The Children Of The Highest Elite Of The USSR Decided To Create The Fourth Reich - Alternative View

The Children Of The Highest Elite Of The USSR Decided To Create The Fourth Reich - Alternative View
The Children Of The Highest Elite Of The USSR Decided To Create The Fourth Reich - Alternative View

This story with the creation of the Fourth Reich by the "Kremlin children" in 1943 was opened by accident.

On June 3, 1943, on Bolshoy Kamenny Bridge in the center of Moscow, police officers found two bodies: a boy and a girl, with bullet holes in their heads. The killed were the son of the People's Commissar of Aviation Alexei Shakhurin, 15-year-old Vladimir and the daughter of an employee of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Policy Konstantin Umansky, Nadezhda. The teenagers studied school 175 together.

Nina Umanskaya and Vladimir Shakhurin
Nina Umanskaya and Vladimir Shakhurin

Nina Umanskaya and Vladimir Shakhurin.

Investigator Lev Sheinin found out that the teenagers were in love and secretly met. Then it turned out that Shakhurin shot after the leaving girlfriend, after which he fired a bullet in his temple. To find out where the guy got the gun, Sheinin searched the killer's room, where investigators found the young man's diary. This diary shocked hardened investigators who had seen a lot, but not so much. It turned out that the deceased guy and his classmates were part of the secret anti-Soviet organization "Fourth Reich".

Gymnasium of Kreyman, later elite school No. 175
Gymnasium of Kreyman, later elite school No. 175

Gymnasium of Kreyman, later elite school No. 175.

The 175th Moscow school was elite. Children of people's commissars, diplomats, generals, cultural workers and foreign communists studied there. In Shakhurin's diary, it was written that he and his friends in the future were going to take power in the country and build a state following the example of Nazi Germany. Nietzsche and Hitler were quoted on every page in the notebook. The members of the group appropriated called themselves Fuhrer, promised to go in for sports and gain new knowledge and skills that will be useful in the future. It is interesting that the "kids" planned to seize power in the USSR, but without bloodshed. They planned to unlearn and, having climbed the career ladder, take leadership positions. And after that, reform the USSR from within.

Lev Wlodzimirsky
Lev Wlodzimirsky

Lev Wlodzimirsky.

The case was transferred to Beria's confidant and NKGB investigator Lev Wlodzimirsky. The schoolchildren, whose names were written in the diary, immediately ended up in pre-trial detention centers. Wlodzimirski wanted to find out where Shakhurin got the pistol. Perhaps the children have more weapons with which they want to kill Stalin or Molotov. It turned out that the gun got to the killer through Vano Mikoyan, the son of People's Commissar Anastas Mikoyan. His older brothers brought him from the front. Vano said that Shakhurin was just going to scare Nadezhda Umanskaya, who had gathered with her parents in Mexico.

Promotional video:

Anastas Mikoyan's family
Anastas Mikoyan's family

Anastas Mikoyan's family.

In addition to Vano and Sergo Mikoyan, the "builders" of the Fourth Reich were the son of Lieutenant General Rafail Khmelnitsky - Artem, the son of the famous Chekist Stanislav Redens - Leonid, whose mother was the sister of Stalin's wife Anna Alliluyeva, the son of the head of the USSR defense industry department Pyotr Kirpichnikov - Felix Kirpichnikov, the son of the head of Moscow hospitals Alexander Bakulev - Peter, Armand Hammer - the nephew of businessman Armand Hammer, who was an intermediary in trade between the USSR and Western countries.

The teenagers were kept in the internal prison of the NKGB for 6 months. They were not beaten or even threatened. Everything was kept within the "framework", as they say. The schoolchildren denied everything they blamed on Shakhurin, claiming that they did not support his idea of the Fourth Reich, and he wrote everyone into the organization without their knowledge and consent.

One can imagine what would have happened to these teenagers and their relatives, if they were ordinary children from ordinary workers and peasants. But here the situation was completely different. Stalin understood that such a number of repressed offspring of the highest elite of the state would give rise to many dangerous enemies. Such parents can take revenge. If not for the war, Stalin would have arrested his parents, too, most likely. But in the midst of the war, such an internal political split was tantamount to the collapse of everything.

As a result, in December 1943, People's Commissar of State Security Merkulov read out the court's verdict to the students. All of them were deported from Moscow to remote villages of the Urals, Siberia and Central Asia for a period of one year. As for Shakhurin, he was recognized as mentally unstable, who shot Umanskaya in a fit of anger.