Stop Being Afraid Of Death - Alternative View

Stop Being Afraid Of Death - Alternative View
Stop Being Afraid Of Death - Alternative View

Video: Stop Being Afraid Of Death - Alternative View

Video: Stop Being Afraid Of Death - Alternative View
Video: Why You Should NOT Fear Death 2024, September

To stop being afraid of death doesn't mean wanting to die. This means to perceive life as it is - a moment that will stretch to Eternity. And just live, and not prepare for real life a little later …

Not needing material things (money, things, services) does not mean giving up the material, but ceasing to depend on it. It is equally happy to live in a palace and on the street, and with millions of dollars in bank accounts and with empty pockets …

Not needing to communicate with people does not mean being alone. This means not looking for communication at any cost, and if someone enters yours here and now, to enjoy him as a part of your life - sincerely and warmly. And when no one is around to enjoy being in solitude …

Not suffering at the sight of the suffering of others does not mean becoming indifferent. It means realizing that you can help others without getting involved in their suffering. And being impartial to see the way out of the situation and find the right words …

Perceiving life as a game doesn't mean being reckless about it. It means rejoicing at any event as a new opportunity for awareness. As a new twist in the plot of the game - a very interesting and exciting game …

Living in one moment in the here and now does not mean not thinking about the future and the past. This means both planning for the future and analyzing the past, but distinguishing reality from your thoughts about the future and about the past …

Not wanting happiness, not wanting to live, not wanting to be loved - this does not mean being depressed. This means that everything is already in you and there is no longer any need to want what is already there …