What Do We Know About Human Contacts With Aliens? - Alternative View

What Do We Know About Human Contacts With Aliens? - Alternative View
What Do We Know About Human Contacts With Aliens? - Alternative View

Video: What Do We Know About Human Contacts With Aliens? - Alternative View

Video: What Do We Know About Human Contacts With Aliens? - Alternative View
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We often hear about people meeting with different kinds of beings. These are paranormal events or encounters in one form or another with UFOs or alien species. These "contacts" are not one-off.


Dr. Jay Allen Heineck is one of the leading UFO experts, or in other words, Heineck is a ufologist. For many, this profession may be frivolous and even meaningless, but they believe in what they are doing and, in addition, there is countless evidence that their work is not meaningless and based on real facts.

According to Dr. Jay Allen Heineck, there are five types of so-called contacts, which he qualifies and justifies the differences between them. The very definition of "UFO contact" is Heineck's work, and at the same time he explains the different types and sightings of UFOs.

Type 1 contacts: When a UFO is observed at close range, this is considered the most common type of encounter.

Contacts of the second type: when a UFO is not only visible, but also leaves traces. This type of meeting includes anyone who has seen, for example, corn crop circles. These are those intricate circular patterns that appear at different levels around the world without any hint of how they were formed. Contacts of the second type would qualify even in the first, if some of them witnessed the formation of complex, even beautiful forms in the fields.


Contacts of the third type: when someone sees the UFO team itself or, in other words, one or more alien beings actually stand before their eyes. To get a more concrete idea, such a meeting is shown in Steven Spielberg's film Alien.

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Here is Dr. Heineck's initial list, but two more types of contacts have been added.

Type 4 contacts: Also known as alien abduction. It is not uncommon for people to say that they were abducted by aliens and visited other dimensions.


Contacts of the fifth type: these are cases of contact of aliens with a person by means of telepathy.
