Suddenly, As In A Fairy Tale, The Door Creaked (completion) - Alternative View

Suddenly, As In A Fairy Tale, The Door Creaked (completion) - Alternative View
Suddenly, As In A Fairy Tale, The Door Creaked (completion) - Alternative View

Video: Suddenly, As In A Fairy Tale, The Door Creaked (completion) - Alternative View

Video: Suddenly, As In A Fairy Tale, The Door Creaked (completion) - Alternative View
Video: The Top Fairy Tale Videos of Studio C 2024, September

Start here. And we continue.

So, Borisoglebsky Monastery. It was considered the richest in the diocese, and, as the story goes, Sergius of Radonezh himself was involved in its creation.


From the inside, however, it looks very remote. The restoration work has just begun. Most of the territory is occupied by mountains of land. And on the territory there are a lot of graves with fresh wooden crosses, without ancient monuments and tablets. Was this monastery made like a churchyard?


Of course not. The most important church was dug out of the ground by about one and a half meters, and this is not the limit. The ancient craftsmen never supported brick walls on the ground. In those days, large hewn stones served as the foundation of any structure. And this suggests that the church has not yet been dug up to the end, and most likely it has a basement, which was once the first floor, or the floor level was simply raised with soil. And all the graves on the territory of the monastery were created not earlier than the 20th century. It is possible that the Bolsheviks shot the monks and buried them there (history knows such cases). And the graves of monks from the 18th century, if they were there at all, should be looked for at the same 6-meter depth, along with the monuments. By the way, a remarkable fact is that the earliest monuments that came across in these monasteries are dated no earlier than 1820. And before them, a complete historical failure. However, we are distracted. Let's do the same geographic reconstruction with this monastery.


Let's choose a similar semi-inlaid star-fortress, place it on the ground so that its southeastern ray is directed to the Spaso-Yakovlev Monastery. Apply a large scale layer and number the rays. Again we get miracles and strange coincidences.

Promotional video:


Beam No. 1 confidently hits the city of Uglich, which in general does not need to be represented. Until the beginning of the 20th century, it had at least 10 monasteries, some of which were demolished, the other part is located at the bottom of the Uglich reservoir. Although now there are no fortified stars on the site of this city from the satellite, there are many legends about the Uglich Kremlin. It is not known for certain when it was demolished, but there is every reason to believe that the star-fortress was here too.

Beam 2 hits the village of Kurba. The village is one of the oldest in the Yaroslavl region, in history it was imprinted by Prince Kurbsky, who sold himself to the Poles in the Time of Troubles. What interesting objects are there?


Oops … It is clearly seen that the temple and the bell tower are on a hill. And the temple is such that you will not find anywhere and never. These are the very churches that were made in antediluvian times, and which, under the guise of "dilapidated wooden" ones, were demolished under Catherine. This, apparently, was preserved by a miracle. Well, in the hillock there is definitely a star-fortress.

Probably enough experimenting with geography. Too many strange coincidences are obtained, moreover, from very approximate initial data. If there were more accurate data on the stars-fortresses buried in the ground, the networks of these stars would be much more amazing. I also wanted to give an example of the location of the Varnitsky monastery in the suburbs of Rostov and the church of St. Nicholas on Vspolye, which is now located within the city limits. It turns out that on the site of the Church of St. Nicholas on Vspolye there was once a monastery, which was also demolished under mysterious circumstances. And what do we get in the end? Let's try to plot our data on the old map.


As we can see, the Rostov Kremlin took over the transit flow from communication lines running from south to north and from west to east. Alas, we can't even draw many lines now. But it is very clear that in Rostov, a lot of churches are on a fan-shaped system from the Kremlin. Is it coincidental? And as before, we still have an open question - why did we have to build a Borisoglebsk Kremlin of a commensurate size near the Rostov Kremlin, if there was only an hour's ride on a horse between them? Why did the monasteries have such a difficult relationship? There are a lot of questions. Probably, we need to start getting into the subtleties of the Orthodox Church.

Episkop (ancient Greek ἐπίσκοπος - “overseeing, overseeing”; from ἐπί - “on, at” + σκοπέω - “I look”; Latin episcopus) in the Christian Church is a priest of the third (highest) degree of the priesthood.

The word is what. Immediately there is an association with a telescope or a kinescope. Who is this bishop supervising over there? We look at the same source.

Bishops supervised the Christians of a particular city or a particular province, in contrast to the apostles (mostly itinerant preachers). Subsequently, the term takes on a more specific meaning of the highest degree of the priesthood - over the presbyter's and deacon's.


