About The Center Of The Indo-European Civilization Of The Middle East - Alternative View

About The Center Of The Indo-European Civilization Of The Middle East - Alternative View
About The Center Of The Indo-European Civilization Of The Middle East - Alternative View

Video: About The Center Of The Indo-European Civilization Of The Middle East - Alternative View

Video: About The Center Of The Indo-European Civilization Of The Middle East - Alternative View
Video: Lord Colin Renfrew | Marija Redivia: DNA and Indo-European Origins 2024, September

We have already talked about the amazing archaeological finds made by the expedition of Yu. Petukhov in Yaricho-Jericho in 1999, which are proof of the existence in the Middle East long before the arrival of the Semites of the civilization of the ancient Aryan-Caucasians. But Yaricho was far from the only settlement of this culture. Some of the finds of this civilization were also discovered in Tell Khalafe in northern Syria, near the border with Turkey.

Here is what Yu. Petukhov writes about her in his book "The Origin of the Rus":

As you know, in this century, wars practically do not subside in those territories where Indo-Europeans (Aryans) lived in the Middle East - in Syria, Iraq, and Palestine. And this fact also makes one think that all this is not accidental. Apparently the servants of darkness are interested in not only natural resources in these countries, but also ancient artifacts, destroying and stealing which, one can maintain a blind faith in pseudo-historical myths from history textbooks, concocted on the free writings of more than one generation of falsified history.

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