The Origin Of Life On Earth, For The Third Reich - Alternative View

The Origin Of Life On Earth, For The Third Reich - Alternative View
The Origin Of Life On Earth, For The Third Reich - Alternative View

Video: The Origin Of Life On Earth, For The Third Reich - Alternative View

Video: The Origin Of Life On Earth, For The Third Reich - Alternative View
Video: Adolf Hitler: Leader of the Third Reich - Fast Facts | History 2024, September

The greatest mystic of the Third Reich who literally lived in a semi-real esoteric world was, of course, Rudolf Hess. This is to him, long before the Nazis came to power, in 1926, Adolf Hitler said in confidence:

- I am absolutely not satisfied with Darwin's theory of the origin of man.

“Then Rudolf Steiner would be the best fit for us,” Hess replied.

Rudolf Steiner was once the general secretary of the German Theosophical Society, which was headed for a long time by the esotericist Wilhelm Hubbe-Schleiden, famous in Germany. Herr Steiner gave many lectures on Christian mysticism and the occult significance of the great Goethe.

“Steiner died last year,” Hitler said irritably.

- Yes? - as if Hess was surprised, as if he had heard about this for the first time, and in order to distract Hitler, he turned the conversation to another topic.

But he, like no one else, knew the habits of the leader and foresaw that in the very near future he would again return to the question of the theory of the origin of man. Rudolf Hess was not mistaken, but when this happened, he suggested:

- We can use the professor of the University of Berlin Albert Hermann.

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After the recommendation of Rudolf Hess and a thorough check "for reliability" Hermann got down to work. He had a rather lively pen and a very wild imagination. He worked enthusiastically and surprisingly quickly, creating "the doctrine of" brown vestments " - with not a double-digit hint of the brown uniforms of stormtroopers and party functionaries of the NSDAP. It seems that such a dress was worn by the most ancient Aryans, who were of divine origin.

Hermann's "scientific" work was generously decorated with quotations from various oriental sources, which greatly pleased Hitler, who got acquainted with it. He was particularly impressed by references to the occult chronicle "Ura-Linda". Hess was also pleased with the efforts of the professor, and who was very generously rewarded by the Nazis for his labors.

At the same time, they carried out active operational work in the colonies of Tibetans and Hindus that arose in Munich and Berlin - members of the "black order" of the SS became their own people, who performed the task of "acquiring knowledge" - otherwise, in the professional language of the special services, this is called work among emigrants for the purpose of acquiring sources of information, that is, recruiting agents. According to some foreign sources, one of the recruiters named Wilhelm Bayer managed to recruit a Hindu, who received the pseudonym "Raja". Bayer was able to establish a trusting relationship with his source, and absolutely amazing information flowed from "Raja".

The Hindu often spoke about a small and mysterious part of the great Himalayas - the secret and mysterious Kullu valley, located in the middle of eternal stone masses and never melting glaciers at an altitude of about 4,000 meters above sea level. There is a one-of-a-kind unique temple - a cult embodiment of one of the gods of the Hindu pantheon, which "Raja" called "lingam".

From his words, this is the main symbol of the masculine principle, the genital member, is the phallus, and its images are made of bone, stone or metal, and during religious ceremonies they are sprinkled with lotus petals, anointed with rose oil and, like a deity, they bring him offerings and various dear presents. One of the mountains surrounding the Kullu valley has long been considered one big "lingam", and it is crowned with the temple of the god Shiva. During a thunderstorm, lightning strikes the dome of the temple, and its servants believe that this is how the lingam gets satisfaction.

But this was not the most surprising in the endless, similar to Scheherazade's tales, semi-fantastic stories of "Raja". He spoke with confidence about animals unknown to science who could speak in human language, about people who have the ability to fly, that is, endowed with the gift of levitation, and about yogis who knew the mystery of "tumo" - the inner fire of the human essence. Those possessing these unique secrets could live in the rarefied atmosphere of the Himalayan highlands without any clothes, right on the glaciers and not feel discomfort.

According to a Hindu, illiterate people uninitiated into the secrets of the Kullu Valley often mistook such yogis for a yeti - a Bigfoot, about whom all sorts of myths and legends have been told since ancient times in the East and Asia: many people sincerely believe that he is able to kill a person he met in the mountains, just by looking at him with an unkind look. But even this was not what interested Bayer most of all, but the stories of a Hindu about a mysterious underground city, the entrance to which is cursed, but people often heard its noise coming to them from underground.

- Is this city located there, in the Kullu valley? - Wilhelm specified. - Is he inside the mountain?

“Yes, that’s so,” the Hindu confirmed indifferently. - The city is there, but you cannot enter it. Nobody could.

