What God Would Never Have Thought About Himself - Alternative View

What God Would Never Have Thought About Himself - Alternative View
What God Would Never Have Thought About Himself - Alternative View

Video: What God Would Never Have Thought About Himself - Alternative View

Video: What God Would Never Have Thought About Himself - Alternative View
Video: Imagine Dragons - It's Time 2024, September

Whoever, in general terms, is aware of the events that took place in Europe at the end of Х1Х-н. ХХ, understands that Christian Europe, as it were, is also a hotbed of terrorism, not only a hotbed, but also its customer and payer, and the holiness of the Pope Roman is experiencing the strongest divergence between the desired and the actual …

Perhaps someone does not know, but in the bosom of the philanthropic Catholic Church there is the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith or the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (lat. Congregatio pro Doctrina Fidei) - the oldest and main of the nine Congregations of the Roman Curia, whose competence is to monitor the orthodoxy and purity of morality and doctrine preached in the Roman Catholic Church. But the fact is that it began to be called so neutral only since 1983, before that it was the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (1965-1983); before that - the Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Sacred Chancellery (1908-1965); but until 1908 (!) it was called the Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Roman and Ecumenical Inquisition. And after that you still believe that the Inquisition is a "dark Middle Ages" ?! Aha, two times! All the atrocities of the holy inquisitionThrown away from themselves “into the depths of centuries” with disgust, they were created literally the day before yesterday, in the blessed and enlightened 19th century …

By the way, just for information, those who do not know, the same "Jehovah's Witnesses" began already in 1879 and not at all as a religion, but as … Joint Stock Company (JSC !!!), the main activity of which (retouched by studying the Bible) was sending bankrupt colonists of the Jewish religion at the expense of the AO from the United States to settle the deserts of Palestine …

So SKUNK69 presents …

Those who have tried at least a little to understand theology, probably remember that, according to Soviet historians, the prototype of Christ is supposedly the "Egyptian" god Osiris-Osiris (in fact, there are no prototypes, everything coexisted at about the same time and spread from one trough, just, as they say in one anecdote: "You yourself are stupid! Stradivare made violins for suckers, but for real boys she made drums!"), which, as it were, was the main god of the "ancient Egyptian pantheon" ("pantheon" - " all gods ").

So, if the current “gods” were not very lucky with “this”, then, roughly speaking, Ozi had a woman, and he, as the god of fertility, used “this” with terrible power … does he remind anyone?

Come on?! And Zeus, who Heraculeus closed up for the walnut girls, who, when they were born, were dragged around until they did 12 feats? Zeus (remember sws / hwh?) Was generally very unrestrained in sexual ill-education, but he seems to be not equated with Christ, but Osiris is like yes, like one person and sooo is another matter …

But before we get it right, I would like to put all the figures in their places.

Promotional video:

There is (well, at least in the Russian language) such an interesting division of definitions, where Jews and Muslims are faithful, and Christians are Orthodox. That's right, despite all sorts of similarities, the gods at this point in time are still different for us, here it was the same for the Christian Old Believers, but for the Orthodox there or the Catholics it was completely different.

We have an updated version, but a sampler remained faithful … to them, I think, it is worth adding, and so-called. Zoroastrians.

The real European religions are polytheistic paganism, and the Asian-North African religions are, roughly speaking, monotheism.

I mean real religion, not a mechanical mixture of native gods. Such a fun porridge like, for example, Hinduism. When Hindustan was completely colonized, they stupidly threw into it everything that did not fit in the head and could not be put into a ready-made religious dish, and since it happened quite late, and there was no single center for processing and transformation, this IT remained to stand on place, pleasing the eye with an iridescent variety from afar, and causing nausea when trying to get a closer look.

Absolutely the same method was used when creating world religions, but earlier, when the public was completely unprepared, and the means of communication were relatively controlled.

See for yourself, Allah-Elohi-Eliya-Ilya is essentially not the name of God, this definition, although derived from the name, has become a common noun (like “Xerox”, “French” or, here, “tolerance”), and it means - GOD … that's all.

But further it went more interesting: the longer this porridge was cooked, the wider it spread, the more ingredients got into it, the more syncretic it became for users, and “names” began to stick to the designation-definition quite naturally.

What are "names" for? I'll tell you a little later, just not using the example of Allah, because he has 99 names and these are only official ones (how do you like the principle “the name of God is unpronounceable”?).

By the way, based on the fact that there is a mention of Allah in the Bayan and Christianity is often broadcast, as well as relying on the absolutely ridiculous dating of the origin of modern religions (from the bulldozer and the eye of the clever people in the 19th century), in the last 20th century, among the A sanctimonious belief has developed that Babism is the youngest religion (?!) …

In such a primitive way, the source, thanks to simple machinations, became the mouth … The universal snake Ouroboros (who does not know, she has nothing to do with urology), without suspecting it, again bit her ass …

By the way, this is how the famous American swindler and adventurer Blavatsky imagined it:

Coat of arms of Blavatsky's secret society
Coat of arms of Blavatsky's secret society

Coat of arms of Blavatsky's secret society.

At the same time, the moment of the tail bite is torn apart by a swastika … that's how religions are created, we take what is, mince, fry, at the exit - the same type of cutlets (Only without flies, Lyolik! Only without flies!), One is fatter, the other is not baked with cheese the third one is falling apart (a lot of loaves are horrible), but all are quite edible, heat-treated and the probability of picking up a worm is much less likely …

Here is another rather interesting picture I found in connection with the "world serpent that girded the earth." "Scandinavian" mythology was created quite late and its main mass falls on the threshold of the twentieth century, and the Norwegian sea and polar explorers of that time were undoubtedly among the most authoritative …



Nobody notices anything interesting around the earth, with Iceland instead of an eye? But thank God, it doesn't reach the tail yet …"