Genetic Memory - Alternative View

Genetic Memory - Alternative View
Genetic Memory - Alternative View

Video: Genetic Memory - Alternative View

Video: Genetic Memory - Alternative View
Video: “Transgenerational Biology” - The Biology of Heritable Memories | Oded Rechavi | TEDxVienna 2024, May

Let's try to understand a little about the concept of "genetic memory". Let us refer to the definition of this term given in the book “Secrets of Hypnosis. Modern view "psychophysiologist and hypnotherapist L. P. Grimaka.

Genetic memory is understood as the ability to “remember” something that cannot be remembered in any way, that which was not in direct life experience, in the everyday practice of the individual. It is also called "the memory of ancestors", "the memory of the Family", etc.

The first thing that can be said about this phenomenon is that genetic memory is located somewhere in the backyard of memory, in the far corners of the subconscious, in the sphere of sensations. She sometimes floats out of the subconscious and causes vague images, impressions and sensations.

Secondly, today it is already known that during pregnancy, the fetus in the womb sees dreams about 60% of the time. From the point of view of SP Rastorguev, the author of the book "Information War", it is genetic memory that manifests itself, and the brain looks at it and learns. "A genetic program containing the lives already lived by the ancestors is fed to the initial void that the embryo is destined to fill in the mother's womb." Thanks to science, today we know that the human embryo in the womb in the process of maturation, passing through the entire cycle of evolutionary development - from a single-celled organism to a baby, “briefly recalls its entire history as the history of the development of a living being”.

As a result, the newborn child retains the genetic memory recorded by all his historical ancestors. For example, a newborn has the ability to float on its own. This ability to swim is lost after a month. Those. children are born with a full arsenal of knowledge, carefully preserved over centuries of evolution in genetic memory. And up to 2 years old, the child retains sound, visual, tactile genetic memory. Unfortunately, as a child grows and learns, access to genetic memory decreases.

That is, being present in our psyche, genetic memory data are usually not available to us in conscious comprehension. Since the manifestation of this memory is actively counteracted by our consciousness, trying to protect the psyche from “split personality”. But genetic memory can manifest itself during sleep or a state of altered consciousness (hypnosis, trance, meditation), when the control of consciousness is weakened. Those. under certain conditions, the brain is able to "pull" this information.

Third, let us note that genetic memory is built into the structures of the "collective unconscious." Psychologist Carl Jung considered the "collective unconscious" as a deep level of the psyche, independent of personal experience, and inherent in every person. The collective unconscious stores many primary, primordial images, which he called archetypes. They are not so much memories, but rather predispositions and potentials. In Jung's words: “There are as many archetypes as there are typical situations in life. Endless repetition has captured these experiences in our mental warehouse, not in the form of images filled with content, but at first only as forms without content (some matrices - the authors' note), representing only the possibility of a certain type of perception and action."

Moreover, archetypes are not transmitted through culture, Jung said, but are inherited, i.e. are transmitted genetically. Thus, Jung believed that the experience of an individual is not lost, but inherited from generation to generation, remaining in the far corners of the brain, that images and impressions from ancestors are transmitted to a person through the subconscious.

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Moreover, according to Jung, there is a certain inherited structure of the psychic, which has developed for hundreds of thousands of years, which forces us to experience and implement our life experience in a very specific way. And this certainty is expressed by archetypes that affect our thoughts, feelings, actions. … The unconscious, as a set of archetypes, is the residue of everything that has been experienced by humanity, right down to its darkest beginnings.

But not by a dead sediment, not by a field of ruins, but by a living system of reactions and dispositions, which invisibly, and therefore more effectively determines individual life. However, this is not just some kind of gigantic historical prejudice, but the source of instincts, since archetypes are nothing more than forms of manifestation of instincts."

According to Jung, archetypes (spiritual structures, religion) are associated with physiological instincts (body), and the collective unconscious depends on the evolution of the brain, "since the brain is the main organ of thought" (psyche). All this speaks of the integral connection of the psyche, body and spirit.

Fourthly, Jung clarifies that, due to biological factors, there are differences in the collective unconscious of various human races: “Of course, at an earlier and lower stage of mental development, where it is still impossible to find differences between the Aryan, Semitic, Hamitic and Mongolian mentality, all human races have a common collective psyche. But with the onset of racial differentiation, significant differences arise in the collective psyche. For this reason, we cannot take the spirit of an alien race into our mentality in globo (entirely - lat.), Without causing tangible damage to the latter."

