About Tartary. Part 1 - Alternative View

About Tartary. Part 1 - Alternative View
About Tartary. Part 1 - Alternative View

Video: About Tartary. Part 1 - Alternative View

Video: About Tartary. Part 1 - Alternative View
Video: BA poem Tartary - Lec 2, BA Part 1 - BA English Book 1 Poem PU 2024, September

Why was the mythical "Mongol-Tatar yoke" and the same mythical "Mongol empire" invented? It is obvious that for the same purpose that the new history of China was falsified - to conceal the very fact of the existence in the past of the pre-catastrophic center of the world - Great Tartary, and to erase from the peoples the very memory of this confederation of the descendants of the "white gods", successfully opposing the parasitic project of enslavement mankind through the imposition of the Abrahamic religions and the usurious financial system of interest on loans.

But what hostile force destroyed this civilization and helped its servants become the new center of the world? Why are all these events of the past so carefully hidden from us behind the pseudo-historical myths of the total project of falsifying history? What was the power behind this project and what are its goals? How did Tartary actually appear and die, and why is this topic considered taboo in official science? These and many similar other questions about the real past of human civilization can be found in the book of the Russian traveler, biologist, anthropologist G. Sidorov "The Legacy of the White Gods." But today we will try to answer only a part of them. Wto, for example, what kind of dialogue on this topic he brings in his book: part 1.

It must be said that the "biblical project" of the enslavement of mankind could not come true without the destruction of Tartary, on the path of which she stood. Therefore, the masters of the Vatican first destroyed the Siberian Confederation, and then, under the leadership of the Vatican itself, a total project of falsifying history was carried out. So, the history of Western Europe, China was rewritten, and then, under the leadership of the Vatican's servants, a new history of Russia was written, which stole from the Russian people several thousand years of history, and especially the very fact of the entry of Russia into a confederation with Tartary. And the emperor of the Qin empire, having entered into an agreement with the Jesuit monks who came to China, destroyed several hundred Chinese scholars and genuine Chinese annals, instead of which the Jesuits wrote a new history of China, in which there was no longer information about the northern confederation. And its place was taken by the so-called Vatican invented. "Mongol Empire".

Nevertheless, there is no mention of any "Mongols" in either the Old Russian or European chronicles. It mentions "Tatars". But these "Tatars" had nothing to do with the Kazan Tatars (who were then called the Bulgars) or the Astrakhan Tatars. Well, the people now known as the "Mongols" were generally called "Oirans" in those days. In addition, the very term "Mongol-Tatars" was coined in the second half of the 19th century by Polish historians who fought for the independence of the Grand Duchy of Poland from the Russian Empire. Naturally, for the rise of the national liberation movement, it was advantageous for them to present the Russian people, no longer as a fraternal Slavic, but as half-Mongoloids, into whom they allegedly turned over 300 years of the mythical "Mongol-Tatar yoke". And by the way,all modern studies of the genetics of the Russian people completely refute this pseudo-historical myth. But back to the book by G. Sidorov and here's what he writes next:

It is clear that after the destruction of authentic historical sources, as well as Chinese scholars, the Vatican Jesuits, following the path of least resistance, simply copied the new Chinese history from the history of the Roman Empire, replacing the places of events and the names of historical figures. And, of course, the Qin dynasty was not at all opposed to the increasing antiquity of Chinese history. But it should also be noted for those who know poorly even the history of the last century that not the PRC, but Taiwan is the heir to imperial China.

As for the current policy of the PRC towards Russia, it should be noted that in the 1990s and 2000s, China really used the tactics of "quiet intervention" against our country and precisely because it was a "partner", but in fact a colony Zion-Anglo-Saxon Empire. But since about 2008, the Russian Federation began to be exposed to open pressure from the parasitic West, pressure and sanctions, which could not but force its leadership to look for more adequate strategic allies. This is how the process of rapprochement between Russia and China began. Therefore, the policy of China, which was subjected to similar pressure from the United States, towards Russia has also changed.

As you know, “East is a delicate matter” and wise rulers always calculate the future many moves ahead. It is now not profitable for China to quarrel with Russia, having the same aggressive enemies with it. In addition, the use of Russian oil and gas allows China, which has debunked the liberoid false myth “about the imperfection of the socialist economic model,” successfully bypass Western sanctions. So, since about 2010, China has stopped "quiet intervention" against the Russian Federation and has focused on other areas, such as Australia and Canada, in which there has been a significant increase in immigrants from China in recent years.

As for the screams of liberoids and blindly believing them maydauns that allegedly "China is cutting out the Russian taiga," this myth, to put it mildly, is not credible, like all the other fakes of corrupt pro-Western creatures who work out the loot of their masters in order to embroil Russia with China … First, China accounts for only 19% of Russian timber exports. Everything else falls on other countries. Therefore, to say that it is China that cuts out our forest is fundamentally wrong. In addition, the forest is also used for the internal needs of Russia. It turns out that in the total volume of timber cut in the country, China accounts for even less than 19%.

Secondly, Russia cuts, harvests, and exports significantly less timber than the USSR, although almost all Soviet forests are located on its territory. So before you blindly believe in someone's hysterical screams, first check their reliability. All this data can be easily found on the web.

Aren't you tired of being gullible suckers, who are deceived by all and sundry? Do you really like it so much that on your deceit, corrupt, degrading non-people earn their "30 silver coins"? Well, their purpose is clear - to cut more dough from the owners. The goal of these masters is also understandable: to weaken the strategic alliance between Russia and China, allowing them to resist the economic, military and political aggression of the Zion-Anglo-Saxon empire, which is losing its leading positions in the world. There are many who want to get their hands on our natural resources, and China is far from being a priority here. Of course, I would not completely trust the Chinese, but it is also clear that in the next 20-30 years, the threat of the annexation of Siberia by China can arise only if the corrupt servants of the parasites manage to start the process of the disintegration of our country. So it turns outthat it is precisely those screaming about "China's cutting woods" and "Chinese occupation" that actually contribute to just such a scenario. Well, the story about Tartary and the reasons. leading to her death, we will continue in one of the following posts.

Read the continuation here.

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