Legendary Bird Roc - Alternative View

Legendary Bird Roc - Alternative View
Legendary Bird Roc - Alternative View

Video: Legendary Bird Roc - Alternative View

Video: Legendary Bird Roc - Alternative View
Video: Drawing Burmese Legendary Bird(ROC),that it; the mythical king of bird and also the enemy of dragon. 2024, September

Messages about encounters with various monsters are constantly coming from different parts of the globe. People meet yeti, chupacabra, sea monsters, however, among these stories that have already become almost familiar, there are also amazing eyewitness testimonies who met unusually huge birds, and these birds do not always behave friendly. So what are these creatures, and where do they come from?


Meetings with winged monsters, apparently, in ancient times happened quite often. People then were so confident in its existence that they even equipped entire expeditions with at least one of its feathers, as did one of the Mongol khans named Khubilai. And the famous traveler Marco Polo, although he had not met such a "bird", nevertheless, talked with eyewitnesses, who claimed that the wingspan of this creature reaches 30 steps.

Thunder is a bird, a roc bird - this amazing creature appears under such names. Many literary sources describe that during flight, the wings of a thunderbird covered the sun, and darkness fell, and the Arabs believed that this monster was feeding on elephants, which it lifts easily, like chickens, into the air.


The legends of the North American Indians mention supernatural beings, similar to huge birds. They appeared in the summer before a terrible thunderstorm, therefore they were called thunder - birds, since it was believed that it was the flapping of their wings that caused powerful peals of thunder. The legends also mentioned that these monstrous birds could carry away a child or a woman to feed them to their chicks.

The legendary Rukh bird is mentioned in the stories of Sinbad - the sailor, which also describes the size of its egg - the size of a boulder. As they say, a fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it. And already many experienced researchers of antiquity do not dismiss legends and myths, but, on the contrary, try to listen to them, since it is in fairy tales and legends that they often find reflections of real events of deep antiquity.


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Evidence of the first meeting with such a "bird" was recorded in 1890, when two cowboys watched a huge creature covered with black plumage. And five years later, in West Virginia, a thunderbolt carried away the child.

Despite the fact that many cryptozoologists considered the roc bird an idle invention, there were those who persistently searched for traces of this legendary creature. And finally, in 1934, the famous Frenchman Gudo from Madagascar brought eggs of incredible size to Paris, which the locals helped him find, using their shells as basins for water.


Most of the evidence of encounters with a thunderbird comes from North America, and from the words of witnesses who had the opportunity to estimate "by eye" the size of such a "bird", it was found that the height of a bird in a sitting position ranges from 1.2 m to 2.4 m, and the wingspan is from 3.5m to 6 meters!

In 1948, in Illinois (USA), the Smith spouses living in the city of Overland and their friend saw a bird of incredible size in the sky, which at first they all took for an airplane until it flapped its wings.


In the same Illinois, but already in 1977, the story of ten-year-old Marlon Lowe from Illinois was widely publicized. This boy was trying to carry away a strange huge bird, and only the child's desperate resistance forced the monster to release the prey from its claws. Several people witnessed this incident, but still there were many skeptics who argued that this was impossible. However, the boy, whom the bird of prey tried to take away, after a while completely turned gray. The child's parents said that most of all the bird resembled a condor. However, firstly, condors have never been found in that area, and secondly, even this bird cannot hold a 10-year-old child, let alone carry him 12 meters through the air!

Unknown birds continue to appear from time to time in our time. So, in the fall of 1993, Martin Wright, a resident of Nevada, went hunting with his son, and in a desert area, on the border of three states: Utah, Nevada and Idah, they noticed a large animal, which at first was mistaken for a bear, but then an amazing thing happened: “clubfoot suddenly flew into the air. The bear turned out to be an incredible bird!


In 2002, in Alaska, a pilot of a small plane carrying seven passengers noticed a small plane flying towards him. Fearing collisions that often occur in that area, the pilot carefully watched the plane, which suddenly flapped its wings. All passengers took a good look at the huge "eagle" with dark brown plumage, which was holding a polar hare in its beak, and paid no attention to the plane. The wingspan of this Rukh bird was 4-4.5 meters.

An incredible meeting with a flying monster also took place in 2007 in Kazakhstan, where several gardeners, working in the garden in the evening, watched the flight of two huge birds. According to eyewitnesses, their wingspan was 3.5 meters.

It seems that birds of prey of incredible size do exist. The only question is, where do they live, remains open. Perhaps the nests of thunder - birds are located in hard-to-reach areas of mountain ranges, but it is possible that the ancient Indian tribes were right, considering them supernatural creatures. And maybe these huge creatures penetrate to us from parallel worlds along with other little-studied creatures like the same Bigfoot.