The Presented Painting Brought On Misfortune - Alternative View

The Presented Painting Brought On Misfortune - Alternative View
The Presented Painting Brought On Misfortune - Alternative View

Video: The Presented Painting Brought On Misfortune - Alternative View

Video: The Presented Painting Brought On Misfortune - Alternative View
Video: Curator's Picks: 5 Artists Not to Miss | London Virtual Editions Fair 2024, June

I believe that some things in the house are capable of bringing unhappiness. Especially if they appeared unexpectedly and were not desired. I remember a story about a strange picture that for several months poisoned the existence of me and my roommate.

I was living in St. Petersburg then. I rented a room in a two-room apartment together with a friend named Marina.

Once my neighbor, an artist friend of hers, presented a painting as a present. It showed a girl with long golden hair, in a black dress, sitting against the background of the night sky … on a huge hand!

Marina didn't like the painting at once, there was something sinister about it. But it was uncomfortable for her to refuse the gift. After the appearance of the picture, strange events began to happen in our house. I put the bedding in the washing machine, turned it on, and it immediately started to smoke

After a while, the microwave suddenly stopped working, then the electric kettle. These were Marina's things, she allowed me to use them - and it so happened that they went out of order when I touched them. As a result, I felt guilty, and the neighbor was angry that I was breaking everything.

At that time, I was looking for a job in St. Petersburg with a decent salary and found a company that offered to accompany bus tours abroad. The employer promised to assist in obtaining a foreign passport and visa. I was required to have photographs and 7,000 rubles for paperwork. They promised to return the money when I start working. I signed a contract with them and gave the money.

A few days after that, they called me from the company and said that all the documents had been submitted for processing to the OVIR, I had to wait a couple of weeks. Something alarmed me, I looked on the Internet for information about similar vacancies and found a description of similar stories with a sad ending. Firms simply deceived people and did not return the money they took.

I decided to check if they are honest employers or scammers. In the OVIR it turned out that they did not receive any documents for obtaining a passport in my name, and in general, without my presence, no one had the right to carry out such actions. I immediately went to the company to terminate the contract and take the money - after all, I had to borrow it.

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Surprisingly, they were returned to me on the same day. And after a couple of weeks, I decided to see if the company where I was trying to get a job was still working, and found that it was gone. So I got off with only broken dreams.

Marina was very worried about the sudden breakdowns of her household appliances, especially the washing machine. I had hoped that I would get a job and buy new devices for us, but alas … For several months we had constant conflicts with her. But then Marina suddenly admitted:

- I realized that you are not to blame.

And she told me what started all our problems. Marina's friend, who was engaged in extrasensory perception, told her that it was all about the picture. Its negative energy acts on us.

By that time, Marina herself had begun to associate troubles with a gift that she did not like so much that she removed it from a prominent place on a wide window sill behind the curtain. A neighbor told me that I need to burn this picture and then pray together.

That same evening, we burned it in a quiet courtyard near the trash cans. After that, our relationship with Marina improved, and the equipment did not break down anymore. And I managed to find a job - albeit not as monetary, but calm and stable.

Alina YUSHKOVA, Novosibirsk