A Fragment Of A UFO Fell On India - Alternative View

A Fragment Of A UFO Fell On India - Alternative View
A Fragment Of A UFO Fell On India - Alternative View

Video: A Fragment Of A UFO Fell On India - Alternative View

Video: A Fragment Of A UFO Fell On India - Alternative View
Video: Something in the air: The increased attention to UFOs 2024, June

According to the Indian resource outlookindia.com on Friday morning, June 19, a "meteorite" fell in the city of Sanchor in the Jalor region of Rajasthan, about 530 kilometers from the capital of the state of Jaipur. According to local residents, who were the first to report the incident to the police and local administration, an object fell from the sky, making a terrible explosive sound.

“I was standing on the balcony of my house when I saw something falling from the sky. The first thought that came to my mind was the thought of a bomb. Soon, when this thing fell to the ground, there was a terrible explosive sound. As a result of the fall, panic began in the area. Most of the people in my village were awakened by this sound and the children were scared,”said Suresh Desai, a resident of Sanchora and an eyewitness.


According to Indian sources, the fall of the "meteorite" was accompanied by a "thermal effect, which led to the formation of a hole in the ground one foot deep."


The fall of the "meteorite" happened at about 7 am. The explosion was heard at a distance of two kilometers and the police immediately went to the scene with scales and the find was immediately weighed. Then the local Roswell area was fenced off with beautiful ribbons, and the “meteorite” was arrested and taken to the police station:


Promotional video:

In general, the situation with the arrests of meteorites and pirate treasures is rather strange. Okay, already, the state considers the found treasures “its own”, belonging to the chiefs sitting at the head of the state. But what does the state have to do with meteorites? Whoever found it is the owner, if the land is not private.

And if the earth is someone's, then, as they say: what has fallen is lost. The proverb came from medieval Europe, where if something fell from the cart when a merchant passed through the land of the feudal lord, it automatically became the property of the feudal lord.

So, in theory, it should be with meteorites. But for some reason the state takes them away, as if this whole state was created in order to remove the pieces of iron falling from the sky and not allow people to dig up information about their past in the ground. But back to the “meteorite”.

By all appearances, the “meteorite” is unusual, since iron meteorites almost always look like they are very difficult to distinguish from the surrounding stones:


Sometimes, if the stone is “fresh”, there is no rust on it and it looks more shiny:


Nevertheless, such an unusual and smooth shape like that of a piece of iron from India is an exceptional rarity for iron meteorites and suggests that these are not even meteorites at all, but fragments of some kind of pepel. From time to time people find them, but if earlier they made “sacred blades” from them, now scientists adepts grab the artifacts and begin to “investigate”.

So, most likely, it will be this time, however, from the appearance of the Indian meteorite, from the nature of its fall, it is easy to conclude: this is not a stone from the sky, but a fragment of some kind of ash, which annihilated with a deafening roar. And drops of iron, into which its fragments turned, scattered around the area.

Fortunately for the natives of the earth, the “Martians” have obviously given up on heptyl long ago, otherwise in India it would have been like the disaster at Baikonur. Although, of course, who knows what they use there. Maybe this piece of iron weighing 2.76 kilograms is plutonium, against which heptyl is a pure elixir. Sooner or later we will find out, because soon the pepelats will fall more and more often, so we are following the development of events.