All monasteries located on the territory of his diocese are also subordinate to the bishop (except for the stauropegic ones, subordinate directly to the Patriarch - the Primate of the local Church)."

It turns out that in the provincial dioceses there were monasteries that were directly subordinate to the Patriarch. Why such a complex hierarchical network, if God seems to be one for all, and people went to monasteries to be closer to God, and not to the Patriarch? Probably, it's time to discard everything logically unnecessary from the last sentence, and leave only the definition of a hierarchical network. But not just a network, but a communication network. Already on the map, one can see that a "federal level" communication network runs from Moscow to the north, and small or not very small "regional level" networks move to the sides. It is clear that these networks are managed by employees of the appropriate ranks. And in monasteries containing communication networks of various levels, dual power was by definition. It is possible that employees of lower rank were not allowed into the premises of the communication network, and possiblythese rooms or buildings stood behind a separate wall. This can explain the fact that communication networks of different levels and different directions were concentrated on the star-fortress of Rostov the Great, and each network level had its own fenced area with temple buildings. Rostov the Great at that time had a very advantageous geographical position, where roads intersected from south to north and west to east. The puzzles fall into place.

Consider what the official history writes about the names of the Rostov diocese through the years (again, we will tentatively believe in the dating):

Rostov and Suzdal - from 992

Rostov, Suzdal, Vladimir and Murom - from 1149

Rostov and Murom - from 1164 (according to other information: from 1172)

Rostov, Suzdal and Vladimir - from 1198

Rostov, Pereyaslavl and Yaroslavl - from 1213 (1214)

Rostov and Yaroslavl - from 1226

Rostov, Yaroslavl and Belozerskaya - from 1389 (1390)

Rostov and Yaroslavl - from January 26, 1589 (according to other information: 1587)

Yaroslavl and Rostov - from October 16, 1799 (according to other information: 1783, 1786, 1787)

As you can see, there are always at least two settlements in the name of the diocese (however, like all dioceses). In connection with what? For example, there are about 400 km from Rostov Veliky to Murom, there is no direct water communication. On the land road, if there was one at all, famous forests grew. How could the bishop of the Rostov diocese supervise the Christians of Rostov, Suzdal, Vladimir, Murom? No way. And again, everything falls into place, if we understand the geographical points in the name of the diocese as the end points of that very communication network. Everything is stupidly simple. And most likely, the connection of Rostov the Great with all the listed settlements was still there, although now it cannot be found. This communication network could be reconfigured, or it was simply destroyed by the same mudflow. If you make a map of the fortified stars based on geophysical surveys,then it is possible to clearly define all the boundaries of the principalities of Great Tartary, as well as reconstruct all waterways that functioned before the flood, and all communication networks. Remains, as they say, little to do.

And what about the Borisoglebsk monastery in this case? Many sources indicate that the bishop of Borisoglebsk and Romanovsky served there. Who does not know - Romanov, he is Romanov-Borisoglebsky now bears the name Tutaev, and his name Romanov is directly associated with the ancestral domain of the Russian tsars. As you understand, those kings that were before the Holstein-Gottorp or in parallel with them (without any family connection), but we will get to that. Another remarkable detail is to the north of Pereslavl-Zalessky, and now Borisoglebskaya Sloboda is located within its city limits. The settlement of Borisoglebsky, where the monastery is located, itself was called Borisoglebskaya Sloboda in the 20th century. There is no doubt - the Borisoglebsk monastery in the old days was located near the old bed of the Nerl River, which flowed into the Volga near Kalyazin. And next to it there was some other river that flowed into the Volga near Romanov. Perhaps there was a portage for ships. And all this was almost next to Rostov the Great, where there was a water basin of Lake Nero with access to Yaroslavl (Upper Novgorod). The location was indeed strategic. But the past mudflow changed or destroyed all these paths. The rivers entered a new channel, and the Borisoglebsky Monastery remained aloof from subsequent history. It is possible that the cartographers simply did not know about him, because they only described well the settlements on well-known waterways or land roads. But the past mudflow changed or destroyed all these paths. The rivers entered a new channel, and the Borisoglebsky Monastery remained aloof from subsequent history. It is possible that the cartographers simply did not know about him, because they only described well the settlements on well-known waterways or land roads. But the past mudflow changed or destroyed all these paths. The rivers entered a new channel, and the Borisoglebsky Monastery remained aloof from subsequent history. It is possible that the cartographers simply did not know about him, because they only described well the settlements on well-known waterways or land roads.

