Forgotten Gods Of The Ancient Slavs. Semargl - Alternative View

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Forgotten Gods Of The Ancient Slavs. Semargl - Alternative View
Forgotten Gods Of The Ancient Slavs. Semargl - Alternative View

Video: Forgotten Gods Of The Ancient Slavs. Semargl - Alternative View

Video: Forgotten Gods Of The Ancient Slavs. Semargl - Alternative View

Simargl (Semargl) (Old-Russian Semargl, Simargl, Sim-Rgl) - East Slavic god of Fire (Ognebog). First of all, his name is mentioned in Russian chronicles - the pantheon of Prince Vladimir, it probably came from the old Russian "smag" ("After him, Karn and Zhlya will click on the Russian land, Smagu mychyuchi in a rose flame"), i.e. fire, flames. Fire-Svarozhich was presented in the form of a half-snake, a half-snake. Probably the mediator between the real world and the heavenly world, which in the Hindu (Vedic) tradition is the god of fire - Agni1. He is a foaming (fiery) snake from conspiracies. Mentioned in the Pais'ev collection of St. Gregory (14th century) and the Zlatoust collection of 1271 Ognebog-Yognebozh, according to the "Veda of the Slavs" by A. Verkovich among the Bulgarians-Pomaks2:

Fala ti Yogne God!

Fala ti Yasnu Slantse!

You heat chi on the ground.

Peckenuvav sich zeme …

… Pokrivash e tsrna muggle, that sa niche and glaed."

According to the “Book of Kolyada”: “The God of the Moon and Fire, the god of fiery sacrifices and the hearth of home Semargl Svarozhich stands guard at night in the heavens with a fiery sword. He does not let evil into the world. This is how he answered the goddess of the night, the Bathing Lady, who called him to the Ra-river3 in Rusalia - love games:

Promotional video:

“I have to stay awake all night until dawn, I need to stand guard in heaven

So that the Black Serpent does not crawl out of the darkness, I would not have trampled a livestock in a wide field, I would not take milk from cows, and mothers have little children."

Only once a year, on the day of the Autumnal Equinox (September 22 or 23), does he step down from his post, responding to the call of the Bathing Lady. And then the Night becomes longer than the day and evil enters the world as a black cloud. And on the day of the Summer Solstice (June 20 or 21), nine months later, children are born to Semargl and Kupalnitsa - Kostroma and Kupala”;

“At the beginning of time, when Svarog hit the white-combustible stone Alatyr with a hammer, the Fiery God Semargl was born from a spark carved from the stone, as well as all the heavenly Ratichi - the warriors of Svarog. The radiant Fire God Semargl appeared in a fiery whirlwind that cleans from all filth. He, like the Sun, illuminated the entire Universe. Under Semargl was a golden-maned horse with silver wool. Smoke became His banner, and fire became His horse. Where He rode on His horse, a black scorched track remained. From the great fire of Svarog, then God's wind rose - this is how the god of the winds Stribog was born. He began fanning the great flame of Svarog and Svarozhich-Semargl. The Great Black Serpent, born of the World Duck, decided to imitate Svarog. He crawled up to Alatyr and hit him with a hammer. From this blow, black sparks scattered around the world - this is how all the dark forces, the dasuni demons, were born. And then Semargl entered into a fight with the Great Black Serpent and his army. But Svarozhich lacked strength, and the Red Sun faded. The Black Serpent flooded the entire Earth with darkness. And Svarozhich went up to the heavenly smithy to his father Svarog. The Black Serpent also flew to Svarga. He licked through the three heavenly vaults with his tongue and entered the heavenly forge. And then Svarog and Semargl grabbed the tongue of the Black Snake with red-hot tongs, shortened it and harnessed it to the plow. Then the gods divided the Earth with this plow and into the kingdom of Reveal and the kingdom of Navi. In Yavi, Svarog and Semargl began to rule, and in Navi, the Black Serpent. Svarog and Svarozhich are Father and Son. The Vyshny Himself was the son of Svarog. Perun and Semargl were Svarozhichs. "And Svarozhich went up to the heavenly smithy to his father Svarog. The Black Serpent also flew to Svarga. He licked through the three heavenly vaults with his tongue and entered the heavenly forge. And then Svarog and Semargl grabbed the tongue of the Black Snake with red-hot tongs, shortened it and harnessed it to the plow. Then the gods divided the Earth with this plow and into the kingdom of Reveal and the kingdom of Navi. In Yavi, Svarog and Semargl began to rule, and in Navi, the Black Serpent. Svarog and Svarozhich are Father and Son. The Vyshny Himself was the son of Svarog. Perun and Semargl were Svarozhichs. "And Svarozhich went up to the heavenly smithy to his father Svarog. The Black Serpent also flew to Svarga. He licked through the three heavenly vaults with his tongue and entered the heavenly forge. And then Svarog and Semargl grabbed the tongue of the Black Snake with red-hot tongs, shortened it and harnessed it to the plow. Then the gods divided the Earth with this plow and into the kingdom of Reveal and the kingdom of Navi. In Yavi, Svarog and Semargl began to rule, and in Navi, the Black Serpent. Svarog and Svarozhich are Father and Son. The Vyshny Himself was the son of Svarog. Perun and Semargl were Svarozhichs. "and in Navi - the Black Serpent. Svarog and Svarozhich are Father and Son. The Vyshny Himself was the son of Svarog. Perun and Semargl were Svarozhichs. "and in Navi - the Black Serpent. Svarog and Svarozhich are Father and Son. The Vyshny Himself was the son of Svarog. Perun and Semargl were Svarozhichs."

