On The Use Of Reusable And Disposable Masks - Alternative View

On The Use Of Reusable And Disposable Masks - Alternative View
On The Use Of Reusable And Disposable Masks - Alternative View

Video: On The Use Of Reusable And Disposable Masks - Alternative View

Video: On The Use Of Reusable And Disposable Masks - Alternative View
Video: How to reuse disposable mask | DIY mask | Discard Mask ideas | のティックトック グッズ 2024, September

Advertisements for the sale of reusable masks made of woven materials appear on the Internet. At the same time, these masks are not a medical device and are not accompanied by instructions for use.

It is important to remember that reusable masks can only be reused after processing. At home, the mask should be washed with soap or detergent, then treated with a steam generator or iron with a steam function. After processing, the mask should not remain wet, so at the end it must be ironed with a hot iron, already without the steam function.

Medical masks - protective equipment of the "barrier" type. The function of the mask is to trap the drops of moisture that are formed when coughing, sneezing, and in which there may be viruses - pathogens of ARVI and other respiratory diseases transmitted by airborne droplets.

IMPORTANT! Masks are effective only in combination with other prevention methods (avoidance of contact, frequent hand washing, disinfection of objects), and the need for their use is different for different groups of people and in different situations.

First of all, masks are intended for those who are already sick: the mask retains on itself most of the saliva of a coughing or sneezing person. Thus, significantly less viral particles enter the air and the risk of infection for others is reduced.

In addition, the mask should be worn by people who provide medical care and care for the sick.

Healthy people can use the mask when visiting public places, public transport, but the effectiveness of the mask in such situations has not been proven.

IMPORTANT! After two to three hours of constant use, the mask must be changed. Disposable medical masks made of nonwoven material cannot be reused or processed in any way. At home, a used disposable medical mask must be placed in a separate bag, hermetically sealed and only then thrown into the trash bin.

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