5 Facts Confirming The Existence Of Aliens - Alternative View

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5 Facts Confirming The Existence Of Aliens - Alternative View
5 Facts Confirming The Existence Of Aliens - Alternative View

Video: 5 Facts Confirming The Existence Of Aliens - Alternative View

Video: 5 Facts Confirming The Existence Of Aliens - Alternative View
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Modern scientific discoveries make it possible to assume that we are not the only inhabitants of the universe. So, it is assumed that various creatures live in the solar system, some of which may even differ in the presence of intelligence.

At the moment, thousands of minds on Earth are no longer worried about the very existence of alien life, but the likelihood of its early detection.

What is known now? Here are some facts that prove the existence of aliens is not a myth.

Fact 1

In early 2019, scientists advanced the theory that one-fifth of Mars, more than 4.5 billion years ago, was the ocean floor, with a maximum depth of more than 100 meters. Signs of life that have lived in ocean waters are now showing up in soil samples. The assumption that life currently exists on Mars no longer seems ridiculous, since the fact of the existence of flowing water on the Red Planet was recently confirmed.

Fact 2

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It is known that for the existence of life, simply the presence of a water column is not enough. Time is a key factor in shaping life. In August last year, a study appeared on the Web, in which scientists deduced that the early assumptions about the existence of water on Mars are wrong. So, according to the study, the water on the planet was 200 million years longer, and life was present at the same time intervals as the last discovered lakes.

Fact 3

According to scientists, asteroids and comets are an important factor in the formation of life on Earth. That is, planetary collisions may have led to the formation of the main "building" materials - amino acids. Thus, interpreting the processes characteristic of the solar system in the conditions of other planetary systems, it can be assumed that asteroids and comets are also the source of life in the Universe.

Fact 4

Let's pay attention to the satellite of Jupiter - Europa. Here, researchers have found depressions in the form of scars, with characteristic brown veins. It is assumed that in these places liquid water comes to the surface from the depths of the satellite. It is believed that the body of Europa contains more water than the body of the Earth.

Fact 5

A similar reservoir for more liquid water is the moon of Saturn - Enceladus. Beneath the chilled, icy surface lies a whole ocean, scientists say. This accumulation of water is an excellent place for life to form, as discussed above, given that large hydrothermal vents have been found on Enceladus.

Thus, water, in particular its liquid form, is an ideal source of life, where, given the time factor, life can form. Depending on the conditions of formation, the new life will also have characteristic specific properties. The problem in studying the formation of life in the aquatic environment on other celestial bodies is the impossibility of reaching the same water column, due to its occurrence at great depths.