Autoped And Local Ped + Solving The Mystery Of The Electric Scooter - Alternative View

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Autoped And Local Ped + Solving The Mystery Of The Electric Scooter - Alternative View
Autoped And Local Ped + Solving The Mystery Of The Electric Scooter - Alternative View

Video: Autoped And Local Ped + Solving The Mystery Of The Electric Scooter - Alternative View

Video: Autoped And Local Ped + Solving The Mystery Of The Electric Scooter - Alternative View
Video: Antique Scooter Auto-ped 2024, October

A few days ago, I posted a photo of a mobile plank that is proudly called the world's first motorized scooter.

Mega-mail on megascooter
Mega-mail on megascooter

Mega-mail on megascooter.

I would have forgotten about her ten times if suddenly one “ped” had not formed around her. Then, of course, he was not yet a "ped", but was, as I thought, a normal member of the group, interested in all sorts of unusual crap.

Ped came up under the photo with a claim that I signed the photo like an electric scooter with an internal combustion engine shining in his face. And on every scooter.

And in this he was right
And in this he was right

And in this he was right.

I have nothing against corrections, hints and other additional information, so I added a postscript to the signature, where I thanked the peda for his attentiveness.

It seems that everything should have ended there. And a person would not become a ped, and I would not waste a few hours of time.

But after my gratitude, the ped did not calm down, but posted photos of Autopeda with an emphasis on the engine and signed that this is for those who do not know what an internal combustion engine looks like.

Promotional video:

Being a pimply notorious teenage schoolboy, I immediately took it personally and went to see what was really wrong with this Autopedom, which is everywhere signed as an electric one, and he has, like a horn in his forehead, an internal combustion engine with a gas tank, almost in section, like on a textbook, sticks out in the forehead.

The conclusions were disappointing. All Autoped's in almost all pictures and in all photographs have clear signs of a gas tank and other personal belongings of a gasoline device.


At the same time, it is nowhere denied that it was produced in two modifications - as a gasoline vehicle, and as an electric one. This is also on Wikipedia,

An electric version was also available with a motor on the first wheel
An electric version was also available with a motor on the first wheel

An electric version was also available with a motor on the first wheel.

There is also, God forgive me, tests on the pages of the Smithsonian Institution.

There's a whole article scrawled about the role of electric scooters in history. We started with Autoped
There's a whole article scrawled about the role of electric scooters in history. We started with Autoped

There's a whole article scrawled about the role of electric scooters in history. We started with Autoped.

And this, as we know, is the main enemy of all chronolozhtsy and the second most important concealer of artifacts and evidence of the present past after the Vatican.

At the same time, there are no images of the electric version either on the surface, or, as I was convinced later, in more distant corners of the network.

I wrote this in a post, posting a few photos and drawings.


And here, out of the blue, the person turned into a “peda”. He suddenly squealed, rose up, and began to show unhealthy activity, demanding to provide drawings or clear photographs of the electric version. Although I wrote in Russian that they do not exist.

Further ped, said that I was an uneducated chock (allegorically), accused me of not knowing the principles of the internal combustion engine and, in general, of not understanding the operation of technical devices.

To be honest, the accusation is strange. Nowadays, even girls know in general terms how an engine works. Anyway. I asked, what is the actual question? What is the pedu missing?

He replied that he was a techie and he didn’t have enough to "feel" the electric version, otherwise he could not believe in it and started yelling that I was lying and lying on purpose, for some purpose.

There was a very good moment to go to him on the face, but unfortunately, this function is not yet available through communication channels, so I just told him to stop fucking.

In order to show that electrical devices were quite widespread at that time, I sent him several images from the catalog of electric carriages of that time, so that if he himself had little education in the technology of that time, at least he would read it for free.

Of course, he did not consider them, but continued to demand from me an electric Autoped. Then he called me a fool a few times (which, in principle, is quite true, since I entered into a debate with him) and ended our conversation with something like - "as you find it, bring it to me for consideration."

Once again, I made sure that I still poorly recognize peds at a distance. This skill must be pumped deeper, so that if you do not immediately ban, then at least not enter into discussions with them.

What is the difference between a peda and a normal person who points out mistakes?

