The Orion Project For The Study Of Ancient, Alien And Antediluvian Civilizations - Alternative View

The Orion Project For The Study Of Ancient, Alien And Antediluvian Civilizations - Alternative View
The Orion Project For The Study Of Ancient, Alien And Antediluvian Civilizations - Alternative View

Video: The Orion Project For The Study Of Ancient, Alien And Antediluvian Civilizations - Alternative View

Video: The Orion Project For The Study Of Ancient, Alien And Antediluvian Civilizations - Alternative View
Video: What Is Hiding Under The World Famous Nazca Lines In Peru | Blowing Up History 2024, September

After analyzing the archive of documents again, I came to the conclusion that it is a fake. Blumkin's diploma is an obvious forgery, texts are printed on which the edits of the alleged 30s on typewriters of a much later period are printed, the facts presented about the hollow Earth are not experimentally confirmed

An anonymous person sent me the following photo:


By order of Andropov, a department similar to the Ahnenerbe was created, which received the code name "Rhombus", and the folders were marked with the code "Orion".

The picture shows 4 volumes, possibly many more.

russ_79 dug up some more interesting documents on the net.

Ahnenerbe's views on previous civilizations:


Promotional video:

I will give the following comment. First, civilizations are clearly divided into two main groups. Those on the left are the divine civilization, then there is the alien civilization. I believe this is an analogue of my term dominant race, which I used in the series of articles "Revenge". These are the civilizations that had control over the solar system, created native hybrids, and fought with each other. The civilization from the iron planet is most likely the Anunaki, and the iron planet is Nibiru, which once again indirectly confirms its artificial origin. In fact, Nibiru is the Death Star from Star Wars. True, unlike the famous epic epic, such ships move between systems for thousands of years, and tens of thousands of years are created. But before civilization from the iron planet, we see civilization from Icarus. Which is sharply separated from civilization from the iron planet. During the domination of this civilization, the civilization of the Lemurians and Antlants lived on Earth.

The conclusion that the Icarus civilization is the Reptoid civilization, which I called Phaetonian in the Revenge, directly suggests itself. That is, this is the civilization that converted Phaeton into a spaceship (the missing planet between Mars and Jupiter, for the Germans it is Icarus, and Phaeton for the Germans is a former satellite of the Earth, but the terms are not so important, the main thing is that I and Ananerbe talk about the same, civilization from a planet that was once between Mars and Jupiter)..

These guys created the kingdom of reptiles and dinosaurs on Earth, created the reptilian race of Lemurians (about one more proof of the Lemurians' reptoidness a little later). But then Icarus was defeated and destroyed. Most likely, a civilization from the iron planet, that is, the Anunnaki. These guys created all mammals, and then man. Moreover, they created the first Adams almost immediately upon arrival, but the Adams were not people. More about this in the series of articles "Priesthood".

Of course, questions arise with chronology. The civilization from Icarus operated 18-1 million years ago and during this time dinosaurs were created, and mammals then should have appeared only 1 million years ago, which seriously contradicts the current chronology. But I have already warned about this in my previous articles, probably, the currently approved chronology is very lengthened, in many respects to support Darwin's theory. Moreover, Sklyarov's studies show the phenomenon of time acceleration in the Pyramids, peas germinate much faster, and this is when the pyramid mechanism is severely destroyed. But, in my opinion, it is not time and space that is distorted, the speed of chemical and nuclear reactions is distorted. Somehow the pyramids can change certain fields or even the ether in such a way that atoms and molecules begin to interact with a greater speed. The option cannot be ruled out from here,that space civilizations deliberately accelerated chemical processes on the entire planet in order to quickly develop new types of biorobots in order to change the planet faster. Therefore, dating the half-life of unstable molecules is not a reliable method.

After the appearance of civilization from the iron planet, the Earth methodically goes through Armageddons, Floods. If this planet had invaded the solar system even during Icarus, then there would have been Floods then, but, judging by the scheme, they were not. This once again suggests that the iron planet appeared after the death of Icarus and was the cause of this death.

