Meditation Can Help Reduce Pain And Improve Mood. But How Long Does She Need To Study? - Alternative View

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Meditation Can Help Reduce Pain And Improve Mood. But How Long Does She Need To Study? - Alternative View
Meditation Can Help Reduce Pain And Improve Mood. But How Long Does She Need To Study? - Alternative View

Video: Meditation Can Help Reduce Pain And Improve Mood. But How Long Does She Need To Study? - Alternative View

Video: Meditation Can Help Reduce Pain And Improve Mood. But How Long Does She Need To Study? - Alternative View
Video: Как правильно дышать. 3 эффективных техники для здоровья, наполнения энергией, похудения. Пранаяма. 2024, September

Each of us wants to be healthy, but almost every medicine has side effects, physical activity is contraindicated for some people, and even a healthy diet needs to be followed wisely. But have you ever heard anything bad about meditation? Perhaps this way of strengthening physical and emotional health is the most suitable for all people, without exception. Recently, scientists from the American state of Connecticut have proved that everyone can learn how to perform short meditations, and very quickly. The positive effect will not be long in coming, because the person will very soon notice a lower susceptibility to pain and emotional stability. But how did scientists prove this?

Meditation can be an ideal way to improve your physical and mental health
Meditation can be an ideal way to improve your physical and mental health

Meditation can be an ideal way to improve your physical and mental health.

The study and its results were described in the scientific journal Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. The scientific work was attended by 17 people who had never tried meditation before. They were asked to do a 20-minute exercise in which they were required to focus on their sensations, stop floating in the clouds, and generally be aware of their existence. What kind of exercise was used for this is not reported, but most likely the participants first concentrated on their breathing, gradually relaxed their body parts and tried to stay in this state for the maximum amount of time. As a rule, it is with such an exercise that beginners begin teaching meditation.

How is meditation useful?

After learning a short meditation, the volunteers took two tests. During the first, a warm or hot object was placed on their forearm. In the second trial, people were shown neutral photographs such as pictures of furniture, or shocking footage of dead people. All this time, scientists monitored the activity of different areas of their brain to find out if meditation affects at such a deep level, or is it just self-hypnosis.

It has been found that in the normal state, people feel more pain and experience more pronounced negativity when they see unpleasant images. But after a 20-minute meditation, which literally "lowers from heaven to earth" and helps to be aware, the susceptibility to pain and emotional turmoil is noticeably reduced. In general, a person becomes calmer, his mood rises and he can more soberly assess the events taking place.

Almost everyone can learn to meditate
Almost everyone can learn to meditate

Almost everyone can learn to meditate.

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All this is evidenced not only by the observations of scientists, but also by the results of brain scans of volunteers. They showed that after meditation, the activity of the parts of the brain that are responsible for the perception of pain and negative emotions is significantly reduced. According to neuroscientist Hedy Kober, after meditation, people perceived hot objects as if they were just warm.

So, in the course of scientific work, scientists have made at least two discoveries. First, even short meditations can improve a person's condition by decreasing their susceptibility to pain and negative emotions. Secondly, even those people who have not previously tried this technique are able to meditate effectively. It is noteworthy that most people can feel the benefits of meditation very quickly. There are even mobile apps like Headspace for teaching meditation, with which the first steps to mindfulness can be taken in just a few minutes.

Ramis Ganiev