It's very simple - the ped is not interested in the truth or in figuring out how the situation developed that there is an electric scooter in the texts, but in real life, only versions with gasoline. Ped does not listen to your point of view, does not see analogies, his goal is to catch on to something and accuse. He is not even so much interested in his own righteousness, which is understandable and acceptable in ordinary disputes - we are all people with inflated ego, as it is necessary to loudly declare your wrong.

The latter, of course, suggests a specially sent pedah. But we don’t believe in the conspiracy theory against a microgroup of 300 people, therefore, for the time being, I personally consider this ped as my own ped, and not an enemy secretly launched into our puddle.

And now the secret of Autoped is revealed !

Nevertheless, if the ped-man interests me a little, then the situation with Autoped is really interesting. It would be fine if all the official texts said that there was only a gas scooter, and there was no electric one at all. It would be okay. But no, they all clearly say that, yes, there was an electroversion. But in fact it is not.

Here the first Krupovsky could look like, but not a damn thing is visible
Here the first Krupovsky could look like, but not a damn thing is visible

Here the first Krupovsky could look like, but not a damn thing is visible!


Why, in principle, it might be necessary to overwrite an electric scooter from the available images. This is not a plane, how unusual?

There is a version that the current scooter manufacturers carried out the scooter stuffing in order to draw attention to their products. The version is good. Like people who do not want anything unusual, who are accustomed to explaining all oddities from the point of common sense, and not conspiracy theory.

The problem is that they would then have launched the option with an electric scooter, because now they are being promoted on the market. And if suddenly they had not been found, then in any case they would not have changed the name to gasoline. They would write that then there were backward gasoline, but now we have the same and even cooler, but electric and ecological - buy.

Even such remains, entirely gasoline
Even such remains, entirely gasoline

Even such remains, entirely gasoline.

There is another objection to the fictionalization of the electric option. Almost immediately after the start of sales, Autoped was acquired by The American Ever Ready Company, its original name being the American Electrical Novelty & Manufacturing Company. Yes, it is now almost the same name - Eveready Battery Company, Inc. The name shows that it does not sell gasoline at all. The well-known Energizer is its product.

Officially, it is believed that after the purchase, she made only one change - put a battery and two light bulbs. In the front and in the back.

What can you possibly hide in an electric scooter? Was electricity in the official version by 1915? It was. Were there carts and other running irons on electric motors? There were. So what's the point, all of a sudden, to remove one of them from access?

The only answer I see is the battery. That is, the battery. While there is no image of the scooter with its electric motor and electric fuel, anyone who is overly curious can say that, yes, there was an electric option. But to add right there - though his battery was so huge that it was carried from behind on a cart by a whole car. Gasoline car.

In the photos we have, Autoped sometimes contains a battery.


To be honest, this box, supposedly for lamps, front and rear, in general, is very rare in photographs where the scooter is used. And such pretentiousness of this woman, who is also a suffragist, and all lesbians have been hanging her on flags for the last couple of years, also suggests a little thought. But that's not what we're talking about.

On the one hand, one would think that this is the desired electrical option! But no. Here, too, an internal combustion engine and a gas tank dangle on the wheel, and in the case of an electric version, they should not be. But there is a battery.

Its size, unfortunately, is not from a horse, but from a small pony. That is why she was not awarded the title of electric battery for movement. According to those who hid everything, it was too small for that time. And if so, they decided to remove the entire electric version out of sight.

In the meantime, this box really did much more than work as a headlight battery. Yes, she herself is a little too big to just shine.

So, where is the electric motor then? According to the stories of those lucky ones who were familiar with the electric version, the electric motor was also hung on the front wheel.

By the way, about them, about the lucky ones. Most of those who mention the electric version refer to the book:

Motorcycle Pioneers: The Men, The Machines, The Events, 1860-1930. - David & Charles (Publishers), 1976.-- ISBN 0 7153 7 209 2

This is it, this is a miracle
This is it, this is a miracle

This is it, this is a miracle.

They even point out the page - P. 70–71.

Unfortunately, I could only get the cover of this book. It is in many foreign libraries and it is written that you can pick it up, but only in the reading room. Like many other books that were interesting to me for other reasons, no one is going to digitize and put it online.

In general, the situation with this Autoped is exactly like a gopher. Which is not, but it is. And worst of all, it's not clear what to look for. Either believe in the endlessly advanced technoculture of the early twentieth century and assume that the battery was generally invisible, or seek something more weighty.

