement, of course, was refuted by the Vatican, but indirect evidence suggests that such a meeting took place. He traveled to the Vatican with two of his colleagues, May Morlet and Louise (Lou) Zinsstag.

Both witnesses say that he entered the Vatican through a side entrance (explaining why there will be no records of his visit) and stayed for an hour. When he entered the room, Adamsky claims that Dad smiled and said, "I was expecting you," and when George handed him the package, Dad replied, "This is what I was waiting for." The last words of the Pope before Adamsky left were: "My son, do not worry, we will do it."

At lunch that same day, Adamsky pulled out a small, lilac plastic wallet from his pocket. “It had the most unusual inscription I’ve ever seen,” Lou said. “The writing characters were of a very unusual type, certainly not Roman, not Gothic, not Russian, not Chinese, not Japanese, not Arabs, not Hebrew . Below the text was the date of the interview - May 31, 1963, written in Latin letters. Inside this little wallet was the most beautiful gold coin with the Pope's head profile. As it turned out later, it was a new universal coin, ready for sale, but not yet on the market due to the recent illness of the Pope. They also learned that it costs between 300 and 400 Swiss francs. Dad died two days later.


He wrote a third book, Farewell to the Flying Saucer, which was published in 1961, but by then cracks had begun to appear in his story. In 1959, the Soviet probe Luna-3 returned detailed photographs of the lunar surface, which showed nothing but rocks, craters and dust. When asked to comment, Adamsky stated that the Russians had retouched the photographs to deceive the United States.


On February 26, 1965, while Adamsky was in Silver Spring, Colorado, he and his girlfriend Madeleine Rodeffer witnessed another scout ship. Fortunately, Adamski's "space brothers" told him to get the movie camera ready, and he captured it on film. William T. Sherwood, optical physicist and former Eastman-Kodak project manager, spent a lot of time analyzing this footage.

He concluded that there was no sign of duplicity and determined that the object was approximately 8 meters across. Analysts still cannot explain how and why the camera is distorted from frame to frame. Veteran aeronautical engineer Leonard Crump suggests it was caused by the powerful gravitational field created by the craft. Unfortunately, every copy of the movie was stolen, so we will never know the answer.


When Adamski passed away on April 23, 1965 at the age of 73, he left a legacy that will no doubt provide a heated debate for years to come. For he provided not only circumstantial evidence, but also many photographs and videos, most of which are still being investigated. The footage, filmed on February 26, 1965, is some of the most compelling UFO footage ever obtained, and analysis is currently underway on a fragment of 5mm film showing the so-called reconnaissance craft. What can be found from these films can present George Adamski in a completely different light. We will still be surprised.
