Natalya Bekhtereva: "I Cannot Be Convinced That Vanga Is A Charlatan" - Alternative View

Natalya Bekhtereva: "I Cannot Be Convinced That Vanga Is A Charlatan" - Alternative View
Natalya Bekhtereva: "I Cannot Be Convinced That Vanga Is A Charlatan" - Alternative View

Video: Natalya Bekhtereva: "I Cannot Be Convinced That Vanga Is A Charlatan" - Alternative View

Video: Natalya Bekhtereva:
Video: Презентация книги Е. Кокуриной "Наталья Бехтерева. Код жизни" 2024, June

On August 11, 1996, Vanga died in Sofia. publishes the memoirs of Natalia Bekhtereva about a clairvoyant.

The blind soothsayer Wanga died of breast cancer, refusing surgery and treatment. Her life is shrouded in many myths; many have tried to unravel the phenomenon of prediction. On the eve of the memorable date, we decided to recall the meeting of the soothsayer with the outstanding Soviet scientist, academician, doctor of medical sciences, head of the Human Brain Institute Natalya Bekhtereva. The neurophysiologist died in 2008, and therefore our material is based on her television interviews, where she talked about this unique meeting.

Let's start with the fact that Natalia herself, the granddaughter of the legendary psychiatrist Vladimir Bekhterev, after the death of loved ones, discovered in herself the ability to see and hear something strange. The priest saved the eminent academician from these visions: after a conversation with him, which, by the way, she does not remember and tries to explain by subconscious suggestion, she stopped seeing too much and was very happy about that. But nevertheless, she was interested in the psychic abilities of other people. To study this issue, she decided to meet with the world's most famous clairvoyant.

Natalia Bekhtereva
Natalia Bekhtereva

Natalia Bekhtereva

- In 1989 I went to Vanga out of purely scientific interests. I didn’t believe in her phenomenon, but I wasn’t going to expose, I wanted to see everything with my own eyes and understand what capabilities her brain had. When I came to her in Bulgaria, I remember that many people stood in front of the fence of her house. And Vanga shouted: “Natalya, you have arrived, I see! Don't hide behind a man,”although she didn't see anything and I didn't hide behind anyone, I just didn't come close to the fence. I admit that she could have been informed of my arrival.

I remember that Vanga was supposed to bring some kind of gift, she was mainly given dolls, and I brought a beautiful Pavlovo Posad shawl. But it turns out that it was necessary to communicate with this gift, to iron the scarf. I didn’t do anything, it was in my bag. Vanga immediately began to feel it and said: "You didn't touch him at all," and then asked: "Why did you come here?" I answered: "Aunt Wanga, for science!" She began to call some surnames and ask about them, but I answered that there were no such people among my relatives. She began to worry, get upset. While communicating with her, I did what I was not allowed to do, they warned me not to touch her, and I stroked her shoulder and said: "Aunt Vanga, calm down, everything is fine." And literally a moment after I touched her, she leaned back and said: “Your mother came,she's here. Do you want to ask her about something? " I was then determined that Wanga often tells those who come to her, they say, parents are angry with them that they do not come to their graves. My mother died in the south, my brother and I grew up in an orphanage, I went to her cemetery several times. And so she asked: “She's probably angry with me?” Wang replied: “No! This is all a disease - she had such a paralysis …”- and showed with her hands. So, she found out that my mother had severe parkinsonism. So, as a clairvoyance, I immediately discarded this moment. And then Vanga told me about her sister: "She will never get better" - and indeed, she lived for many years with a serious illness. Then she asked: "Where is your husband?" replied that in Leningrad, Vanga added: "Something I see him very badly …" And soon he tragically died (Bekhtereva's second husband,Head of the Main Department of Trade Ivan Kashtelyan, died several hours after the news that his son, a drug addict from a previous marriage, had hanged himself. - Auth.).

But the most interesting moment, after which I was convinced that Vanga has a certain perception of events that she could not know about, was different. She told me: “Why are you in your ministry in the habit of going to the deputy ?! This is not your person, there will be no sense from him. " Nobody could know for sure about this, I alone came to Moscow and dealt with a person who was outwardly very friendly, but unfriendly. He fooled me in every way and did everything to ruin the construction of the clinic. Vanga stressed: "Your man is Minister Chazov!" And then I realized that there really are superpowers of the brain, so I cannot be convinced that Wang is not a phenomenon, but a charlatan. But such people are terribly rare.