Another important point is that all church ranks of the Orthodox Church have a name of Greek origin. Not surprisingly, the church was called Greek until 1943. All the names of church ranks were transferred and replaced the names of the very ranks that belonged to the original Russian church. And it was most likely a little over 200 years ago (there are so many materials on this topic that there is no point in giving links). Before the appearance of this Greek Church, and most likely before the settling of the Holstein-Gottorp, the previous church was a powerful organization that performed all the necessary state tasks, including the military. All ranks there also bore names that have already been lost. This is the same if you replace the name "mayor" with "city manager" and forget the first name. And these names would shed light on a lot,what was happening in that antediluvian church. Now all this has been destroyed and replaced with a single sham function (may the believers forgive me).


This is a painting of the Rostov Kremlin from the inside. The feeling that a crowd of hurrying graphitists has passed. Oddly enough, the painting of the same quality is present in Gaidai's film and in the photo of Prokudin-Gorsky. Nobody even updated it. And it appeared quite recently, and before that there was no need for it at all.

Thus, we understood how our communication networks looked geographically. How did it look technically? Has anyone heard the legends about the "voice from heaven" in temples or the alarm bell that started ringing when an alarm occurred? Let's take a look. But first, let's do another reconstruction.


Suppose, in the rays of the fortress star, there was a storehouse of some substance capable of concentrating ether. By the way, there are many modern photos of the filled-up fortresses, where there are suspicious pits at this place. Apparently, this substance was sought as a treasure. And the same substance was present in the construction of the temple, which could be located both on the star-fortress, and without it. Between these objects, the density of the ether was equalized, just like two drops of water on glass merge into one oblong. Probably, many remember from the school course that the speed of sound in denser bodies is always higher than in less dense ones. If you hit one end of the rail and put your ear to the other, then first we will hear a sound going along the rail, and then through the air. And if we additionally imaginethat the wind blows in the air not in the same direction and its speed is commensurate with the speed of sound, then we may not even hear the sound from the air. If the fluctuations of the ether are similarly presented, then everything becomes clear. In a free state, the ether vibrates in space in accordance with the direction of Schumann's waves, and we need to modulate it with the frequency that the human ear perceives (100-20000 Hz). It turns out that the carrier frequency is less than the informational one, and it is in the range up to 100 Hz (who understands communication, do not be alarmed, the more you climb into the construction of temples, the more you understand that you have studied in vain at the institute). Let us present this with two graphic examples - the Church of Leonty and the now defunct church in the area of the crossroads on Lunacharsky Street in Rostov the Great. Both churches are marked on the old map. If they were signal receivers,what did it look like?


Take a look at this piece of church utensils from the collection of photographs by Prokudin-Gorsky. In order not to hammer my head, I will not even say what it is called now according to the canons. What are the first associations that come to mind about this subject and its circled parts? It can be said unambiguously that it is too complicated for a box, but too implausible for a candelabrum. In the museum of the Rostov Kremlin there are many photos of such gizmos, though without tops:


The annotation says that these are products of tin, which is generally very strange given the love of church craftsmen for gold, silver and bronze. But the fact is, it is definitely not silver and there are no traces of gilding there and close. If you look closely, you can see embossed sheets of this product that fit a certain frame. We return to the photo of Prokudin-Gorsky. Does anyone imagine a sound reproducing device in music postcards? Probably, many people imagine that this is an ordinary piezoelectric element in the simplest case made of quartz. When it gets into an electric field, it begins to perform mechanical vibrations with the same frequency. Now take a close look at the top circled part. Comments are probably not needed. This is the same sound reproducing device, only conical tubes (or plates) diverging in all directions work for sound. Now look at the other outlined locations, one of which is rotated 180 degrees relative to the other. Under the influence of sound vibrations on this one, if I may say "flower", it vibrated in the electric field created by this device, changing it like a microphone. And the electric field was created by this device itself, the material of which is made of a substance called tain, which looks like tin. The puzzles fall into place again. There is a table (altar) headset, only in antediluvian design. By the way, such star-shaped tube-plates in temples are found in droves. In the same photos of Prokudin-Gorsky, they can be seen very often, and in various places. Under the influence of sound vibrations on this one, if I may say "flower", it vibrated in the electric field created by this device, changing it like a microphone. And the electric field was created by this device itself, the material of which is made of a substance called tain, which looks like tin. The puzzles fall into place again. There is a table (altar) headset, only in antediluvian design. By the way, such star-shaped tube-plates in temples are found in droves. In the same photos of Prokudin-Gorsky, they can be seen very often, and in various places. Under the influence of sound vibrations on this one, if I may say "flower", it vibrated in the electric field created by this device, changing it like a microphone. And the electric field was created by this device itself, the material of which is made of a substance called tain, which looks like tin. The puzzles fall into place again. There is a table (altar) headset, only in antediluvian design. By the way, such star-shaped tube-plates in temples are found in droves. In the same photos of Prokudin-Gorsky, they can be seen very often, and in various places. The puzzles fall into place again. There is a table (altar) headset, only in antediluvian design. By the way, such star-shaped tube-plates in temples are found in droves. In the same photos of Prokudin-Gorsky, they can be seen very often, and in various places. The puzzles fall into place again. There is a table (altar) headset, only in antediluvian design. By the way, such star-shaped tube-plates in temples are found in droves. In the same photos of Prokudin-Gorsky, they can be seen very often, and in various places.