The Nazis tried to superimpose the Nazca drawings on the plan of the pyramids of Giza, and allegedly discovered the places where the knowledge of the gods and their artifacts are buried:


However, the "desert foxes" never reached the pyramids.

Information about the transfer of the technologies of the gods by the Tibetans to the Germans (flying saucers and, possibly, atomic weapons).


And here is one more proof of the existence of certain cavities under Antarctica.


It is obvious that the Germans tried to get there, and judging by the document they did, and they could even transport part of the leadership and specialists to Antarctica before the death of Germany.


During one of the surveys of the area, the Germans accidentally stumbled upon a second abandoned settlement, similar to the first "dead city", in the region of New Swabia. The researchers managed to find the entrance to the rocky cave there. Later it turned out that both "dead cities" were connected by a gallery.

In early November 1938, submarines arrived at the disposal of German polar explorers. They began to be used to survey the area of the warm current. On the first day, one of the submarines managed to successfully "dive" under the rock. After 800 meters, she was able to rise to the surface. The submarine found itself in a giant cave, connected with other caves located in the thickness of the mountain. The water in some of them was so warm that the sailors could easily swim.

The current was quite strong in places. Obviously, the lakes (and already the first studies showed that these were precisely quite deep lakes with fresh water) were fed by some underground river, rather, even a whole system of powerful springs. The Germans gradually moved into the depths of the lake system, until they finally found a place where the coast was quite gentle and it was possible to land on land. On November 14, 1938, according to von Krantz, researchers first set foot on the land of the kingdom of the foothills, soon christened by Valhalla.

This information led to attempts by Soviet submarines to enter the marked areas, which ended in contact with an unidentified underwater object, which was moving so rapidly and changing direction of movement that our submariners had to leave the area. subsequently, the Americans sent an entire aircraft carrier fleet to this area, under the leadership of Byrd. However, he met resistance from flying saucers, lost part of the carrier-based aircraft, one ship and a submarine. Subsequently, Antarctica was declared a demilitarized zone and there were no further attempts at armed penetration into Agarta.

Who is behind the flying saucers? Germans, inhabitants of the inner Earth or aliens? I am leaning towards the second or third version. It is unlikely that the Germans could create or master such advanced technologies in such a short time, and their resources were very limited, if the USSR and the United States believed that there was one Nazi base there, they would not spare their efforts and resources to destroy it. However, both superpowers were forced to retreat because they faced a larger force against which there was no point in waging an attacking war. Most likely it was so. Agartha really existed. The Germans really managed to find the entrance to it, they could even create a modest base there and evacuate a limited number of people there before their collapse. But after the Americans detonated nuclear weapons in 45 odes, the forward forces of the Reptoid Gray Zetas headed for Earth. They quickly took possession of all the ancient bases, the Germans could not offer them any serious resistance, and were either destroyed or submitted to them. And Byrd and our submarines (December 1945) met a year later with alien weapons that they could not effectively resist.

Documents about Blumkin:


Probably a sheet from Blumkin's interrogation protocol. Blumkin denies espionage in favor of Germany and mentions some hyper-technologies that are hidden under the ice of Antarctica (flying saucers and the atomic bomb).


With the execution of Blumkin, the thread connecting the “Soviet power” with mystical Tibet was cut off. And only 10 years later, sent to Germany by Comrade. Saveliev, head of the secret Androgen laboratory, located in Kraskovo near Moscow, will write with surprise in his report that German "ethnographic" expeditions are bringing amazing information and knowledge from Tibet to which it makes sense to draw the attention of the Soviet government. The documents brought by Saveliev from Germany.


The scientific group of Academician Savelyev and the first head of the scientific search expeditions of this group, Boris Zubakin, is ANDROGEN. Initially, a research group of Boris Zubakin was created at the OGPU, and already at the stage of scientific experiments and research of the results obtained, Academician Savelyev was connected and headed the research.