Jung is also supported by other studies. As an example, one of the most important of these studies, led by Dr. Daniel G. Freedman, professor of behavioral studies at the University of Chicago. The article Ethnic Differences in Babies in (Human Nature January 1979) published the results of this study: Friedman and his colleagues exposed white, black, Mongoloid and Native American newborns to the same stimuli, and consistently received different reactions from children of each race.

Thus, we can say that the spiritual world of each person is "genetically tuned to certain frequencies."

Educators and psychologists working with children come to the same ideas. Since a person's genetic memory is built into the area of the collective unconscious and is given to him “by itself,” no special efforts are required to assimilate it. But when this memory is destroyed, psychic resistance arises in the form of a wide variety of affects. A child's psyche is not a blank sheet of paper on which you can write anything. The baby's soul is selectively sensitive and capable of actively responding to certain kinds of influences. Actions that conflict with those structures of the collective unconscious, which are defined by the "socio-cultural" archetype, cause mental trauma - psychoses and neuroses in children.

In other words, the subconscious of every person, every child carries voluminous cultural matrices that contain a message about the norm. The child's psyche is always open to the perception of information, but the child is able to develop normally only in a certain channel, when going beyond which, a danger signal arises - neurosis. Those. the child's psyche can occupy any position within this matrix, where there is enough space for its individual, group and ethnic characteristics that do not go beyond the general "socio-cultural" archetype.

Then it becomes clear why the number of children suffering from neuroses has been increasing so rapidly in recent years. And these are children not only of dysfunctional families, not only of poor families who can hardly make ends meet, where the social factor seems to play a decisive role. But more and more these are the children of “new Russians” who, in general, do not need anything.

Their unconscious, which contains the fundamental, lofty genetic predispositions of traditional culture (spirituality, striving for perfection), comes into conflict with the conscious attitudes of mass culture. For example, in Russia today there are about 40% of such children - and this is already a serious threat to the health of the Russian people.

A gloomy picture, but at the same time it is possible to find a way out of this situation: simply do not contradict the child's genetic memory, do not interfere with her performing her functions, but, on the contrary, awaken and tune her to a specific program. It turns out that not much is needed for this. After all, the awakening of genetic memory, the development of a person's soul is directly related to the assimilation of the native language, absorption of its forms, turns and meanings with mother's milk.

“During development, the child is influenced by the environment, atmosphere, landscape, actions of elders, sounds, intonations, speech patterns and so on,” writes Yuri Nechiporenko in his work “The Logic of the Russian Language”. It is great if all these structures act "in harmony" - then we have a holistic upbringing. (This is exactly what the public upbringing was like - the authors' remark) However, even if there is some disagreement, "inconsistency", the structures can hedge each other - and all the same, a "Russian (Slavic) soul" will emerge, as a subject of Russian (Slavic) folk culture. It initially (genetically) pre-existed."

Moreover, the collective unconscious, which is included in the "constitution of the soul", is the "pre-existent" soul, its "primary forms", shows itself in the origins of the logic of language ("dialectical" logic, in which, according to Hegel, there is a flicker between "being" and " nothing ", characteristic of the category of" becoming ").

The classic of linguistics Wilhelm von Humboldt wrote "… words and forms of words form and define concepts, and different languages in their essence, in their influence on cognition and feelings, are in fact different worldviews."

Indeed, the language of the people contains the memory of the knowledge of the world by this people, of the experience of its development, which it acquired throughout its history. And during the formation of its history, for many centuries, losing monuments of writing and culture, each nation has retained the main "monument" - its own language.

It is he, the native language (maternal, folk), first of all, determines the very constitution of the human soul, forms the spirit of the people, which then can already undergo the most amazing transformations, nevertheless preserving something constant ("preexisting"). The formation of the spirit occurs through the radiation of the highest essence of the language, its divine essence. “The spirit of the people, in turn, is embodied not only in the existence of the spoken language - but also in customs, habits, rituals, legends, and way of life.

