What Are The Abilities Of A Medium? - Alternative View

What Are The Abilities Of A Medium? - Alternative View
What Are The Abilities Of A Medium? - Alternative View

Video: What Are The Abilities Of A Medium? - Alternative View

Video: What Are The Abilities Of A Medium? - Alternative View
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The only major disadvantage of independent communication with spirits is the fact that it is very difficult for them to convince skeptics.

Mediums are people who, in the process of spiritualistic seances, transfer their own body to the summoned spirits for a while. This event is quite dangerous. An alien spirit constantly harms the body of a medium, and especially strong spirits will do maximum harm. Sometimes the spirit remains in the body of the medium even at the end of the session.


Why do mediums take such risks? Probably because the information acquired in this way is much more reliable than the information acquired by any other means. Because of this, seances are widespread throughout the earth, and some mediums have adapted to derive good benefits from them.

It's no secret that spirits at times infuse into the human body without permission. Then a person suddenly begins to speak in a voice that is not his own, calls himself not by his own name, does not recognize relatives and friends, and generally behaves unnaturally - as if in an instant he turned into another person. A similar condition can pass after just a couple of hours, or it can drag on for more than one day. After it, a person immediately becomes himself and usually does not remember what happened to him during the "eclipse". Doctors call this phenomenon "hysterical seizures", but mediums have a personal point of view on this issue. To begin with, they focus on the fact that the patient's temporary identity is not fictional, but entirely real. Usually a recently deceased person broadcasts through it,who doesn't even have to be familiar with the owner of the borrowed body. If you communicate with the spirit assertively and stubbornly, then he will tell about himself, share a story about the other world, or illuminate the future of certain people (as far as he knows himself).


It has long been known that you can open your body to spirits with your own hands - using various drugs or hypnosis. Thus, African mediums smoked a couple of pipes of the local tobacco and, having fallen under its influence into a prophetic state, they began to express themselves in the voice and words of the deceased, whose spirit arrived in their body. In China, a medium, going to work, undertakes to chant incantations, playing strings or drums. His movements gradually acquire a convulsive shade; the medium sways from side to side, sweat accumulates on the skin. These factors are considered to be symptoms of the arrival of the spirit. Two girls sit the medium in a chair, and he, putting his hands on the table, falls into unconsciousness or half asleep. Next, a dark veil is thrown over the medium's head and he begins to give answers to the questions asked, shaking,twitching in a chair and feverishly pounding on the table with his hands.


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The ceremonies of the African American Voodoo religion provide an opportunity to enter into direct connection with a spirit called a loa or mister. The main thing here is sermonia - an intricate system of symbolic rituals, dances, spells and drumming. The ceremony engenders a characteristic obsession in the well-prepared initiate: he becomes a “horse” (medium) loa. The time of possession, when a loa saddles a horse, does not last long. A person falls, wriggles in convulsions, or simply freezes (those around him are obliged to closely watch the process, since the possessed person is capable of harming himself), after which he changes abruptly: he has a different gait, a different tone of voice and just incredible physical strength. It happens that the loa broadcasts through the medium some messages that begin with the phrase: "Tell me, my horse …"

From the perspective of the hypothesis of spirits, the above methods force the spirit of a person to step aside a little and "give control" to an external immaterial creature. For the best result, the following conditions are required: attunement to the connection with the spirit and the absolute purification of the mind of the medium. Tuning takes place through a long preliminary ritual, clearing the mind - through the techniques of transformation of consciousness.

European necromancers love to hypnotize a new and untrained person, allowing the spirit to enter him. This approach has many advantages: hypnosis is relatively safe for the body and mind, it does not provoke convulsions and other external side effects. In addition, when a complete stranger suddenly starts chatting in the tone of your deceased friend or relative, it creates a much more powerful impression, which means less doubt and distrust that distract from communicating with the spirit.


And in conclusion, hypnosis does not force you to make a long preparation, provide acoustic and visual effects and use various drugs, which can be considered a big plus at this time. Such a ceremony is easily and safely organized in a city apartment. But despite all the advantages, hypnotic sessions have a bunch of flaws. And the main one is as follows: the hypnotized person does not completely get rid of his main personality. The power over the body is extinguished, but it does not disappear completely.

Therefore, the hypnotist cannot compel the medium to do what he finds impermissible for himself (say, commit suicide). Similarly, all information transmitted by the spirit will be preliminarily corrected by the mind of the medium: he will not say what he does not understand or what he does not consider to be true. At times, the words of the hypnotized medium turn into an incomprehensible incoherent "mess", then the organizer of the session takes on the function of "translator". For this reason, the original meaning can be completely lost.


Self-hypnosis is a good option. This method is much more difficult than the previous ones: you will have to prepare a lot, and this does not work for all people. And yet the most true and qualitative information is given by mediums who come into contact with the spirit without outside help. Such mediums retain not only their voice, but also their mind during the session. The point is this: the mind of the medium in the course of exhausting training becomes so pure and transparent that it is able to reproduce any information you want without distorting it in the least. For example, many Tibetan lamas, Indian shamans, African sorcerers and even some European mediums own this art.

The only major disadvantage of such independent communication with spirits is the fact that it is very difficult for them to convince skeptics.

Dubinina Tamara