So, the research group of Soviet scientists under the leadership of Academician Comrade Savelyev and the "search and rescue" group under the leadership of Comrade Boris Zubakin - ANDROGEN.

Ahnenerbe's research allegedly about ancient civilizations, but I don't know German, maybe it's not about that at all. I would be glad if someone translates.


In addition to scans of documents russ_79, I also found the text of Anatoly Kopyev, allegedly a KGB report, the content of which is replete with data contained in Orion: "Hidden report".

Very much like the fact that this is the final report or report of the Orion project. It sets out a different history of the Earth, some aspects of physics that are currently incomprehensible. I will not cite it here in full, just rip out a couple of quotes:

The evolution of the solar system occurs from explosion to explosion of a supernova in the sun, over a period of 8 billion 100 million years. As follows from the materials of the scientific department of the SS-"Ahnenerbe", the Sun will explode again in the year 30814 of our time, having consumed the inner ring of the solar system in the flame of nuclear fusion of the planet.

The presence of a large amount of heavy metals in the solar system really speaks of a nearby supernova explosion, due to which these elements were formed.

5 billion 300 million years after the supernova explosion of the Sun, or 2 billion 800 million years ago The diameter of the Earth was 7000 km. The earth's crust formed giant cracks and broke into huge hectares - future continental plates. Water went into fractures in the crust, lowering the ocean level. There was a sedentary silicon life form on Earth.

In fact, here we are talking about the theory of the expansion of the Earth, an incomprehensible silicon form of life is also mentioned.

7 billion 400 million years after the explosion of a supernova of the Sun, or 700 million years ago, as a result of the development of the animal world and the biosphere, the first large animals, including dinosaurs, appeared on Earth - the intensive development and evolution of terrestrial life from marsh flora and fauna to land. The process of formation of dry soil biocenosis was launched. The diameter of the Earth has reached the size of 12,000 km. During this period, multi-tiered vegetation was formed that covered the entire land: the first tier - grasses and shrubs up to 2.5 m high, the second tier - pines and spruce up to 20 m, the third tier - eucalyptus trees up to 200 m, the fourth tier - disappeared trees up to 2000 m, the fifth tier - extinct giants up to 20,000 m. The remains of these extinct giants are still found on the planet in the form of fossils.

350 million years ago, the so-called. "The first etheric man". As follows from the texts of the Ahnenerbe Almanacs, it was created "in the indestructible, sacred country of Agartha", inside the Earth, "the cradle of mankind", "Lunar ancestors" - meaning the Gods who lived on the planet Icarus, which died 1.5 million years ago … The moon at that time was a satellite of Icarus, which revolved around the orbit of the Sun at a distance of 2.3 AU, and the Earth revolved in an orbit located at a distance of 1.8 AU from the Sun. Two satellites revolved around the Earth - Lel and Phaeton. (Appendix No. 14, scheme No. 1). So it turns out that the Gods who created man were from Icarus (ie "Lunar ancestors"). Inside the Earth during this period, an isolated world with a stable climate was formed, not subject to an external aggressive environment and natural disasters, with fresh water sources,an acceptable temperature for the creation of living forms of life. The first people, if they could be called human at all, had a 52-meter etheric "electrical" shell, so they were called the "Race of Angels". They were asexual and reproduced by division.

Hence, it is obvious that these creatures were not people. It was some form of life that had nothing to do with a hominid - a man.

… The height of the first Hyperboreans was 36 meters. At first they were asexual and reproduced by division. It took another 82 million years for humans of this race to reproduce by budding, and another 44 million years for them to reproduce with eggs. The Hyperboreans ceased to exist as a result of the evolutionary advance of the Lemurians 18 million years ago.

Third race. Lemurians (egg-born)

The Lemurian race appeared 28 million years ago. From the very beginning of this cycle, humans reproduced with eggs. At the same time, not only asexual people existed on Earth, but also animals. The height of the people was 18 meters.

