Tips From The Famous Vanga - Alternative View

Tips From The Famous Vanga - Alternative View
Tips From The Famous Vanga - Alternative View

Video: Tips From The Famous Vanga - Alternative View

Video: Tips From The Famous Vanga - Alternative View
Video: 6 People Who Predicted the Future With Stunning Accuracy 2024, September

The treatment of the famous Bulgarian healer, clairvoyant and prophetess has always been based on the most valuable rule used from time immemorial - it is always easier to protect yourself from diseases than to be treated later. This is what she advised people who came to her for help.

1. You should never overeat. Indeed, when eating "all the way", the human body, instead of high-quality assimilation of food, will work to release it. The adage, “who eats a lot, eats little” is very relevant.

2. It is necessary to give preference to black, rye bread. According to experts, the composition of amino acids in rye bread is more complete than in wheat, and it contains more valuable vitamins (B1-thiamine, PP-nicotinic acid, etc.).

3. It is necessary to give preference to "white food" (milk, cottage cheese, feta cheese, beans, eggs). Obviously, here Vanga was in solidarity with Pavlov, who said: "milk is a product made by Nature itself."

4. Do not deprive children of liquid porridge. To this it should be added that liquid food (soups, stews, etc.) should precede solid food and drinking water during meals is strictly prohibited, since the efficiency of gastric juice secretion in the body is weakened.

5. It is recommended to drink tea from forest herbs more often. For example, from the leaves of raspberries, blackberries, currants, strawberries, lingonberries, ivan tea, linden flowers, mint, oregano, etc.

6. Stop smoking. The harmful role of smoking in diseases such as atherosclerosis with consequences (heart attack, stroke, cancer, gangrene, etc.) is well known.

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7. It is recommended to eat boiled wheat at least once a week. According to nutritionists, wheat grains, like oats (oatmeal), contain the greatest amount of the most valuable vitamins of all cereals (B1, B2 - riboflavin and PP). Moreover, the vitamin PP in wheat is almost 4 times more than in oats. It is known that vitamin PP expands small blood vessels, relieves spasms, thereby facilitating the work of the heart and normalizing blood pressure.

8. It should be remembered that each person is helped by treatment only with those herbs and plants that grow in the places where he lives.

9. Do not use chemicals in agricultural work. Extracting nitrates from the soil, all plants, including vegetables, do not fully have time to process them into amino acids, proteins, etc. An excess of nitrates consumed by humans (over 350 mg / kg) causes the development of pronounced poisoning of the body.

10. It is necessary to go to bed no later than 22 hours, and get up at 5-6 hours.

11. A person should be physically active, move more, engage in physical labor. Unfortunately, this truth is often neglected. Oh, in vain !.

12. In your life you need to strive for spiritual purity: to be kinder, learn to understand and love other people.