This is, in fact, the "voice from heaven". The devices were intended for sound reproduction only, and possibly for lighting effects. Probably, in the common people it was the “holy spirit”. It is not for nothing that such devices could be found quite often on ancient icons, and piezoelectric stones were present on their metal frames. But that was for the common people. But what about a narrow circle of initiates? We recall another half-forgotten church term called throne (pre-table).

Prestol - in a Christian church, a table located in the middle of the altar, consecrated by the bishop for the celebration of the Eucharist on it.

It is made of wood or stone about a meter high, wears two clothes: the lower one - linen, called katasarkiy or srachitseya (* - the Russian language is great and powerful-)), entwined with a rope, and the upper one - brocade, called indithyon (indition) as a reminder about the solemn garment of the Lord as the King of glory.

On the throne are the antimension, the Gospel, the altar cross (usually two), the tabernacle and the lamp. In cathedrals and large churches, a ciborium (a canopy in the form of a dome with a cross) is installed above the throne.

As we know, the altar in the temple is a place where only a select few can enter. Having retired in this place, a minister of the corresponding rank could calmly hold a conference call with the bishop in the diocese, without fear that someone would interfere. And the bishop could calmly observe how the service was going on. Everything is well thought out. And the ciborium mentioned is nothing more than a device for amplifying vibrations. The throne with our device was placed inside it. This design was very interesting, and they called it the canopy or the altar canopy (apparently “overshadowed” someone, and the new-maple-lattice canopy was generally in almost every house). If in synagogues the bima (analogue of ciborium) was always made in the center, then in our churches the ciborium was just an altar wall, the metal connections of which were successfully matched with the general metal frame of the temple. It is not excludedthat the altar extensions were erected after the construction of the main church in order to separate the sacrament from the general hall - apparently, there were reasons for that. And in synagogues, among other things, there were also devices called tefillins - also an interesting topic for discussion.

With this, in general, it is clear. And what was in the Kremlin with the stars-fortresses? Well, at least the scale of the "communications equipment" was appropriate. The lower amplifying cascade, which was in the rays of the fortress star, was even warmed up, and channels of flowing water flowing from top to bottom were used to cool it. Earlier in the network I met a photo of some star-fortress in the Baltic region, in which, at the fault points, the same metal frame was found, as in the buildings of temples. It turns out that temples and fortress stars are interconnected links of one chain. But the scale is clearly different. There must be some other intermediate matching link between them. And how could it be here? There is only one option - the Kremlin walls. A lot has already been written about them, and not only about Moscow ones. All the Kremlin towers at the walls were obviously made for a reason. And the walls themselves were far from simple. In the Rostov Kremlin, wrist-thick metal ties protrude from the walls, and they are located in several tiers. Was it only for mechanical strength that they were made?


This is the very place where the famous movie was filmed. It can be confidently asserted that the top of the wall has been taken apart, and the wooden roof has appeared quite recently. In the old days, this place on the walls was very different.


Near each loophole (and there they go along the entire perimeter with a step of about a meter) such a metal detail emerges from the top of the wall. What was it for? We don't know too much about the weapons of the ancients. But it's actually about the fact that the wall in the upper part is simply stuffed with metal. What's the secret? Probably, we should look at another photo of Prokudin-Gorsky (from another region, but not the point).


This is a photo of a dilapidated wall of a monastery. As you can see, on the walls there are in places collapsed teeth, and each has a damaged top. No wonder, these battlements have survived even now on many walls, even in the Moscow Kremlin. What were they for? Well, probably not as an element of architecture. In the restored state, they are often covered with a V-shaped slab, and moreover, a single unbreakable structure. Has anyone ever thought to look under this stove at least once? As we know, in Stalin's times, architects very often used the secrets of ancient architects, and with a long-range scope. The answer to the riddle of the walls can be given by one photo of a building of Stalinist architecture from Kazan.