It is obvious that the Hyperboreans, Lemurians and other supposedly people were not people. We see completely different principles of the reproduction of organisms. People probably meant precisely the intelligent component of these creatures. That is, these are not people, but intelligent species of beings. And the method of reproduction by eggs speaks, among other things, of the reptoid appearance of some of them. And before the Retpoids, there was probably a race of molluscs or other creatures that were bisexual.

After the arrival of the race from Icarus on Earth, evolutionary transformations take place in the animal kingdom. The number of their species has grown significantly. However, some species of animals became bisexual only over time. Such representatives of the animal world as plesiosaurs and pterodactyls were contemporaries of the Lemurians until the end of the third race.

there is an indication of genetic engineering. That is, the species did not appear evolutionarily, but with the help of genetic engineering of a highly developed civilization. Also, it is again indicated that the Lemurians and dinosaurs are contemporaries, and this again speaks in favor of the fact that the Lemurians are lizards, an intelligent species of lizards. And the Ikarians probably also have dragons, which developed the reptilian kingdom on Earth.

The reason for the disappearance of the Lemurians (1.5 million years ago) the death of Icarus (Venus)

The Lemurian continent stretched along the equator, from what is now Africa to Australia, up to the mountain range in the Himalayas.

1 million 500 thousand years ago in the solar system there was a restructuring of the planets of the inner ring of the solar system due to a catastrophe due to the collision of the "Iron planet" revolving around the sun in an elliptical orbit at a distance of 820.4 AU from the Sun. (at a distance of 123.06 billion km.) with the planet Icarus, which orbited the Sun at a distance of 2.3 AU, the debris of which subsequently formed an asteroid ring, and polar ice gave birth to comets. The core of Icarus became the new planet Venus (0.72 AU), which occupied the previous orbit of Mars, which, in turn, changed its orbit and moved away from the Sun at a distance of 1.52 AU. The Earth, which rotated before the death of Icarus at a distance of 1.8 AU from the Sun, moved into an orbit closer to the Sun at a distance of 1.5 AU … The former satellite of Icarus, the planet Moon, began to revolve around the Earth,and the satellites of the Earth - the planets Lel and Phaeton - perished in this catastrophe. The remains of Phaethon shuffled along the Earth's equatorial belt, destroying the continent of Lemuria, as well as most of the species of large animals and dinosaurs. Over the next hundreds of years, most of the Lemurians died due to natural disasters raging on Earth.

Most likely, the collision of Icarus with the Iron Planet should be understood not as the physical stress of these planets, but the collision of these two cosmic civilizations. The iron planet invaded the solar system, destroyed the reptoid metropolis from Icarus, Icarus proper, smashed the reptoid bases in Earth orbit, destroyed the Lemurian mainland. The moon. it seems that she managed to be taken by storm or she capitulated, and therefore survived. In the future, the Anunnaki-hominid giants rebuilt the planets at their discretion. The Earth was given the Moon, on which their base was already based, the remnants of Icarus - Venus were placed in its current orbit, Mars was moved (what was on Mars with the Ikarians and then is not reported, but something should have been there).

850,000 years ago, the leaders of Atlantis organized a rebellion against the Gods because of disagreement with the existing difference in the system of numbers and measurements that existed among people who traditionally have 5 fingers on both hands and, therefore, a 10-dimensional system of measurements and 6-12 (14, 4) the dimensional system of measurement of the Gods with 6 fingers on both hands, which was difficult for people to cope with. The 12-dimensional system of measurement imposed on humans caused controversy that led to an uprising that ended in the greatest tragedy in the history of the Earth.

The leaders of Atlantis sent their pilots - vimans to destroy "Agarta" - the refuge of the gods inside the Earth.

With the help of the weapons of the "Gods", the vimanas sent a beam of a force crystal from space to the center of the Earth, which led to an explosion of unheard-of power and the split of the island of Atlantis, the main part of which plunged into the depths of the ocean. This place is now the Sargasso Sea. Most of the "Gods" who lived underground and enjoyed the benefits of the Paradise they created, died due to the thermonuclear explosion of the inner core.