It is clear that if we are talking here about a global substitution of history, then resetting some pathetic moped, encrypted under a scooter, is not even a question. One could even forget. Return to the global planetary problems of chronology, but pictures interfere.

Especially, of course, the aunts, who are clearly drawn here on different scooters.

They are artists, they see it that way. But not so much! How many were hung on a real scooter
They are artists, they see it that way. But not so much! How many were hung on a real scooter

They are artists, they see it that way. But not so much! How many were hung on a real scooter!

It's a pity that we cannot judge by the drawn aunts. But the species diversity pleases. Even if we take into account that the artist is squint and krivoruk, and even drunk, the differences are still too big.

As well as from Autoped's themselves, which were provided to us for study. But you can try to collect from one series.

It seems that everything is the same plus or minus, except for the mysterious battery. These riders, apparently, did not need bulbs
It seems that everything is the same plus or minus, except for the mysterious battery. These riders, apparently, did not need bulbs

It seems that everything is the same plus or minus, except for the mysterious battery. These riders, apparently, did not need bulbs.

Now let's take a look at the author of Autoped. Oddly enough, he is in the pictures. On one of them, he personally advertises his scooter.

It was called photography, but nonetheless
It was called photography, but nonetheless

It was called photography, but nonetheless.

What do we see? And we don't see a damn thing, except that the author advertises a completely different scooter, and not the one that we are shown. He doesn't have most of the bells and whistles that are hung on the models that we have in the photographs. And most importantly, there is no gas tank where to hide the fuel.

Suppose in this early ad, fuel is poured into the control rack. Some articles have mentioned this. Type at first they wanted to stand, then they were tortured and put the flask. But all this is not so important, because it seems that the inventor in the foreground is either replaced or heavily edited. Therefore, the photo is cloudy and, in general.

There is another photo of another of his inventions - also with a motor.

This is a mini motorcycle model
This is a mini motorcycle model

This is a mini motorcycle model.

And again, we look at how much different what the inventor advertises with what we then see in real life. The inventor, if anything on the right. It can be seen that he does not have all this crap from the internal combustion engine between his legs. And it doesn't have a thick fuel frame that sticks out like hell below the steering wheel of the guy on the left. What sticks out from the inventor is a gun, which is suspended on a frame, since according to the plot he goes to the forest to hunt.

Here's how it all changed in the end. Crap was hung on the current frame as a gas tank, the whole wheel was sheathed with pistons, tanks, and internal combustion engine spark plugs
Here's how it all changed in the end. Crap was hung on the current frame as a gas tank, the whole wheel was sheathed with pistons, tanks, and internal combustion engine spark plugs

Here's how it all changed in the end. Crap was hung on the current frame as a gas tank, the whole wheel was sheathed with pistons, tanks, and internal combustion engine spark plugs.

Well, now let's go back to the last advertising picture of our Autoped. Since all these putties and pastes were apparently made even then, in those twenties, they did not change the background, but in vain. It is very clearly visible there, most likely the original Autopedo.

Well, wow
Well, wow

Well, wow!

Look, the guy behind you can see a completely different type of engine, and the battery is in place, which, as they write to us, appeared after the office was bought by the energizer, and on the shelf, worse, there is something that looks like round balls that tech has on a stick -dancer people catch electricity at home. And what do we get in the end? Again wireless electricity and a spare battery when you're out of range !!!

Look below, I made several modifications to the picture, although everything is perfectly visible here, there are more contrast options.

It is better to see here that the guy in front is definitely not a headlight, but some kind of device
It is better to see here that the guy in front is definitely not a headlight, but some kind of device

It is better to see here that the guy in front is definitely not a headlight, but some kind of device.


I will not claim that this scooter worked exactly as I said above with wireless energy. The probability is high, but not one hundred percent. The main thing is that this is the same electric scooter, which was then taken out of history, leaving only the gasoline version. And how exactly it works is no longer so important.

And you know what else is interesting? This ad was featured in Popular Electricity Magazine !!! There was simply nothing to do with the announcement of a gasoline scooter. And even without a battery with electric headlights !!!

In general, these are our auto pedo business. Which, as it were, but actually not.

I would very much like to hear your opinion on the correctness of my guess.

The pedagogue may not participate in the discussion, but silently leave the group.