The Philosophy Of Slutty - Alternative View

The Philosophy Of Slutty - Alternative View
The Philosophy Of Slutty - Alternative View

Video: The Philosophy Of Slutty - Alternative View

Video: The Philosophy Of Slutty - Alternative View
Video: Красота в Уродливые Времена | Philosophy Tube 2024, September

The philosophy of slandering is precisely this key doctrine in modern society and not only in Russia, but also in all countries with a European, tolerant culture!

Total whore! What does it mean?! This means 80% of divorces among all marriages. This means the complete absence of family values and any family attitudes in society. Nobody tells children what a normal, full-fledged and healthy family is. Yes, it's not enough to tell, you need to show! And what do their parents show them ?! Mothers who change men like gloves and say to a child: “Who knows where the father is. He's an asshole and a bastard! Or fathers can show something with their drunkenness, betrayal, beating of wives and children ?! Or maybe they can show something with their infantile behavior and complete obsession with raising their child, and their indifference to his future fate. Mutual disrespect, mutual hatred, mutual betrayal and neglect.

Bl @ di do not think about loyalty in the family, they do not think about a permanent man, a husband, because they know that sooner or later they will have to change him for some reason. Hence the disrespect, and consumer attitude, and complete irresponsibility! This applies to both men and women, for the most part …

Everyone talks a lot about children and about love, but in fact - millions of abortions! Children have turned into just pieces of meat that sleep with a random partner, and then get rid of them without any remorse! There is love today, tomorrow it is not … Well, because there is no money or a man is sick, and cannot satisfy all needs, and indeed, you can always find another. And no one will even say against the word - a free society! So what if you have two children ?! So what if the children grow up to be whores, because they were given to be torn apart by the school curriculum, fashion and the street ?! The main thing is to arrange your life right now, no matter what! Superegoism leading to a total split of family foundations, and of the whole society!

And of course, the sooner you start having sex, the better. You can't wait a minute !!! At 13, at 14, do not care! Well, then you still need to correctly assess your capabilities and physical data, and be able to trade yourself at a higher price while you are young. You are not a sucker like the others ?! This is what is also taught to children and adults.

You just need to understand that this system of behavior and relationships is being instilled in us, and implemented from childhood. It is very difficult to fight this and do something, because millions of people have these attitudes deep in the subconscious, they can never be removed from there.

Don't be degraded! Read the right articles, books, get useful information, get smarter, develop, strive to live right, no matter what! Be persistent!