Is There A Destiny? - Alternative View

Is There A Destiny? - Alternative View
Is There A Destiny? - Alternative View

Video: Is There A Destiny? - Alternative View

Video: Is There A Destiny? - Alternative View
Video: Compatibilism: Crash Course Philosophy #25 2024, September

The word fate has been known since ancient times and is found in almost all languages, but almost the same number of disputes are ongoing - does it still exist or not?

Someone thinks that all this is fiction - any insignificant choice can lead to any consequences, and all life and the course of history are a series of accidents. Others, on the contrary, believe that everything is a foregone conclusion and a person has no choice - he slides like a trolley on the laid rails and cannot go to the side.

Let's try to figure it out and draw our own conclusions.

Let's start with what is generally understood by this word. Almost any action and situation has several possible consequences. As a result, one scenario is realized, and the rest are sent to the area of the unfulfilled and become "alternative options."

Fatalists believe that no matter how many potential opportunities there are, “what should have been,” that is, a pre-written history, will still come out. Those who deny fate, on the contrary, believe that everything is decided at the last moment, taking into account all important factors, and no one can predict the result for sure.

So how does it actually turn out? Let's imagine our life as a road we walk on. Let it be a forest path, so it will not be the same everywhere - somewhere wider, somewhere narrower, there will be “crossroads” with other paths and forks on it, as well as bypasses of puddles that remain after the rain. Each person has his own, unique road - its length, surrounding views and the number of forks will be different for everyone.


Almost all the time, a person makes decisions - most of them, as a rule, are not fateful, but are related to everyday affairs. To go to the store or not, to meet with friends, what is the best way to do your job. Such decisions are unlikely to change our lives, it is like walking along one side of the path or the other.

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There is a more important choice - when we think about which journey to go, what to spend our savings on, what people to communicate with. It resembles small forks when the path is divided into several parts. Most likely, then these parts will again run into one, that is, regardless of where the person goes on vacation or what item he buys for himself, soon these impressions will be forgotten and the outcome of the choice will no longer be so important.

But it also happens in another way. When, walking along our own road, we come to an intersection. These crossroads, or “key points”, are turning points in human destiny. Here the roads diverge in different directions, and may never cross again. At such moments, there is a possibility of choice on which further life depends - for example, profession, life partner, place of residence, and so on.


However, there is one caveat here. Not every choice that we personally consider important and momentous is a “key point”. It happens that he is just a small fork.

For example, a future student hesitates between two specialties, plaguing others and himself with endless doubts. Nevertheless, no matter what he chooses, it is written on both of his roads that he will have little interest in his studies, and after the institute he will open his own business. As a result, the consequences of choosing a profession in five or six years will be little perceptible, both paths will close at one point and run on.

As a rule, there are not so many key points and long alternative roads in every person's life. Everything is individual here, but I think in most of the possible scenarios there are no more than five or six. Crossroads can be at the point of birth (that is, a person can be born to different parents or even in different countries), at the stage of choosing a profession, at the stage of creating a family, and so on - everyone will have their own options.

There are people with only one path (if life is very short or it so happened that there is no choice in it), there are obviously those who have dozens of options, everything is very individual here. It happens that in the course of life new roads open, which at the beginning of the path were not accessible. Since we all live more than once, the number of accessible roads changes from life to life. Don't complain that someone has more choices in life - it's a variable.

The importance that a person attaches to this or that event does not make it a “key point”. Because it is rather an assessment based on logical reasoning, and it is possible to understand whether this or that key event is only by “shifting” the filter of perception in such a way that at least a partial sensation of past and future chains comes.


Alternative chains cannot radically differ from the main one, simply because they are nearby. That is, it cannot be such that in one chain a person is rich, healthy and happy, and in another poor, sick and unhappy - the general emotional "exhaust" in different variants of life is similar.

Even if, for example, in one version a person lives longer and in a more prosperous country, then in this case there may be some reservations that will not make his existence many times more pleasant compared to the other option. One way or another, there is a certain common denominator of all available chains, that is, a certain internal and external state that will be inherent in this particular life.

Why is that? Yes, because we are all born many times, so all our current roads are a continuation of the past. Therefore, we have a certain "plan" for what needs to be experienced and done - it is formed on the basis of our past desires and "debts" to other people. Based on this, we have a "map" with available options for life.

Well, the last, probably the most pressing question - is it possible to learn to control fate and change your life? Undoubtedly, everyone has certain opportunities for this.


Firstly, making efforts to achieve a certain goal, at small and large forks, a person will intuitively choose the option that will bring him closer to it. For example, if you strive for prosperity, then you can live the "richest" possible branch of your life, or the most eventful, if you want adventure.

Secondly, by developing intuition, you can learn to feel which option of action causes approval and pleasant feelings in the soul, and which does not. People often act relying only on logic and not listening to themselves. This is wrong, because our soul, unlike the "everyday" consciousness, has access to all "maps of the area" and knows which road will be better for us.

And thirdly, the most important thing is that by choosing options where we help others, we will automatically make good roads more accessible to ourselves. After all, whatever one may say, nobody canceled the law of balance - the more good you do, the more you get in return.