Alien Spies Among Us - Alternative View

Alien Spies Among Us - Alternative View
Alien Spies Among Us - Alternative View

Video: Alien Spies Among Us - Alternative View

Video: Alien Spies Among Us - Alternative View
Video: THE BEST UPCOMING MOVIES 2021 (Trailer) 2024, September

Some scientists are confident that the emergence and existence of humanity is an alien experiment. If this is really so, then this experiment seems to be coming to an end. And alien observers, having no other way out, only follow the events taking place in the world and expect a fatal outcome.

UFOs have always existed on Earth, but with the advent of nuclear weapons, they were forced to sharply intensify, because they realized that humanity had entered a very dangerous stage of its development.

Around the world, there have been many reports of contacts with aliens, which have repeatedly warned about the danger of nuclear weapons. In addition, scientists believe that it was nuclear weapons that were the main topic of secret negotiations between aliens and the Soviet, as well as American governments. The aliens were extremely alarmed not only by the testing of nuclear weapons, but by their very existence. Obviously, the alien delegates made sure that the Earthlings slightly limited its use, instead suggesting certain technologies.

However, nuclear weapons have not disappeared. On the contrary, it has been greatly improved.

In addition to nuclear weapons, aliens are also concerned about such negative factors as environmental degradation and genetic experiments.

So, in the course of the calculations, scientists came to the conclusion that already now the planet has come to the point beyond which irreversible consequences begin. First of all, we are talking about global warming.

All this together, obviously, made the aliens become more active in terms of observation. But, at present, aliens are interested not only in nuclear weapons, but also in those objects that are directly related to medical, computer, nanotechnological and biophysical developments.

Of course, flying saucers still hover over nuclear objects and accompany them during rocket launches, but apparently, the aliens focused on surveillance from the inside. Thus, the aliens send their spies to those objects that are of interest to them.

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There is evidence that alien observers have been seen before at secret sites. In particular, one can recall the closed secular town of Arzamas-16, in which KB-11 existed. The employees of this bureau were engaged in the design of nuclear weapons. Around the middle of the last century, a very large number of security chiefs changed there in a short period of time. And only many years later, one of the intelligence officers told the story that in those years unknown persons repeatedly entered the territory of the object, who passed all the security posts unnoticed. As a rule, they appeared at night, and when they were addressed, they were in a hurry to leave.

The guards tried several times to pursue the violators, but each time they ended up in dead-end rooms, from where it was simply impossible to get out other than through the door. At the same time, there was no stranger in the premises. Such confusion caused widespread layoffs, both of ordinary security guards and security chiefs, but at the same time no one managed to catch the mysterious visitors. True, one day someone was caught, but in reality it was just a staging to calm the public.

Note that at about the same years, something similar was happening in America, in particular, in Los Alamos, in the National Atomic Laboratory. In 1958, the guards opened fire on an unknown man who somehow got into the building and walked from one room to another. At the same time, he was not stopped by the closed locks, he opened them in a matter of seconds, and not a single bullet hit him. The stranger disappeared, but all searches to find him have led nowhere. And the most interesting thing, on all the locks opened by the stranger, no signs of breaking were found.

Scientists say that in these cases, phantoms, which are a characteristic feature of UFOs, entered the secret objects. To prove this, the scientists recalled that several times near the landing sites of flying saucers, eyewitnesses observed humanoid figures that passed through objects, could suddenly disappear and appear. In addition, physically tangible figures were often seen in such places. According to scientists, it could be both the aliens themselves and the biorobots created by them. Despite the obvious similarity with humans, biorobots can still be distinguished from humans primarily by their illogical strange behavior.

For example, in 2008 in the Italian town of Aviano, where a NATO missile base is located, the police tried to detain a passenger car that was moving at high speed. The driver did not react in any way to the demands to stop. During the bend, the car crashed into a trailer, after which an explosion occurred. Eyewitnesses claimed that the people in the car did not have a single chance of escape. However, the doors of the car suddenly opened and two passengers got out. Despite the fact that the clothes on these people were burning, they hurried to the grove with a brisk step and hid in it. The police tried to chase the strangers, but they failed. One of the local residents later said that he saw these people, but they looked more like the dead who rose from the grave, who walked without making out the road and disappeared into the pond.

Almost a similar strange incident occurred in Sweden, in the office of a company that was developing weapons. The duty officer noticed on the monitor three people who were walking quickly along the corridor and looking into all the offices. The behavior of the men seemed very strange to the guard. And they looked no less strange - all three were the same height, dressed in dark clothes, and all three were very similar. The staff did not react to them in any way, but it was impossible not to notice them.

The duty officer contacted the security guards on the floors, but they replied that no one else had passed by. The officer on duty told where exactly those people were, and the guards rushed to intercept. The monitors recorded that the guards ran into them nose to nose several times, but each time they passed by without even looking in their direction.

Ultimately, the men disappeared from the cameras' field of view. Further searches led nowhere. It was obvious that these men were only visible on the monitors. Thus, the scientists concluded that the aliens and the biorobots created by them are capable of exerting telepathic effects on people in such a way that people simply do not notice them.

According to ufologists, aliens can be found all over the planet. In particular, several meetings were recorded from 1970-1980. in Moscow. One of the meetings took place in the metro, where eyewitnesses saw a group of men of the same height, in the same black clothes, with pale faces and frozen, sharp features. They sat motionless in the carriage and did not leave anywhere, passing along the circular line. One of the passengers decided to follow them. According to him, he drove several circles around the ring, and for all that time the people in black not only did not talk to each other, but did not even move.

Another similar incident occurred in Moscow. Five men, similar to each other, in the same clothes, entered the bus. Several passengers, unrelated to each other, later wrote that strange strangers hypnotized everyone. As a result, all conversations on the bus suddenly died down. But the strangest thing happened later - after getting off the bus, the strangers disappeared, moreover, in full view of all passengers.

In 1990, in the Moscow region, local residents also observed a group of 11 men of the same height in tight-fitting light-colored overalls. They moved in a rather strange way, constantly jumping high in sync. Apart from summer residents, the military also saw a strange group. Later, all eyewitnesses noted that as the group approached, they felt a growing sense of terror, although there was no reason for this. And only when the group disappeared from sight, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Of great interest are the words of a Moscow psychic who knows how to feel the aura of people. He takes the subway every day and finds people who have no aura about once a month. According to him, the absence of an aura is like the absence of a heart or a brain. And this, in turn, is evidence of an alien origin.

There are many more such examples. One thing is not clear - what all these strange people are doing on our planet.

According to the American ufologist Robert Duffin, the purpose of the mission of alien observers is to collect information. However, it is possible that aliens were sent to Earth in order to influence those people who make important political decisions, as well as those scientists who are engaged in the latest developments. Thus, aliens are trying to direct society and the development of science in the direction they need. At the same time, people are unlikely to be able to guess which direction they are talking about.

Also, it must be remembered that humanity is being watched, according to ufologists, by at least five extraterrestrial races, and each of them may have their own plans for our planet and use it for their needs. It is possible that the goals of these races are opposite.

Also, there are certain archaeological finds that indicate that humanity originated on Earth at least four times, but all these so-called waves were interrupted even when humanity was at a very low technological level of development. The causes of their death were global catastrophes (the fall of a huge asteroid) and the natural environment. With regard to the likely death of today's humanity, it is quite possible to say that it will die from a nuclear war or ecological collapse. Surely, the aliens will begin to revive humanity and in about 50 million years it will become quite developed.