In the "Veles book" (translated by N. V. Slatin), this is the story of this deity: "But the Firebog Semargl itself is common (ie" common to all people "," belonging to all people "), ardent, quick-born, pure."

He is, quite possibly, Rarog, Rarozhek is the son of Svarog, according to Czech and medieval sources. Already in Christian times in the PPJ (Teachings against paganism), according to academician B. A. Rybakov, Pereplut is named - the god of soil, plant roots, plant power, but there are no grounds for identifying Pereplut (the guardian of seeds for sowing) and Semargl. Such a correlation, of course, has a certain sacred meaning, since plants, under the influence of sunlight, seemed to pierce (horn) the soil and go out to the sun, but Semargl is also not connected with the sun.


According to the "Tale of Bygone Years", the year 980, Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich (Krasno Solnyshko) "put idols on the hill outside the courtyard of the Teremnago: Perun a tree … and Khors, Dazhbog, and Stribog and Simargla, and Mokosh", but already Synopsis 4 Simargla among Gods, honored by Vladimir, does not mention.


The functions of this god and the meaning of the word "Simargl" have not yet been clarified. It is not even known whether this is one deity or two: in different monuments the spelling is different: in the "Tale of Bygone Years" it is said about Simargl, and in the word of a certain Christ-lover of the XIV century: “They pray to Svarozhich for fire, and god of garlic, but they create it - Whenever there will be a feast, then they put i and cups in buckets, and drink about their own idols, having fun, they are not bad the essence of heretics, "and also" believe … in Shem and Rygla (Yergla). " Probably, in the Middle Ages, he was misunderstood by the name of two gods at once: " For that, for the sake of it, it is not proper for the Christ to play Bezov's games, who eat dancing, gudba, songs of myr and the food of idlskaa, those who pray to fire before the barn and the pitchfork and Mokoshi and Sim and Rnu and Rod and Rozhanitsi "(" The Word of Bribery "according to the list of the 16th century). The interpretation of R'gla as a separate lizard-like deity is not justified, because recognizing him, one will have to prove that Prince Vladimir established the pillars of both Shem and R'gla, while more than one historical source does not indicate this.

In later sources, one name is Si (e) margl or Semurgl. I. E. Zabelin5 believed that "Shem" and "Regl" are Assyrian words, meaning the worship of fire. A. S. Famitsyn6 interpreted Yergl as Yeryl, that is, Yarilo, leaving Sim inexplicable. Finally, the word Simargl is interpreted as Semi-Yarilo, assuming that the idol of Yarila with seven heads is meant here.

