The World's Only Boiling River - Alternative View

The World's Only Boiling River - Alternative View
The World's Only Boiling River - Alternative View

Video: The World's Only Boiling River - Alternative View

Video: The World's Only Boiling River - Alternative View
Video: The Amazon’s Boiling River Kills Anything That Enters 2024, June

A lot has already been written about her on the Internet. Initially, I assumed that this was some kind of wiring or a joke. However, that's how it is.

The unique and very dangerous river Mayantuyaku, also known as Shanai Timpishka (loosely translated means "Warmed by the heat of the sun"), is located in the depths of the tropical forests of the Peruvian Amazon basin.

The maximum width of the river is 25 meters, the depth is 6 meters, and the length is 6.4 kilometers.


Shanai-Timpishka is famous for the fact that the water temperature in it ranges from 45 to 100 degrees.


The average temperature in the river was 86 degrees Celsius. There is nothing alive in it, and if you put your hand in the water for just a couple of seconds, you can get a third-degree burn.


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The most amazing thing is that no one knows why the temperature is so high in the river. There are no thermal sources nearby, and the nearest active volcano, which could heat water, is at a distance of 645 kilometers.


The first information about Mayantuyaku appeared in the 19th century, but Andreas Ruzo “officially” opened the river to the world only in 2011. The Peruvian geophysicist was fascinated by the legend of the boiling river, and decided to find it by all means. But what he found in the jungle overwhelmed him!


And the legend was like this. When Ruzo was 12 years old, his grandfather told him an unusual story that happened when the Spanish conquistadors killed the last Inca emperor. Hungry for gold, the Spaniards headed into the Amazonian jungle in search of a fortune.


However, few Spaniards returned alive. The few who found their way back from the jungle spoke of "nightmares", giant snakes feeding on people, poisoned water, hunger, disease and "a river that seems to be heated from below by a big fire."


Upon arrival, a six-kilometer river of boiling water appeared before his eyes, the holy geothermal place of the Ashaninka people.


The ancient name of the river in free translation means "heated by the warmth of the Sun". At the source, the river is cold, but as it flows, it mixes with water from hot springs.


Until now, scientists are trying to solve the mystery of the only boiling river on the planet.