Parallel Reality Artists - Alternative View

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Parallel Reality Artists - Alternative View
Parallel Reality Artists - Alternative View

Video: Parallel Reality Artists - Alternative View

Video: Parallel Reality Artists - Alternative View
Video: 125 Artists Create Unique Renders From a Simple Prompt | PARALLEL DIMENSIONS 2024, September

They paint strange unearthly worlds, bizarre creatures, mysterious objects and symbols. These people claim that they receive information from representatives of another mind …

Turner medium

Often, as a result of contacts with the inhabitants of the other world, people who had never been able to draw before suddenly begin to paint talented pictures. Thus, one turner was regularly visited by the perfumes of two famous Dutch artists. With their appearance, the worker fell into a trance and, with his eyes closed, painted canvases with oil paints, surprisingly reminiscent of copies from the lifetime paintings of these artists. The medium was only an intermediary - the spirits themselves were engaged in painting. Subsequently, the spirits of the late artists announced that from now on they would write canvases with their own hands, but this still requires the presence of a medium.

The turner was tied by the arms and legs to a chair in a dark room where canvases were placed. A quarter of an hour later, beautiful miniatures with paint that had not yet dried appeared on them …

Alien portraits

More than 20 years ago, the media reported about a resident of Zelenograd, Nikolai Malyshev, who, according to him, came into contact with an alien civilization.

Promotional video:

Nikolay, an electrician by profession, was fond of painting. One summer day he went out of town to paint sketches. Suddenly, right in front of him, a UFO landed on the ground, from which emerged creatures very similar to people, but unusually beautiful in appearance. They spoke to him. Perhaps Malyshev had some kind of mental impact. In any case, he resignedly agreed to the offer of the aliens to go inside the aircraft. The ship took off. Nicholas was taken to some kind of space base, where an alien, who apparently held a high position, talked to him. He asked the earthling various questions. When the conversation was over, Malyshev was returned to his original place.

Subsequently, he painted a series of portraits of his space "friends". I must say that they differed significantly from the previous works of the self-taught artist, although the images on them looked like some kind of poster, artificial. The researchers became interested in the contactee. Under hypnosis, he only repeated what was already said earlier …

Visiting Sirius

One of the most famous domestic contactees is Andre Siebert from Yoshkar-Ola, a cartoonist whose work is known all over the world. On a July evening in 1994, Andre was at home alone. Suddenly a feeling of incomprehensible horror seized him. There was a strange sound in my ears, reminiscent of the roar of car engines, and a great weakness enveloped the body. Andre had to hold onto the walls to get to the couch. He heard loud voices, speaking in an unknown language. For some reason, their sound caused a sharp unbearable pain throughout the body …

The room lit up with a bright yellow and white light, gradually turning into a ball. An-drae began to pull into the center of the ball. Lightning bolts seemed to pass through him, shaking his body in convulsions. At the same time, bright red signs, symbols and drawings swept past Sibert against a yellow background with great speed. Somehow the artist managed to understand their meaning. He could not budge, as if by an incomprehensible force he was pressed to the floor. Suddenly there was a loud bang, and the voices spoke in Russian. However, they sounded very monotonous, each word was pronounced twice, or even three times. André's physical condition was still terrible … He lost track of time …

But now it was all over. Andre opened his eyes and saw that the fog had cleared, and in the room, with her back to him, stood a short-haired blonde woman in a tight, tight-fitting black jumpsuit, painted with numerous emblems and hieroglyphs. The growth of the stranger reached two and a half meters.

He heard fragmentary words addressed to him right in his brain, from which he understood that his guest had flown to Earth from Sirius and that he, Sibert, had been specially chosen for contact. Then she again spoke in an unfamiliar language, before his eyes, she floated through the air to the wall and disappeared into it. This was the end of Andre Siebert's first contact with alien intelligence.

Since that day, the aliens have visited him several times. He visited them on an alien planet, and once he was even entrusted with the control of the spacecraft. … Sibert's new "friends" told him a lot of incredible information about life on Earth, including the solution to the mystery of the Egyptian pyramids. During contacts, falling into an altered state of consciousness, the artist conveys this information through drawings. In particular, he depicts the inhabitants of Sirius, their aircraft … Sometimes Sibert utters words in a foreign language … True, he does not take everything that happens to him too seriously …

Yellow Woman

Many years ago, the author of this article had the opportunity to personally meet one of the artist-contactees and listen to her amazing story. Here is what Maria L told about herself:

“I had an accident and received a serious head injury. Once in the hospital, lying with my eyes closed, I heard voices above me. Two people communicated with me - a man and a woman. From them I learned that the subtle planes of being really exist. But the essences of the subtle world appear to us in the form that is closer to our perception. In fact, they look completely different and communication between them takes place on a completely different level than in humans. At the same time, these entities are part of ourselves, our higher self. There are also lower selves - on the lower planes. They are also capable of coming into contact with us …

Since then, my life has changed a lot. I realized that I can anticipate different situations. And suddenly she began to draw. The plots came from somewhere outside, but I was aware of their meaning. For example, the Yellow Woman is one of my own lower hypostases. I also saw the reality of the higher planes - eyes looking at us from everywhere, but invisible to ordinary people, multi-colored spirals - energy funnels connecting dimensions …"

Yes, this kind of phenomenon can be treated in different ways. But there is documentary evidence - fantastic pictures depicting a reality that clearly does not belong to our world. Is this just a figment of the imagination of the authors?