Fantasy Of The Grave Cape - Alternative View

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Fantasy Of The Grave Cape - Alternative View
Fantasy Of The Grave Cape - Alternative View

Video: Fantasy Of The Grave Cape - Alternative View

Video: Fantasy Of The Grave Cape - Alternative View
Video: The Witchar: Wicked Hunt (The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt parody) 2024, September

In the Chainsky district of the Tomsk region, between the settlements of Vargater and Vostochnoye, there is a place that is considered damned by local residents. It bears the frightening name of Mogilny Cape

The Chainsky anomalous zone was discovered in 1984 by the Sverdlovsk journalist Mikhail Glukhov, who came on a creative business trip to the Tomsk region. Then the inhabitants of the village Vostochnoye told him about a three-hundred-meter stretch of land, covered with century-old cedars, located in one of the local swamps. People told: strange and frightening things happen on the Mogilny Cape. Both people and animals bypass him. Only fish in small lakes adjacent to the cape are found in large numbers.

However, the fishermen of nearby villages do not fish for it, considering the aquatic inhabitants of the Chainsky anomalous zone "unclean" …

In his diary entries, Mikhail Glukhov wrote: in August of the same year, he made an attempt to explore the Mogilny Cape, similar in shape to an elongated iron. Absolute silence reigned there, not broken even by the rustle of cedar branches and birdsong. Cold gloom fell from the spreading crowns of giant conifers, which were covered with bright sunlight. The further the journalist went to the tip of the cape, the more an inexplicable feeling of anxiety and melancholy grew in him, forcing him to soon turn back …

Unfortunately, apart from Glukhov's diary entries, no other memories of that time remained. And the author himself died three years later of cancer.

Incredible stories

Such strange clouds are often seen in these places.


A number of expeditions that explored the cape in the following decades (including the well-known organization "Cosmopoisk") managed to collect quite curious material about the unusual features of the anomalous zone. Of great interest are the stories of local residents, including elderly people, whom it would be unreasonable to suspect of deliberate falsification. Pensioner Maria Efimovna Shabashnikova from the village of Vargater recalls: in 1947 her mother, father and uncle went to pick mushrooms on the unfortunate cape. According to the mother's story, by noon they came out into a small clearing, in the middle of which lay an old fallen tree. Maria Efimovna's uncle sat down on the rotten trunk, and the Shabashnikovs, spreading a handkerchief on the grass, began to lay out simple food on it. When Maria Efimovna's mother turned around to call a relative for a meal, she saw that there was no one on the fallen tree. Until the evening, mother and father wandered around the cape in search of the missing uncle, but they never found him.

Ivan Andreevich Troitsky from Vostochny in the early fifties, as a twelve-year-old boy, worked as a shepherd on a collective farm. Somehow one of the cows ran away to Cape Mogilny. The boy quickly found her. However, what was the horror of the little shepherd, when, touching the motionless standing cow, he felt with his fingers lifeless and cold, like rubber, flesh. The hair on his head moved in fear, and he screamed with all his might. The boy's cry revived the animal. The cow suddenly started, as if something had breathed life into it again, moaned loudly, as if in pain, and, breaking small bushes on its way, rushed to the village. Mysterious inhabitants


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In the photo: UFO landing site?

Many stories of local residents are associated with mysterious creatures that live on the cape. Old-timers assure that sometimes, especially in the evenings and on moonlit nights, on the cape you can see the dark figures of small people, whom local youth call gnomes. These gnomes seem to live in the roots of ancient trees and deep holes and feed on the strangely large fish found in the vicinity - crucian carp weighing seven to ten kilograms.

The old people of the nearby villages, on the contrary, believe that there are no gnomes on the Mogilny Cape, and the small figures that appear are ghosts that arise from ancient graves.

Indeed, according to archaeologists from Tomsk State University, on the territory of the Mogilny Cape there are many ancient burials related to the Kulai culture that disappeared in the pre-Christian era. A number of paraphysologists who have visited this anomalous zone, and in particular the Krasnoyarsk explorer Sergei Pustoyarov, are sure that ancient temples, as well as pagan sanctuaries hidden under a multi-meter layer of earth, are sources of "necro vector energy." This is how some modern esotericists call the radiation that penetrates into our world from the world of the dead. Ancient burials are a kind of "gateway" for such energies, the construction of which was carried out according to special rules known only to the priests. Such subtle radiations cause in people a feeling of unaccountable horror,associated with the subconscious and natural fear of death for all living things.

Heavenly guests

In 1985, immediately after the first publications in the press of M. Glukhov about Mogilny Cape, an expedition organized by the newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda arrived in the anomalous zone. One night, one of the expedition members managed to observe three balls glowing with milky light over the cape, forming an isosceles triangle between themselves. The objects emerged from behind dense clouds and, spinning rapidly, headed towards the ground. Soon they disappeared among the thick cedar.

Local residents have repeatedly told visiting researchers that unidentified objects appear here regularly. Some witches even joke: somewhere on the cape there is a UFO base. Sometimes sounds are heard from the direction of the anomalous zone, reminiscent of thunder or a working jet engine. Old-timers assure that in the mid-eighties an unidentified object crashed in the Mogilny Cape area, and its luminous debris fell down with a large scatter.

Indeed, on February 26, 1984, over the territory of the Tomsk region, numerous eyewitnesses recorded the explosion of a bright object with an orange tail, which soon received the official name "Tomsk bolide".

In the summer of the same year, an expedition of the Institute of Geology and Geography of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences went in search of a fireball in the area of the Chulym River. The expedition could not find any fragments of the mysterious celestial body. However, the residents of the settlements of Vargater and Vostochnoye unanimously insist that the scientists were looking for traces of the "guests" in the wrong place …

The work of human hands

According to some skeptics and researchers, the unexplained phenomena occurring at the cape are of a completely terrestrial nature. Novosibirsk geologists claim that under the cape there are rich deposits of iron ore, located just ten meters from the surface. They generate powerful positive and negative charges of magnetic fields, which, when they interact, create unusual phenomena. These phenomena are amplified by a powerful geological fault that runs through the area.

Some of the old-timers claim that the reason for the Chainsky anomaly lies in the spent stages of space rockets falling here. However, scientists declare: there are no traces of contamination with heptyl in Chayna, and the debris of launch vehicles falls in the neighboring Kolpashevo region.

Relatively recently - in the mid-nineties of the last century - another curious fact became known: in the sixties-seventies of the XX century, a burial ground was organized in the area of Mogilny Cape, where the radioactive waste of the Siberian Chemical Combine was taken out. Work at this dangerous facility was allegedly carried out by prisoners sentenced to long terms for especially grave crimes. Perhaps the mysterious "gnomes" who were seen on the anomalous cape are the very prisoners who, under the long-term exposure to radiation, turned into strange creatures.

Be that as it may, the mysteries of this place have not yet been solved. Grave Cape continues to wait for researchers who will finally reveal its secrets.