Was There A Lunar Period? - Alternative View

Was There A Lunar Period? - Alternative View
Was There A Lunar Period? - Alternative View

Video: Was There A Lunar Period? - Alternative View

Video: Was There A Lunar Period? - Alternative View
Video: The Lunar Database: Supporting Lunar Landing Site... 2024, September

Today it is difficult to imagine a time when there would be no moon in the sky. But there really was such an era. This fact, for example, is known from the manuscripts of ancient thinkers. They claim that the lunar body appeared in the sky after the birth of the Earth. Also, in the writings of Apolonius of Rhodes, who lived in the 3rd century BC, there was a reference to the opinion of Aristotle, who assured that a long time ago, when people ate only plant foods, there was no moon in the sky. Plutarch also has references to the "lunar" period of the Earth's development.

Modern researchers are not trying to refute the opinion of ancient scientists on the real existence of the "moonless" period. In addition, many versions of the appearance of an earth satellite are being considered. One of them, for example, is the opinion that the Moon was previously an ordinary planet in the solar system, but as a result of the catastrophe it could not stay in its own orbit and "whirled" around our planet.

But there is a much more interesting assumption … Scientists have linked this version with a number of unexpected finds, which have not yet been given a clear explanation.

The hypothesis is very interesting and seems to be logically constructed. According to her, once, many billions of years ago, a huge spaceship appeared in the Earth's orbit, on which numerous alien beings flew to our planet. It hovered over the Earth at a distance of 36 thousand kilometers, becoming a satellite of the earth and our night star - the Moon. This arrival of aliens led to great changes: the shape of the planet became egg-shaped, and an incredibly large mass of water accumulated in the western hemisphere.

The aliens were quite pleased with the discovery of the Earth. They began to actively explore the planet. Undoubtedly, the extraterrestrial civilization far exceeded the existing terrestrial civilization in terms of development.

And then a terrible catastrophe allegedly occurred in outer space, which entailed a series of terrible events. For example, the ancient Indian book Mahabharata tells about them, which describes the war of the gods, the death of cities … It was then that the Moon left its geostationary orbit and became a satellite of the Earth. A different configuration of the World Ocean has formed on Earth. Destructive earthquakes and floods began (it is quite possible that we are talking about the time of the Great Flood, which is described in the Bible). The traces of a highly developed civilization were mercilessly destroyed by the raging elements, and the surviving people who managed to take refuge in the caves became the first inhabitants of the Stone Age.

The Golden Age ended with tragedy, when space aliens helped people, taught and healed them, flew on fast aircraft capable of flying into outer space.

After the disaster, one of the alien stations survived, located between the Moon and the planet. The aliens decided to put her on Earth, or rather "bring her down". Landing on water was the most benign for a huge spacecraft. Alien scouts found a good landing site after discovering a deep bay surrounded by a group of islands. It was this ship that splashed down, which later became the legendary Atlantis, and the aliens became the Atlanteans. The Atlanteans continued to "patronize" the earthlings, renewing their genetic experiments on people, forming a new civilization. And then, the Atlanteans also disappeared from the Earth.

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And what about the moon. Observations have shown that this is not just a deserted celestial body. Astronomers have often documented the effects of light and the movement of artificial lights.

When the American spacecraft Appalon 13 dropped the third stage onto the surface of the Earth's satellite, its surface underwent a prolonged vibration and behaved as if it were a hollow gong. Further studies showed that the Moon has clearly defined zones of increasing magnetic field, and at a depth of 100 km there are huge pieces of ferromagnetic matter. Scientists also refuted the opinion that there is no water on the moon: it turned out that water vapor seeps out from the depths of the moon.

If we take into account all the finds and the known history of the development of the Earth, perhaps this version is not so "crazy".