Dolphins And Dolphinariums - Alternative View

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Dolphins And Dolphinariums - Alternative View
Dolphins And Dolphinariums - Alternative View

Video: Dolphins And Dolphinariums - Alternative View

Video: Dolphins And Dolphinariums - Alternative View
Video: Another humanity | Alexander and Nicole Gratovsky | TEDxSadovoeRing 2024, September

Dolphins swim in their own feces, for the transparency of the water they are fed with bleach … from echolocation with their sonars, from the walls of the pool, they go crazy, die within 2 years instead of 40-50 … Families are torn apart.

Killer whales jump out of the water to get a handful of fish, and people ride dolphins like water skis. Dolphinarium workers love to tell the public that the dolphins wouldn’t listen if they weren’t happy. Even the appearance of dolphins suggests that they are happy - after all, a smile never leaves their faces. But most visitors to dolphinariums do not know that the suffering of the animals is behind this seeming "smile".

Breaking families

Killer whales belong to the dolphin family. These are the largest animals kept in captivity. Children do not part with their mother all their lives. Their family consists of a mother, adult sons and daughters, and their descendants. Family members communicate in a kind of "dialect" that is unique to this family group. Dolphins swim in flocks, the number of animals in which ranges from three to ten. Imagine the shock they feel when one of them is pulled out of such a close-knit family. Even if only one dolphin or killer whale is taken away, the life of the whole family is disrupted. For example, in order to catch an adult female, people in boats drive the whole flock to where the water is shallow. Dolphins are surrounded by nets, then they are closed and lifted. Unwanted dolphins are thrown into the water. Some of them die of psychological shock. Others slowly develop pneumonia due to water entering the lungs through the blowhole. Pregnant females may experience miscarriage. Those killer whales and dolphins who did not suffer during this tragedy are eager to see their captive companions, sometimes they even try to save them. When the wild killer whale was caught off the Canadian shores and taken to Seattle, a flock of her fellow tribesmen chased the ship for miles.

Adaptation to a foreign world

In nature, killer whales and dolphins swim up to 160 km per day. But in dolphinariums they are planted in pools 7.3 m long and wide, 1.8 m deep. Wild killer whales and dolphins can stay under water for up to 30 minutes, they usually spend only 10-20% of the time on the water surface. But since the pools are very shallow, they spend more than half of their time on the surface of the water. Experts believe that it is for this reason that the dorsal fins of most killer whales in captivity weaken. Dolphins move using echolocation. With the help of sonar waves, they receive information about all objects, about their shape, consistency and location. In pools, the reverberation of their own sonar bouncing off the walls drives some dolphins crazy. Jean-Michel Cousteau believes, for dolphins in captivity, "the world becomes confusion due to meaningless reflections."Swimming pools are kept clean with chlorine, copper sulfate and other harsh chemicals, which is why many dolphins swim with their eyes closed. Former dolphin trainer Rick O Barry, who prepared and trained dolphins for the television show Flipper, believes some dolphins have been blinded by chlorine. The Department of Agriculture issued a decree to close the Ocean World Dolphinarium after it became clear that too much chlorine in the water caused dolphins to peel their skin. The Department of Agriculture issued a decree to close the Ocean World Dolphinarium after it became clear that too much chlorine in the water caused dolphins to peel their skin. The Department of Agriculture issued a decree to close the Ocean World Dolphinarium after it became clear that too much chlorine in the water caused dolphins to peel their skin.

Promotional video:

Newly captured dolphins and killer whales are forced to learn tricks. Former trainers say hunger and solitude are common forms of training. According to Rick O Barry, training followed by a well-deserved reward is a euphemism that should be interpreted as being deprived of food. In dolphinariums, animals are sometimes not given 60% of the food before the show, so that they experience an acute feeling of hunger, and to get a treat, they perform better tricks. Former dolphin trainer Daug Kartlij states that these gregarious, sociable animals are kept alone as punishment: “They just put them in a pen and don't pay attention to them. This is psychological torture. Unsurprisingly, because of this, according to O Barry, they are in a state of extreme stress. Sometimes the stress is so intensethat dolphins commit suicide. Jacques-Yves Cousteau and his son Jean-Michel, who witnessed the dolphin deliberately hitting the wall many times before it died, vowed never to capture any marine mammal again.

