Fatal Numbers: Do They Exist? - Alternative View

Fatal Numbers: Do They Exist? - Alternative View
Fatal Numbers: Do They Exist? - Alternative View

Video: Fatal Numbers: Do They Exist? - Alternative View

Video: Fatal Numbers: Do They Exist? - Alternative View
Video: This is why we can't have nice things 2024, June

As you know, Western civilization has always adored practicality and accuracy, so it is not surprising that great attention was paid to various kinds of measurements and calculations. The numbers themselves have been in high esteem since ancient times. Moreover, they are often endowed with a special mystical meaning.

Pythagoras was the first to introduce numbers into social thinking. But they were not only an instrument of calculus, but also a magical instrument. He repeatedly told his students that only numbers were given to rule the world, and his numerological teaching was based on the opinion that the secret of the Universe is hidden in numbers. The follower of Pythagoras Plato argued that a certain mathematical code lies at the heart of all phenomena. Ideas that are expressed with numbers are perfect, unchanging, and absolute. A certain interpretation of the magical science of numbers has come down to our time in Kabbalah, in which number is not only a symbol of the basis of the universe, but also certain elements-particles that make up everything that exists.

Later, the concept of "fatal numbers" arose, which for centuries attracted and at the same time frightened humanity. The question arises: why did this happen? Indeed, if you analyze in detail most of these numbers, you can be convinced that a certain group of scientists called them fatal, which then braided these numbers with gloomy prejudices and conjectures. Of course, all of this may seem extremely silly. However, few people think about why, among such a huge number of numbers, a certain one is chosen and why is it given a special, fateful significance? There are elementary explanations for this choice: the date of birth or the date of some significant event. This, of course, gives a certain emotional coloring, but in fact does not explain anything.

In general, in numerology, a fateful number is not defined purely as good or bad. It is simply the number that accompanies a person throughout his life. For some reason, it so happened that fateful numbers are often associated with everything negative. This is not entirely correct, because the fateful numbers may well turn out to be successful. So, for example, for many the number "13" is fatal, although there are people for whom it is happy. It is noteworthy that recently, many among the unfortunate numbers began to single out the number "23". And here are some examples of how such an opinion makes sense.

One of the first to draw attention to the negative impact of the number "23" was the famous writer William Burroughs. In the mid-60s of the last century, he wrote about Captain Clarke, who operated the ferry. The vessel sailed along the route Morocco-Spain. Somehow a gallant sailor boasted to the writer that in 23 years of service no accidents happened to him. However, literally on the same day, the ferry sank, together with the captain and all the passengers. The writer, who was deeply shaken by the death of an acquaintance, on the same day heard on the radio information that another incident had occurred: a passenger plane crashed, the tail number of which was also "23". Moreover, the pilot's surname is Clark. These events became the reason why Burroughs began to track and analyze events in which the number "23" was present.

Later it became obvious that all the writer's conjectures are actually not devoid of meaning, because if you look at the calendar, you can see that there are a lot of accidents and incidents associated with the date of 23rd.

So, in 1556, on January 23, a terrible earthquake occurred in China, as a result of which about 830 people died. This was the largest earthquake in history.

In 1962, on November 23, a plane of the Hungarian company "Maleev" Il-18D crashed during landing in Le Bourget, France. More than two dozen people died. On the same day, only two years later, while trying to stop takeoff, a Boeing B-707-331 plane crashed. Then 51 people out of 73 passengers died.

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In 1967, on April 23, the Soviet spacecraft Soyuz-1, piloted by Vladimir Komarov, took off. When the ship was returning back, an accident occurred, as a result of which the astronaut died. In addition, April 23 is the day when a kind of record was set for the number of observations of unidentified flying objects.

On November 23, 1976, a Greek airline plane crashed in a mountainous area, which, due to bad weather conditions, was sent to land at another airport. Everyone on board died.

In 1985, on June 23, the largest air terrorist attack was committed. A bomb was planted on board the Air India aircraft, after which about 330 people died.

On November 23, 1994 and 2007, two plane crashes occurred - an Aeroflot Airbus A310 plane crashed near Mezhdurechensk and an Il-76 plane in Mogadishu.

In 1997, on February 23, a fire broke out at the Mir station, and the station itself sank in the waters of the Pacific Ocean on March 23, 2001. Over the years of use, 23 thousand experiments were carried out at the station.

And a few more examples - on the Kursk submarine, which sank after the explosion, there were 23 people in the compartment where the explosion took place. The militants captured the spectators of 'Nord-Ost' on October 23. And the date of the destruction of the Twin Towers in New York, when all the numbers that make it up, also add up to 23.