After this tragedy, the Earth changed its orbit around the Sun by a distance of 1 AU. Day instead of 48 hours was the usual for us 24 hours. Some of the surviving Atlanteans formed modern humanity.

An internal explosion inside the planet led to a shift in the electromagnetic and geographic poles.

From this passage, one can be convinced once again that animals are biorobots, artificially created by the race of intelligent beings for their own purposes. After these creatures leave, the biosystem degrades. Second, the gods were based not only on the moons of the planets, but also in underground bases.

Who were the Atlanteans and who did they fight with? Judging by this chronology, they could be the first experiments to create a human being on Earth. The experience was unsuccessful. The slaves rebelled and destroyed most of the colony of the gods on Earth. However, Atalntida was defeated and the gods created another version of humans, less talented and competitive. Or, the Atlanteans are the last version of the reptoid intelligent race, which was abandoned by the Anunnaki as slaves, but rebelled and tried to overthrow the dominance of the hominids.

Most of the Gods are 5.000 BC. flew to her planet, leaving the governors, whom they took 1500 years ago.

Again, it talks about the departure of the gods. and it is hardly a question of military defeat. It's just that the gods, in my opinion, decided to switch to other systems. And so it was announced that there would be no more flood. For Nibiru will no longer arrive.

Only after this will the waters of the Flood wash the land off the face of the Earth. Of the remaining people, only those who will be able to hide in high mountain caves in time, as well as some of the "chosen ones", whom the Gods who arrived from the "Iron Planet" will once again choose for the subsequent revival of mankind will be saved …

According to German scientists, the next Armageddon will come in 2014 in the 21st century (i.e. in 34 years).

Employees of the Research Institute of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces carried out an analysis and research arising from the theses of the US government report of 1980 to the US President "On the situation in the world by 2000". One of the four volumes of the report is devoted to global climate change and the forecast of the natural situation at the beginning of the XXI century (2000-2012). The report says that during the specified period of time, global cataclysms are expected on Earth, which will affect the life of mankind and the existing civilization.

By about 2010, there will be changes, first of the magnetic, and then of the geographic poles towards the North American continent. Within a month, the waters of the world's oceans will flood the land to a level of approximately 5000 m. For the North American states and the entire North American continent, safe places will remain on the peaks of the Cordillera mountain system and areas adjacent to the McKinley (Denali) height in Alaska (6.194 m.), Logan, USA-Canada (5951 m.), St. Elijah, USA-Canada (5489 m.), Orizaba, Mexico, (5700 m.) Popocatepetl, Mesquica (5450 m.). Within two weeks, the waters of the flood will wash off the Appalachian mountain system and Mitchell Peak (2037 m), and over the next two weeks the Rocky Mountains and Elbert Peak (4399 m) will go under water.

The North and South American continents will submerge within a month. Large industrial centers will be under water at a depth of up to 200 meters. A safe place for the South American continent will be the peaks of the Andes mountain range and areas adjacent to the peak of Aconcagua, Argentina (6960 m.), Ojos del Salado, Argentina-Chile (6908 m.), Boneta, Argentina (6782 m.), Huascaran, Peru (6768 m), Ilimani, Bolivia (6462 m) and Chimborazo, Ecuador (6310 m). Life-saving reality will remain with 4% of the population of the Americas.

Safe places for the African population will be the mountains of Kilimanjaro, Tanzania (5895 m.), Kenya (5199 m.) And Margherito Peak, Uganda, Congo (5109 m.). Life saving reality will remain with 1% of the African population.

The Australian continent will be completely flooded. There is no prospect of rescuing the Australian population.