As you can see, there is a star at the top of the prong. Stalin's architects knew a lot more than modern ones, and at least for such an idea they used some kind of prototype from the old times. In addition, communist fetishes at the time always liked to poke into places where there was a visual manifestation of ancient technology. And most likely, there were caches in the battlements of the walls for the same substance that was in the rays of the star fortresses. And some lamps were placed on the upper covers of the teeth, the covers were specially adapted for this with their shape. It probably looked beautiful in the dark. And in order to permanently destroy the communication network, it was simply necessary to demolish the wall. And where it was difficult, these teeth were demolished, or unnecessary ones were removed from them and filled with some hard-to-break building material. Simple and tasteful.

But how did you generate a signal in such large-scale structures? Oddly enough, simple. We have already examined what was in the temples. And for the generation of alarms and the like, which were intended for centralized distribution, there were quite simple technical devices. Here they are.


This is the Rostov Kremlin. As you can see, the belfry is divided into sections. Most likely, each had its own bell, the signal of which meant something. And there is a dome above each section. Depending on the situation, the sexton “turned on” the required section, and the bell began to vibrate. Eddy ring currents induced in the body of the bell influenced the electric field created by the walls of the Kremlin, and the signal went further as intended. The largest bell, obviously, was the alarm. He roared, one must think, notably.


And this is the belfry in the Borisoglebsky monastery. The dimensions are already smaller, which indicates a lower hierarchical status. Nevertheless, such belfries in monasteries were far from everywhere. And what kind of clock is mounted on its wall? By the way, in the photo of Prokudin-Gorsky from the beginning of the 20th century, there is an empty round niche in this place. But the ancient builders did everything for a reason. What purpose could she have? Probably, we should look at other photos of Prokudin-Gorsky.


And again we see a sound-reproducing device made of the same tubes-plates. Probably, these round blind windows were called auditory for a reason. Obviously, the monks in the Borisoglebsk Monastery listened to a live broadcast of the service (and whether the service?), Through a similar loudspeaker. Again, everything is simple and tasteful. Well, probably enough for that, and so everything became clear to everyone now.

What happened to all this? Most likely, everything was simple and banal. Rostov lands were the northern border of the Moscow principality of Great Tartary. And the very same Romanovs (who are Rurikovichs) ruled there. These rulers categorically did not recognize the Holstein-Gottorp, unlike, for example, the Vologda principality, where Peter (Isaac) had love and friendship, he even had a house in Vologda. In the 18th century, Peter, under the guise of exercises, trains his fleet in Lake Pleshcheyevo, having entered there from the Volga basin. The purpose of this teaching was clear that, but for some reason these plans did not come true. A global catastrophe is taking place, and plans have changed. A large redistribution of land ownership begins. The mobilization and defense systems described above have fallen into disrepair. Ashkenazi tribe (they are "Nazis"they are "Deutsche") begins to rapidly squeeze the Slavic-speaking (as if not Russian-speaking) tribes from the lands of modern Germany to the east, where, of course, no one expected them. In fact, these were people who had lost all their property, and they fought to take their place in the new lands. They lived in the field, leaving behind traces that modern archaeologists often find at a shallow depth, and pass them off as "ancient sites." In history, this period is called the "Polish invasion". Ivan Susanin, having led such “Poles” into the swamp, most likely won a tactical victory. Almost immediately, another war began in the Moscow direction, known as the Patriotic War of 1812. Moscow fell, and the Romanovs tried to evacuate to their historical homeland. It is on this path that Tsarevich Dmitry dies,and some kind of impostor is launched in his place. This period was the "Time of Troubles", which is chronologically located much earlier in the official history. After the consolidation and centralization of power in St. Petersburg, all these false tsars go down in history, and the communication system at the church itself was destroyed so that no one could ever restore it. The church in the form in which it was, posed a serious danger to the new government. Well, in a fairly short period of time, it was significantly neutralized by the reform, and after a hundred years the Bolsheviks completely reduced it to nothing.that no one has ever been able to restore it. The church in the form in which it was, posed a serious danger to the new government. Well, in a fairly short period of time, it was significantly neutralized by the reform, and after a hundred years the Bolsheviks completely reduced it to nothing.that no one has ever been able to restore it. The church in the form in which it was, posed a serious danger to the new government. Well, in a fairly short period of time, it was significantly neutralized by the reform, and after a hundred years the Bolsheviks completely reduced it to nothing.

Until next time.