But these are not all the facts that indicate that "23" is a fatal number. If you go a little deeper into history, it becomes obvious that most of the events that took place at this time are very tragic and sad. So, Julius Caesar was stabbed 23 times. On August 23, 476, the Roman Empire fell under barbarian blows. In 1592, on May 23, the first denunciation of Giordano Bruno, the author of which was the Venetian young aristocrat Mocenilo, was sent to the Inquisition. The scientist was accused of heresy and burned at the stake on February 17, 1600 … In 1618, on March 23, the Thirty Years War began.

On the night of March 23-24, but already in 1801, the Russian Emperor Paul I was killed in the Mikhailovsky Castle.

In 1923, Hitler became a member of the secret society. In 1939, on August 23, the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact on the division of Eastern Europe was signed. In 1953, on March 23, more than 37 thousand peasants who refused to join collective farms were arrested and deported to Siberia in 48 hours on the territory of Lithuania.

In 1944, on September 23, the Nazis began to liquidate the Jewish ghetto in Vilnius. On the same day, about half a million Ingush and Chechens were deported to remote regions of the Soviet Union on Stalin's orders.

Hiroshima was defeated by the Americans on August 6, 1945 (adding all the numbers also adds up to 23). In total, the Americans dropped 23 bombs during the tests …

Various symbols and signs are also associated with the number "23". For example, this number is a kabbalistic symbol of the completion of existence, it also means "line break" in the telegraph code, and there are 23 signs on American coins.

In 1989, in mid-September, in the Rostov region, a very interesting phenomenon could be observed in the sky: several twos, between them - a minus, a few sevens and a little further - three more sevens. Ufologist Leontyev, using the number 23 as a key, deciphered these signs. After long and complex operations, the ufologist got a set, which he correlated with the letters of the Glagolitic alphabet. As a result, we got the following text: "Jesus Xs art truly the son of God." For such a discovery, Leontiev received an award of $ 250 at the international congress of ufologists in Finland.

The number "23" is also present in religions. So, the most frequent numbers that are found in the Revelation of John the Theologian are 7, 4, 12 (in total - 23). The estimated date of the creation of the world, according to the observations of James Asher (bishop), is October 23. The Knights Templar had 23 grand masters, of which the last, 23rd, was Jacques de Molay. The Old Believers of Easter always celebrate Easter on March 23rd, and Christmas on December 23rd.

And statistics show that in our life the number "23" is represented very widely. So, in particular, during the day a person makes about 23 thousand breaths and exhalations, the average smoker smokes 23 cigarettes, the average life expectancy is 63 years (that is, about 23 thousand days).

In addition to the number 23, there are other fatal numbers. So, for example, the French king Louis XVI was afraid of the number "21" all his life. The king was so scared that he never made any important decisions on the 21st. Nevertheless, the most important events in his life took place on the 21st. So, on this day, in July 1791, he was arrested along with the queen, in September 1792 a republic was established in France, and in January 1793, Louis was executed.

According to numerologist Daria Lyubimskaya, one can believe or not believe in the existence of numerology, but that there are fatal numbers, many are convinced by personal experience. So, in particular, the famous rocket designer S. Korolev was sure that Monday is a difficult day and it is not suitable for launches. On October 10, 1960 (and this is Monday), the launch of the Molniya rocket was scheduled, which was supposed to deliver the automatic station to Mars orbit. But then an explosion occurred … December 11, 1961 (also Monday) - the launch of the Zenit spacecraft was scheduled, but the rocket exploded again … take off to the planet Venus. However, there was no start, because one of the blocks failed.

Fridays have gained especially bad fame, especially with the date "13". They are called black. January 26, 2001 (twice 13!) Became such a "Black Friday". In Novosibirsk, due to a malfunction of the instruments, a Tu-154 aircraft landed. At about the same time, a private plane lost control in New Zealand (the reasons are unknown), in the Black Sea not far from Cape Sarych, the Ukrainian ship "Memory of Mercury" sank to the bottom. In the very center of Sevastopol, on the same day, there was a gas leak - as a result, an explosion thundered and a residential building was destroyed. Pakistan and India were hit by the largest earthquake in half a century, which killed more than one hundred thousand people. Communications, railways, residential buildings were destroyed …

There are many more such examples in life. However, according to Alexander Sinyakov, professor at the State Academy of Aerospace Instrumentation in St. Petersburg, the cause of all these incidents lies not in fatal numbers at all, but in the so-called local geophysical resonance - a phenomenon that is the result of the interaction of all the planets of the solar system. This phenomenon does not have a permanent place of action, but it can be determined with all the necessary data at hand. Then, perhaps, many terrible disasters and deaths could have been avoided …