The tragic consequences of captivity

If the life of dolphins and killer whales in captivity were as good as the dolphinarium workers describe it, their life expectancy would be much longer than in the wild. After all, they, unlike their relatives living in the wild, have no danger of becoming a victim of predators or perishing from dirty water. However, the dolphinarium is a death sentence for killer whales and dolphins.

In the wild, dolphins live from 25 to 50 years. Male killer whales live 50-60 years, females 80-90 years. Meanwhile, in dolphinariums, killer whales rarely live up to 10 years. More than half of the dolphins die within the first two years of being in captivity, and those that overcome this period live an average of 6 years.

The owner of most of the dolphins and sharks, the Sea World Dolphinarium is notorious for its poor animal welfare. Morskoy Mir bought out and thus liquidated its competitor - the South California Dolphinarium Morskaya Strana. After relocation to the Sea World, five dolphins, five sea lions and two seals perished during the year. Then the Orcs from the "Sea Country" died, they said about him that this is the most famous killer whale in the world. Due to the high mortality rate of animals in dolphinariums, and also because marine mammals are extremely difficult to breed in captivity, it is constantly necessary to catch animals in the wild.

Gradual failure

Now more and more people understand that dolphins, killer whales and other mammals have no place in captivity. In Canada, it is now illegal to catch and exploit belugas. In Brazil, the use of marine mammals for entertainment is illegal. In England, all dolphinariums were closed due to public outcry. In Israel, the importation of dolphins for entertainment is prohibited. Dolphinariums are completely banned in the US, South Carolina, and other states will soon have laws banning or restricting captive marine mammals. Free Willie co-producer Richard Donner says: “It is wildness to capture these beautiful animals for commercial purposes. This horror must become part of the past."

I worked there, though not for long. I could not bear the sight of this prison. During the break between performances, dolphins just lie motionless on the water and believe me they don't feel very fun. It seems that life is not nice to them at all. They just lie with their noses buried in the barrier that forever fenced them off from their home - the sea. I think at such moments they think that they will never see the open spaces of the sea again, they will not plunge into the depths, they will not play with the waves, this is a terrible word - NEVER !!! And we look and rejoice, we have fun and well. The dolphins were caught in the sea thanks to their gullibility and kindness, without asking, they were loaded into a trough, brought to the dolphinarium and made of them "clowns behind bars" Forever !!!

Believe them not to live there for long. And they are already preparing new "clowns" when these will die of melancholy and hopelessness! They live in this prison among their own feces, where people also swim. Sick children are brought in. Naive. It is unlikely that dolphin feces will cure them. And so that the water does not bloom, and does not stink it is choked with chlorine! Are these healing baths for dolphins and children? The main thing is that the water looks crystal clear! Everything else is not important to the management!

Although not important. It is very important how many people came to the show. Kislovsky * runs to the cashier every hour to ask how much money is there. After all, what was it all done for? For the joy of people? Ha! Which one of them is going to lift a finger for this now? Money!!! That's what's important!

And they do not spare them, advertising, videos, leaflets. The main thing is that more people come to buy new dolphins soon, and they are not cheap (poachers, transportation, training, purchase of documents, officials).

On the forums, they often write how they love dolphins. If you love, do not go to watch their slow death, do not applaud these prisoners. We will not save them, but we can save those who are still swimming in the sea. After all, if we do not go to the performance, the business will become unprofitable and will close!

It seems to us that they are smiling, but it's just such a slit in the mouth and nothing more … he “smiles” and when it hurts. This is the smile of the doomed! They were the kings of the sea, and now the jesters are in prison. I hope someone heard me.