The global picture of flooding, according to American experts, will represent the following events. The waters of the Pacific Ocean on the right side will wash away the North and South continents. On the left side - Australia, Southeast Asia, Indochina, Japan. In Russia, flooding will occur more slowly due to the large territory and the fact that the mountains of the Sredinny ridge of the Koryak and Kolyma highlands, as well as the Sikhote-Alin, Dzhugdzhur, Yablonevy ranges, as well as the Ural, Himalayan, Tien Shan and Kun ranges will be in the path of the Flood waves -Lunsky mountain systems. Taking this into account, the difference in inundation heights compared to the North and South American continents in Russia will be different. Moscow will go under water within two weeks from the moment of the disaster. The Ural mountains from Vorkuta to Orsk will be flooded to a height of one thousand meters. A great chance for salvation will be presented to the peoples living in the region of the Central Siberian plateau and the Tien Shan mountain system. The reality for saving lives in the USSR will remain with 25% of the population.

Life-saving reality will remain with 20% of Europe's population.

Most of the Mediterranean, including Turkey, will remain on the surface. Asia will submerge up to the Himalayan mountains. India will be flooded. The Tibetan Plateau will be a refuge for millions of Chinese people who will have a chance to escape this disaster. Safe places in Asia will be the mountain peaks of Everest, China, Nepal (8850 m.), Chogori, China, Pakistan (8611 m.), Kanchenjunga (8586 m.), Annapurna, Nepal (8078 m.). Life-saving reality will remain with 20% of the Asian population.

Thus, 80% of the world's population will die. Under these circumstances, the American government is concerned that after the alleged catastrophe Russia, the Arab world and Indochina will retain their industrial centers and part of their military potential. The Americans note in the report that the causes of this cataclysm will be associated with interplanetary dysfunctions. Specialists of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the USSR note that the US government is seriously engaged in studying the issue of geophysics and the passage of space bodies around the Sun, which can create "interplanetary dysfunctions." It is known that the US government has begun construction of a special base for rescuing people and animals in Alaska along the ten highest peaks located on the Alaska Ridge, near the cities of McKindy and Foraker. The construction of prefabricated centers has also begun in the area of the cities of Jerdine and Torbert. $ 500 billion has been allocated for the Center construction program. In the same region, pantomical bases of fuel and lubricants and mining equipment are being created.

Special forces have been created, where military engineers of the US Army are engaged in the development of deep alpine caves. The program has the code name "Argon".

According to the command and engineers of this unit, in the event of flooding of industrial centers, under which the facilities of the 16th Department are located, their internal infrastructure will cease to exist in 3 months due to the penetration of a large amount of water under pressure through the collector shafts of air intakes and connecting engineering structures, without which underground objects cannot function. During the construction and construction of these facilities, engineers took into account the protection against nuclear and hydrogen explosions and the coming consequences of a nuclear war, but not the global flooding of the land.


An example from other analytics on the same topic:

In a lithospheric catastrophe, two shells are involved: a stone one - the lithosphere and a water one - the hydrosphere, the World Ocean. The most dynamic and most mobile is the hydrosphere, therefore, during a disaster, the earth will only shake, not having time to change its shape in accordance with the changed position of the axis of rotation, while water will quickly redistribute, creating a lot of problems for land creatures. But the main thing is not even this, but the fact that during the catastrophe the axis of rotation moves along the Atlantic Ocean at a speed of 1 m / s and, like a giant piston, shifts the water of the South Atlantic to the north, squeezed from the east by Africa, and from the west by South America. A huge mass of water rushing into the Arctic Ocean will overflow it and it will begin to overflow into the Pacific Ocean through the Bering Strait. If we now compare the width of the Atlantic Ocean (about 6,000 km) with the width of the Bering Strait (35 km), it becomes quite clear that the bulk of the shifted ocean water will accumulate in the northern hemisphere, flooding the low-lying parts of Europe, Asia, Africa, North and South Americas.


