Show "Ural Dumplings" - Destructive Power Of Humor - Alternative View

Show "Ural Dumplings" - Destructive Power Of Humor - Alternative View
Show "Ural Dumplings" - Destructive Power Of Humor - Alternative View

Video: Show "Ural Dumplings" - Destructive Power Of Humor - Alternative View

Video: Show
Video: Russian comedy sketch Uralskie Pelmeni "Performance in Kindergarten" with English subtitles 2024, September

Any information that enters the mind must be able to assess sensibly. This will allow you not to be deceived and misled. It is a mistake to believe that entertainment content does not have to be subjected to rigorous analysis, because its main task is to distract a person from everyday worries and problems, to have fun, to give positive emotions.

It is through entertainment content in the era of information wars that behavioral stereotypes and patterns of thinking are unobtrusively promoted. This process takes place painlessly, because a person who is tuned in to rest and entertainment mutes critical thinking, because does not expect a catch. For example, consider what ideas the humorous TV show "Ural dumplings" carries.

“Uralskie dumplings” - a creative association, originally organized as a KVN team; since 2009, the band members have been presenting a humorous show of the same name on the STS TV channel. The rating on "Kinopoisk" is 7 out of 10, age category 12+. Since its foundation, 118 episodes have already been released. On the website of the STS channel, the description for the show says: “They are not actors, they are masters of transformation. In their rich arsenal - killer jokes, sparkling cartoons and hilarious songs. Official dealers of humor, as the Uralskiye Pelmeni team proudly calls itself, are distinguished by their complete unpredictability in the choice of plots and are striking outright with their witticisms for people of any age. From season to season they do not get tired of surprising viewers with their magnificent and unconventional attitude to humor."

The release of 2019-08-03 caught my eye, which was a collection of numbers from different series. The first was a sketch about a chemistry teacher who came to work on March 9 in a state of severe hangover. The students' homework was the topic "Classification and properties of alcohols", so they brought home wine. During the lesson, an equally suffering technology teacher enters the class, applying a cold compress from a blackboard rag to her forehead, and the head teacher, who needs two students to carry it in her arms, since she herself is unable to move. The main character herself behaves cheekily and rudely, there are jokes about bribery among teachers and a strange joke about a postcard with a teacher's love confession to her student. Having released the students early, the teachers gather in the chemistry classroom to get drunk with the same homemade wine.

  • Then there was a number about a man - a factory worker who came to a strip club to order a stripper for his wife on March 8th. And not just as a gift, but as an apology for February 23, so that “her resentment goes away, but the bruise goes away”. As a result, while the man was talking with the chosen stripper, he was hired by some type for his mother-in-law. That's the whole "killer joke". And the humor is probably that the beatings can be made up for with a stripper. And rather than working at a factory for a small salary, it is better to sell to "show business".
  • Next, they played a scene about a stupid girl who for the 15th time cannot pass a driving test. She is so stupid that she locked the car door and cannot get out, and only a branded handbag helped lure her out of there.
  • Then - a number about a collection of women's complexes. On the agenda is the question of whom to turn over to a psychologist so that the rest can live. And in the spring it is planned to drive the owner of the complex into depression “with a binge”. In the room, by the way, children take part - they personify complexes. Indeed, they differ in their unpredictability … And then came the Confidence, which "I am a goddess." “Sober? When was she sober?.. " And what is the main message of the joke? That we are all notorious, and only alcohol gives confidence?
  • Then there is the number about the first date, where a man is unemployed, saving on everything (and at the same time, for some unknown reason, not looking for a job), and a girl is a blogger, desperate to find a companion for herself and, apparently, agreeing to anyone.
  • Then there is a joke about a wealthy man who brought his wife back to the plastic surgery clinic, because instead of his wife, he was given some unknown young lady, and he noticed this only two weeks later. Question to the girl: "Why didn't you tell me ?!" Answer: “And as I say, he has a Merc.
  • A joke about matchmaking in the early 19th century, where the groom “… educated, well-read, cultured - this is not about him. He's rich. " The groom is old and full of oddities, but everything can be forgiven for his wealth.
  • A sketch about the school of football players' wives, where the young ladies, of course, are as stupid as traffic jams, elaborately dressed up, generously painted traffic jams.
  • We also touched upon the topic of cohabitation of a young family with the wife's mother. Of course, it was not without alcohol and old flat jokes about two button accordions.
  • Cherry on the cake - a cartoon about a boat trip of lovers. The young lady enthusiastically tells the gentleman that at the Firsovs' reception, Count Firsov was torn off his head, first his body was buried, and then the head found: “The man had two funerals. Lucky! " And at the reception at the Selivyurstovs, fried peasants were served … Probably jokes about death and cannibalism are the very unconventional attitude towards humor.

In the hall, the audience bursts into happy laughter. A close-up cameraman shows wide smiles. In addition to adults, there are adolescents and children who have clearly not even reached the declared age limit. And the age limit "12+" - in the show with jokes about striptease and funeral.

Someone might say that the situations are taken from life and just exaggerated to the point of ridiculousness. It is important to remember here that television does not reflect reality, but shapes it. Someone would argue that the show is satire. Not. Arkady Raikin had satire, where each number was holistic, contained an idea, a moral, understandable and accessible to everyone. And in this case, we have, rather, the Overton windows, when, through jokes, unacceptable norms of behavior pass into the category of everyday life and norms. I really do not want the broadcast images and concepts to rush from screens into real life. And for this you need to understand the mechanisms of control and manipulation of consciousness, study the relevant information, and share it with your environment. Boldly, comrade, glasnost is our strength!

Promotional video:

Anastasia Belaya-Vetrova