In the absence of a materialized “material” and living behavioral culture, language becomes the first means of transmitting the spirit of the people. The majority of Russians do not live in the countryside, not in towers or in communities, do not celebrate the customs of their ancestors - but speak Russian. Until people have forgotten how to speak, the language is important for the spiritual life of the people - it accumulates the functions that were previously performed by nannies, grandfathers and grandmothers, habits and rituals. Language becomes the main carrier of the spirit of the people, therefore it is so important to find out its meanings."

Yuri Nechiporenko, examining the word "word", found that in the Old Russian language it had four meanings: speech, meaning, teaching, writing.

1. Gift of speech - in this meaning there is an idea of divine grace and gratitude for the happiness of owning the word.

2. Sense - (the same meaning as in the Greek logos), "thought" goes back to the Indo-European meudh-, mudh- "to strive, to desire passionately." Old Russian "idea, judgment, intention".

3. Teaching - note the ancient Indian ucyati - "is habitual, suitable", "finds pleasure."

4. Letter - "to write" meant "to depict something by cutting out or with the help of paints, to paint, to make it multicolored, variegated."

The word is a divine gift, the word has meaning, there is a lesson and drawing (variegation). The word has a religious, semantic, educational and artistic hypostasis. Word as prayer, word as thought, as teaching and as gesture are compiled and merged into an integral WORD.

This is what powerful strength, support, tremendous wealth God gives to man through his word. No, not that word, the mass of which we habitually and carelessly pronounce, without thinking about its meaning, to which a lot of superfluous and superficial is applied by the "cultural level". The true WORD lives in grandmother's tales, in mother's lullabies, grandfather's sentences and jokes, in folk songs and folk wisdom. It is this word that preserves our roots, makes us a people.

Now, people, living in cities, always busy and in a hurry, making money and a career; children staring at advertisements, video clips, creepy foreign cartoons who come to their grandmothers only on weekends practically do not hear at all, do not feel their native word, and therefore are little protected by traditional shells (structures) of culture. Those structures that are responsible for the inevitable emergence of the people's soul. Today we can imperceptibly destroy our roots, forget our origins in pursuit of other people's ideals. Precisely in order to preserve the spirit of the people, the "people's soul" should pay special attention to the development and upbringing of children by means of folk pedagogy, especially with a true native word.

It's good that we had grandparents singing lullabies to us, giving us nursery rhymes, jokes, sayings, telling fairy tales, playing various games when our parents were at work. With the help of a living folk language, permeated with deep, multi-level meanings, we were able to preserve the "nationality" of our soul, we were able to tune our genetic memory to a specific program. Another thing is how much this program can be in demand and implemented. A person can live his whole life, having certain possibilities, but without even knowing about them, since there is no request for these possibilities.

And finally, the fifth thing I would like to say about genetic memory and genetic information. Psychologist Nikolai Podkhvatilin - lecturer at the Department of Clinical Psychology at the University of the Russian Academy of Education, employee of the State Academy of Innovations, studying the capabilities of a person in a state of self-deepening (trance), notes that genetic information carries a certain energy potential.

In particular, this is confirmed by many references to strange battles in ancient times. The epic Ilya Muromets, who fought alone with a huge enemy army, personifies the phenomenon of ancient Slavic wars to put their enemy to flight even before the battle, and sometimes even entire armies. By the way, Vasily Klyuchevsky describes how Demyan Kudenevich, who lived in Pereslavl Russky in the 12th century, "with a servant and five fellows went to a whole army and put it to flight, and once left alone, even dressed like a home, without a helmet and shell" … The “secret” of this is, - explains Podhvatilin, - that, leaving on the battlefield, the Slavic warrior felt his ancestors next to him, quite realistically felt their support and the feeling of this force behind him, next to him, together with him,The attackers "read" - they subconsciously felt themselves defeated and simply fled from the field.

The energy potential of gene memory is also confirmed by medical, psychotherapeutic practice with the use of hypnosis, auto-training, as well as meditative practices - in a state of self-depth, self-contemplation.

That is, if a person's genetic memory, which he inherited from his ancestors, is activated, then, in a way that is not clear to scientists, their powers are transferred to him.

Of course, all of the above refers to the genetic memory of any person, no matter what nationality he belongs to. Genetic memory, peculiarities of national mentality are characteristic of every nation, and they determine the specific forms of its spiritual culture, the nationality of its soul.