Another, more powerful inertial wave will travel across the entire Atlantic from south to north. The fact is that the shores of the South Atlantic, bounded by Africa from the east and South America from the west, form a huge shovel filled with water. When Greenland with acceleration begins to push this "shovel" to the South, the water in it moves by inertia to its opposite end and rushes to the North along the winding bed of the Atlantic Ocean. If we consider that at its southern end the shovel has a width of 8000 km, and at its northern end it is only 1600 km, and that along its entire length of 20,000 km, the shovel will move at an accelerated rate, it becomes clear that a huge inertial wave will break into the Arctic Ocean and, slightly deviating to the east due to the rotation of the earth, will collapse on the West Siberian lowland, will reach its very end,will burst into the Turgai hollow and along it will deliver a fair share of ocean water to the almost dry Aral Sea. In the course of a lithospheric catastrophe, this scenario will be played out whenever there is a change in the speed of movement of the lithosphere, and since this process simply cannot proceed smoothly, the Atlantic Ocean will rinse the West Siberian Lowland with incredible zeal; will flood with its water through the Turgai hollow not only the Aral Sea, but also the low-lying territories of Kazakhstan, will fill and overflow the Caspian Sea, from which Atlantic water will begin to flow into the Sea of Azov along the Kuma-Manych ravine. All this has already happened and has happened repeatedly, as evidenced by the Turgai Hollow, the Aral Sea, the Uzboy ravine, along which the water from the Aral Sea flowed into the Caspian Sea;the Caspian Sea itself, the Kuma-Manych ravine and the Black Sea.

10 thousand years ago, the Black Sea had fresh water and freshwater fish lived in it.


In the very first days of the lithospheric catastrophe, southern Europe will face unpleasant consequences, and the reason is the same - inertial tsunamis. The Mediterranean Sea is a small ocean and in it the water level will also rise by 10 meters for each shift to the west by 864 kilometers; As a result, the water level in the Po delta, located 2300 kilometers west of the Turkish port of Iskendron, the easternmost port of the Mediterranean Sea, will be 27 meters higher, which is a real flood for Venice. And this is only the magnitude of the rise of water under the action of Coriolis forces, excluding the inertial tsunami, from which, apparently, all ports of the Mediterranean Sea and even Rome, where all roads lead, will suffer.

Global flood

The rise in water level in the Northern Hemisphere will continue until the water begins to overflow: into the Pacific Ocean through the Isthmus of Panama; to the Mediterranean Sea through Gibraltar and Southern France along the channel connecting the Garonne with the Mediterranean Sea; from the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea along the Suez Canal zone; through Israel - to the Gulf of Aqaba; through the Turkish province of Antalya - to the Persian Gulf; through the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles - to the Black Sea. It will be a real flood.

The path of the Atlantic Ocean from the Mediterranean Sea to the Indian Ocean is marked by a chain of still existing and already dry salt lakes. In Israel, it is the world famous Dead Sea; Antalya has a number of dried up salt lakes and lakes with extremely high salt concentration.

So Spain became an island; there are several rocky islets left from Great Britain; The East European Plain is flooded with water all the way to the Urals. The victims are innumerable, under water will be: Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Belarus, Ukraine, the European part of Russia, the low-lying parts of Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan.

There is a version that the authorities will use comet ISON (Big Comet of 2013) to hide information about the approaching Nibiru.

The comet was discovered on September 21, 2012 by astronomy lovers Vitaly Nevsky (Vitebsk, Belarus) and Artem Novichonk (Petrozavodsk, Russia, Petrozavodsk State University). In October 2013, the comet will become available for observations with binoculars, and from November 2013 to January 2014, the comet will be available for observations with the naked eye. At the moment of the closest approach of comet C / 2012 S1 (ISON) to the Sun, its brightness can reach −13 stars. vel., which corresponds to the brightness of the moon at full moon.

With this brightness, the comet will be visible in the daytime sky next to the Sun. But elongation less than 1 degree will lead to obstruction difficulties. It is possible that by the New Year 2014, the comet's tail in the earth's sky will be 45 ° long.

New data made it possible to clarify the orbit, which turned out to be open. This means that the cosmic wanderer will come to the sun only once.
