The Discovery Of Egyptian Scientists Confirmed A New Version Of The Death Of Tutankhamun - Alternative View

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The Discovery Of Egyptian Scientists Confirmed A New Version Of The Death Of Tutankhamun - Alternative View
The Discovery Of Egyptian Scientists Confirmed A New Version Of The Death Of Tutankhamun - Alternative View

Video: The Discovery Of Egyptian Scientists Confirmed A New Version Of The Death Of Tutankhamun - Alternative View

Video: The Discovery Of Egyptian Scientists Confirmed A New Version Of The Death Of Tutankhamun - Alternative View
Video: Tutankhamun's Treasures (Full Episode) | Lost Treasures of Egypt 2024, September

Egyptian archaeologists excavating in the province of Al-Minya have discovered a unique artifact that speaks in favor of a new version of the death of the pharaoh of Ancient Egypt Tutankhamun, who ruled the state in 1332-1323 BC.

Flying throne

“With the find in El Minya, scientists have received factual confirmation of the version of the death of Tutankhamun, which until now seemed dubious,” said a spokesman for the Abdullah Al-Hems Provincial Antiquities Authority. He said that not far from the town of Tel el-Amarna, where the ruins of the ancient capital of the reformer Pharaoh Akhenaten, the city of Akhetanon, were found, the burial place of his closest adviser, who was responsible for the safety and internal order of the royal family, was discovered.

Next to its basalt sarcophagus, decorated with multi-colored frescoes, archaeologists found a box made of Lebanese cedar, in which an ancient "apparatus" was placed separately, in its shape and design almost completely repeating a modern two-wheeled bicycle.

The fact that this mechanism of the era of the pharaohs was used for driving on a hard surface is also confirmed by one of the inscriptions on the sarcophagus of a high-ranking nobleman, who at the court of Akhenaten was considered an adherent of new ideas and an experienced designer. “And he created a throne flying on the earth from a chariot, setting the wheels one after another, and turning the sandals into the spinning wings of a horse running at full speed,” says the hieroglyphic fresco. It also mentions that this item was designed "for accelerated movement, as well as for the entertainment and amusement of both the radiant Pharaoh himself and his wives and children."

Confirmation of the hypothesis

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All the elements of the unique "unit" that have survived to this day, including several fragments of a triangular frame, a leading sprocket and a saddle, presumably made of African buffalo skin, were sent to a special laboratory of the Egyptian Ministry of Internal Affairs. There, the origin of the materials from which the bicycle was made, invented in Akhetatona more than 3 thousand years ago, will be clarified.

It is believed that Tutankhamun, the son of Akhenaten, who took the throne of the ruler of Ancient Egypt after his father, died of blood poisoning after breaking his left leg. Now experts have received evidence of the root cause of this disease: with almost 100% certainty it can be argued that the young pharaoh's leg was broken as a result of falling from an ancient bicycle, which at that time was the embodiment of a design genius, but was still imperfect and was considered an extremely dangerous and traumatic means movement.

Pharaoh of the XVIII dynasty of the New Kingdom Tutankhamun came to the throne at the age of nine. He ruled Ancient Egypt for about 10 years and died before reaching 20 years. On the walls of his tomb, located in the Valley of the Kings near the modern city of Luxor, the main events of his earthly life are marked. Among others, the fact is cited that "the ruler of Upper and Lower Egypt, Pharaoh Tutankhamun in 1330, on the 12th day of the month Pahen, for the first time independently rode a bicycle around the palace in Akhetaton" (the 12th day of the ancient Egyptian month of Pahen corresponds to April 1 according to the modern calendar).

Alexander Elistratov