In 1933 K. V. Trever suggested that the image of Simargl is related (due to Indo-European unity) or goes back to Senmurv (Senmurv) - a giant magic bird with the features of a dog from Iranian mythology. B. A. was inclined towards the same concept. Rybakov8 (in the 80s of the XX century). He tried to determine the sphere of power of Simargl based on the available knowledge about Senmurv, who in Iranian mythology protects the World Tree, which contains the seeds of all plants. Therefore, the mythological functions of Simargl were defined by him as the protection of crops. But already in the 90s of the XX century, this concept was sharply criticized by M. A. Vasiliev, who finds in it a number of weak points: firstly, he considers the penetration of the Iranian image of a winged dog not only to Russia, but also to the outskirts of the Iranian world,where he - theoretically - could have been borrowed by the Russians; secondly, even if this image was somehow perceived, there is no evidence of the existence among the Slavs of such a mythological character as a winged dog. In those images where B. A. Rybakov found winged dogs, M. A. Vasiliev sees either images of dragons of the Romanesque type, or images of mixamorphic creatures. Probably, there is a connection of this god with the Firebird (fiery messenger of happiness), bringing his happiness.there is a connection of this god with the Firebird (fiery messenger of happiness), which brings him happiness.there is a connection of this god with the Firebird (fiery messenger of happiness), which brings him happiness.

Semargl-Svarozhich was honored in all those days when the national calendar is replete with signs of fire and fire. On April 14, Marena burns down in a ritual flame, and together with her Semargl melts the last snows. September 17 - Burning Bush, possibly Gout. Semargl-Svarozhich is honored from November 14 to 21 in Svarozhki, the image of Svarozhich-Fire merged with the image of the Archangel Michael with a fiery sword.

Agni (Fire)

Slavic religious symbol of the god Semargl - Agni (Fire) - Sacred Fire of the altar and hearth; a protective symbol of the Supreme Light Gods, protecting dwellings, temples and the ancient wisdom of the NATIVE Gods.


Svarozhich - the son of the god Svarog - one of the most powerful deities of ancient Slavic mythology, reigned from September 28 to October 15. Among the ancient Slavs, Svarozhich personified earthly fire. Svarozhich - the god of fire, came from the sky, from the Sun. Beneficial powers were attributed to him, because he gave warmth and light, and destructive ones, since fires and droughts happened because of him. Some Slavic tribes revered Svarozhich as a god of war and victories. Svarozhich was considered the patron saint of warriors, natural elements, and professions of people. Everyone who is lucky enough to be born under the sign of Svarozhich will live their whole life with meaning. The first half of their life is likely to be a real struggle, but the second will bring wealth, honor and universal respect.

A special celebration is the “Name Day of the Barn” (October 7), offering a sacrifice to God, having drunk the barn, at the banquet table, eating the proper food. Then they threshed the bread and crumpled the hemp. Golden autumn is the time of Svarozhich-Ovinnik. Svarozhich's birthday was celebrated on the day of the autumnal equinox, when nature celebrates the farewell ball of autumn colors.

Svarozhich is a symbol of heavenly fire that fell from the sky and was tamed by people. Therefore, art and craft give the meaning of the life of a person-Svarozhich, who is distinguished by a refined artistic taste, the ability to see beauty everywhere and open it to others. Svarozhich has a luminous character. His sad half-smile is irresistible, but he must not forget that despondency is a terrible sin (because it goes to his own detriment). Man-Svarozhich is well versed in life with the help of observation and high intelligence. People of this sign are rational and strive to put everything on the shelves. Otherwise, they cannot: they are born at that time of the year when the reserves for the winter are being counted. Everything that has been collected should be enough until next summer. People-Svarozhichi are smart, rational, think well and navigate in space. They are created to move science and culture forward. Svarozhich gives an inextinguishable fire of thought. All crafts are subject to him, from blacksmithing to graceful poetry. Man-Svarozhich is an excellent teacher. He brings people the light of knowledge, shining with the refinement of thought and the perfection of style. It must be protected so that it does not burn completely in the creative divine fire.

In marriage, Svarozhich comprehends the law of dual unity and fully finds himself. The time for autumn weddings begins with Svarozhich's name day. A person of this sign believes in an ideal marriage and in the fact that somewhere in the world there is his soul mate. If he seriously embarks on the search, without wasting on trifles, there really is a half.

Svarozhich draws his energy from fire, which he can look at endlessly. Two totem birds bring good luck to Svarozhich: a rooster and a swan. For Svarozhich, the main thing is not to lose his ideals, moral guidelines and always burn without burning.