The Mysticism Of Roerich's Paintings - Alternative View

The Mysticism Of Roerich's Paintings - Alternative View
The Mysticism Of Roerich's Paintings - Alternative View

Now it is no longer a secret that many works of art have a healing psychotherapeutic effect on a person and are able to relieve stress, harmonize the general well-being of a person.

Among such works of art, one should especially note the paintings of the famous Russian artist N. Roerich, which have a special, extraordinary flavor. The harmonizing influence of the painting of this wonderful artist has long been noted by art critics, psychologists, doctors, not to mention many people who study esotericism and esoteric painting.

N. Roerich traveled through the eastern lands with various expeditions for more than one thousand kilometers, studying eastern philosophy, customs and customs of the inhabitants, getting acquainted with the harsh nature of Altai, Mongolia, India and Tibet. It was from these expeditions that he drew inspiration for his amazing paintings dedicated to the nature and mythology of these regions.


The doctrine of the effect of color and sound on the human body and psyche for many millennia has been known to the mystics of the East within the framework of esoteric knowledge. Did N. Roerich know about this teaching? Judging by the color scheme of his paintings, he knew.

Nowadays, the effect of color waves on the sensory organs has been adopted by modern medicine and psychology, and the concept of color therapy includes special methods of healing and recovery, using the positive impact of these waves on the physical and mental health of people.


Many researchers note that, saturated with bright and clear tones, Roerich's paintings invariably harmonize the aura and biofield of people, raise their vitality and improve mood.

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In the diaries of the Roerichs, you can read the following information about the effects of different colors:

- yellow color strengthens the physical body as a whole, supports the heart;

- purple color strengthens the brain;

- green color strengthens the nervous system;

- pink color heals the stomach;

- the blue color has a general strengthening effect and activates the craving for spiritual knowledge.

It is no coincidence that it is the blue, purple, green and pink colors that are quite often present in the paintings of the Roerichs. It turns out that the color can not only heal the soul and body, but also contribute to the spiritual development of a person. It is on this principle that the main informational component of the psychotherapeutic influence of the painting of this amazing artist is based.


Many experts in the field of esotericism argue that the pure, rich colors of Roerich's canvases translate the human consciousness into a kind of altered state, in which the human consciousness opens a channel of communication with his Higher Self. The color scheme of his paintings awakens and harmonizes the energy centers of a person, stimulates spiritual development by activating the higher chakras.