Night Creaks And Groans In The House Of The Sorcerer - Alternative View

Night Creaks And Groans In The House Of The Sorcerer - Alternative View
Night Creaks And Groans In The House Of The Sorcerer - Alternative View

Video: Night Creaks And Groans In The House Of The Sorcerer - Alternative View

Video: Night Creaks And Groans In The House Of The Sorcerer - Alternative View
Video: Веселая поп-музыки, чтобы работать и сосредоточиться на офисном компьютере или компьютере 2024, September

In Ukrainian Dnepropetrovsk (now Dnieper), on Orlovskaya Street, there is a two-story stone house. Its windows are tightly boarded up with boards, and the yard is surrounded by a high fence. The house was built at the beginning of the 20th century.

They say that its first owner was a merchant who was engaged in witchcraft and sorcery. He married a very young girl, apparently bewitching her, and constantly kept his wife locked up. From time to time she had to help her husband in witchcraft.

It so happened that one of the clients of the merchant-sorcerer, a local landowner, fell in love with the beautiful merchant's wife. He seemed to have turned to the sorcerer about his unhappy love for another woman, but when he saw the mistress of the house, he immediately forgot about his former feelings. The landowner found more and more new excuses to come to the house of the warlock.

In the end, the admirer was able to win the heart of the sorcerer's wife, and they became secret lovers. But the merchant-sorcerer, of course, found out about everything. A scandal erupted, and the wife announced to her husband that she was leaving him.

The sorcerer could not endure this. The day after the showdown with his wife's lover, misfortune happened. On the way from the country estate, where the landowner was going to live with his beloved, his horse carried, the cart turned over, the rider fell out of it, unsuccessfully hit his temple on a stone and died on the spot.

A few days later, during a night thunderstorm, a fire broke out on the top floor of the merchant's house. The neighbors heard screams and saw human figures rushing about in the reflections of the flame, but they could not help: no one dared to throw themselves into the raging fire …

The fire was extinguished only in the morning. The walls of the house survived, but the second floor and the attic were burnt to the ground. The charred corpse of the owner was found in the building, but the body of his wife was never found.

It was not possible to establish the cause of the fire, although many versions were put forward: who said that the warlock inadvertently handled the combustible substances stored for witchcraft purposes, who blamed the lightning strike for everything, and who claimed that it was arson.

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Soon there was a rumor that the sorcerer cursed his house before he died. It was also argued that the painful death was the price for a magical gift given to the merchant by the devil. Like, the hour of reckoning struck, here the unclean man appeared for the soul of the sorcerer. Since then, the ghost of a sorcerer allegedly lives in the house, who prowls around the attic at night in search of a drug that can help him return his wife.

Later, the former house of the warlock was renovated, and tenants appeared in it. The inhabitants of the second floor constantly heard some creaks, rustles and sighs at night. Sometimes footsteps were heard, as if someone was walking in the attic, and in the morning they found scattered things there … Gradually, the frightened tenants dispersed. Nobody wanted to rent apartments here either.

In the early 1970s, a local policeman moved into an apartment on the top floor. They say that he specifically asked for housing in this particular house in order to dispel rumors of ghosts. However, a month later the district police officer left the ill-fated house - all the rumors turned out to be true!

He saw with his own eyes how in the middle of the night some shadows moved along the walls, as if someone alive was wandering around the room. Before moving out, the policeman tightly hammered the windows of the second floor with boards.

In the 1990s, a company moved into the building and equipped a warehouse on the second floor. But the very next day after the goods were brought to the warehouse, the boxes were broken open, things were scattered, a complete mess reigned around … At the same time, the locks were not touched.

The tenants soon fled too. After them, several more firms made attempts to settle in a strange building, but each time similar stories happened.

The house cannot even be consecrated: during the ceremony, candles go out, holy water is spilled, and the prayer book falls out of the priest's hands on the floor and slams shut … After such signs, the clergy categorically refuse to continue the procedure, believing that they cannot cope with the evil spirits that have settled in the former home of the warlock.