Then he told the SSman that in ancient times in a mysterious valley there lived a guru - a religious instructor of the Sikhs named Nanak, who wrote a sacred book of prophecies: for many centuries, around the clock, day and night without interruption, it is read aloud in every Sikh temple. Moreover, the Sikhs enter their temples with weapons - long curved daggers at the waist, and behind the reader must always be a Sikh servant with a large fan - and tirelessly scatter the prophetic and magic words of the great book in all directions of the world.

- You were there? Bayer decided to ask the question that had tormented him for a long time. - You yourself were in this Kullu valley?

"Of course," the "Raja" replied simply. - Otherwise, how would I know everything about what is happening there?

According to him, it is in the Kulu valley that one can find an exact answer to the question of the mysteries of the origin of life on Earth. But was it worth even trying to reveal those secrets that may well be beyond your understanding?

Wilhelm Bayer had a different opinion on this matter. When the information he received from "Raja" began to overflow and there was no longer any possibility to remain silent, he nevertheless decided to bring the information received to the knowledge of his superiors. True, the cautious Willie gave out the revelations of the "Raja" in small portions and carefully watched the reaction of the leadership, so that if something happened, he could stop in time. However, his information about the mysterious Kulu valley located high in the Himalayas was, as they say, "with a bang." According to some reports, Heinrich Himmler wanted to meet with the agent personally, which meant that interest in the secrets of the Himalayas arose at the highest level. However, no reliable documentary evidence of the meeting of the SS head with the "Raja"the decision to equip a secret expedition to the Kullu valley was made. They could be used not only in ideological terms, but also in the creation of an "absolute weapon", which had already been thought about more than once before Hitler's official coming to power in 1933.

True, according to the authoritative assurances of Helena Blavatsky and some other mediums and recognized experts in the occult sciences, the mysterious underground city must be located somewhere in Mesopotamia, on the site of the former Babylonia, but the SS rightly judged: mediums can be wrong, and in addition, there is a possibility that the mysterious city is far from alone.

Impatience turned out to be quite great, but the expedition was far from being equipped right away - most likely, it went to the Himalayas not earlier than 1930-1931, even before the Nazis came to power, and did not differ in its numerous composition: only 5-6 people, including, which, quite naturally, turned out to be an agent of "Raja" and his "master", SS man Wilhelm Bayer.

To our deep regret, Western researchers could not find any reports or private information about the paths of the expedition's advancement and its possible adventures in the Himalayas - if by a miracle the expedition diaries and some report materials were preserved, they were either destroyed by order of the higher Nazi leadership, or fell into the hands of the Anglo-American secret services, which have no habit of sharing their secrets.

But there is nothing secret that in the end would not become obvious: some independent experts managed to establish that the expedition to the mysterious Kullu valley returned to Germany in late 1934 - early 1935. Only three returned - "Raja", Bayer and another SSman who was responsible for the security of the search party. Literally a few days after his return, he committed suicide for unknown reasons.

Based on fragmentary, rather vague information and indirect data, one can try to restore a further picture of the events associated with the secrets of the mysterious Kullu valley. Nothing is known at all about the "underground city", "flying people and talking beasts", but Bayer brought back some very ancient manuscript, possibly written in Sanskrit, the content of which he did not know, like the illiterate "Raja".

It seems that this mysterious manuscript contained information about the history of the Earth 25-30,000 years before the birth of Christ. It was then that the race of humanoids and intelligent reptiles, who arrived from other worlds, artificially created a new type of living creature on our planet, using a protohumanoid creature for mutations - it was fully adapted to life on Earth, taking into account all the features of the habitat and received the opportunity of a certain independent intellectual and social development. A giant planetary - and possibly of a universal scale - genetic experiment began, and is still ongoing. Most likely, with some adjustments, which we unknowingly refer to "higher powers".

Some sources emphasize that after reading the translation of the manuscript delivered from the Himalayas, Hitler was shocked for a long time, and then pushed it aside and said in a dull voice:

- This does not suit us …

The manuscript and its translation disappeared without a trace, as did the agent "Raja", who showed the expedition the way to the mysterious valley in the Himalayas: in the Third Reich there were enough different experts on "disappearance without a trace."

Bayer worked for some time in the Hamburg Gestapo, where he received the nickname "mad camel" - he was noted for sudden fits of fierce rage and clearly had some mental trouble after visiting the mysterious Kullu valley. Although, who knows if he was there? Is it possible that he and the other members of the expedition were recruited by the Intelligence Service, which first slipped their agent-twin Raju, supplying him with a very enticing legend, and then slipped a skillfully made fake in Sanskrit about the origin of life on Earth? Was this why the SS man in charge of security committed suicide, the Raja disappeared and Bayer was so nervous? And in the "millennial kingdom" of cynicism, any occult "knowledge" was highly valued and, in many cases, not for nothing! Therefore, the British could place high stakes and play without losing.

Be that as it may, the mystery of the Himalayas and the origin of life on Earth remained unsolved. Wilhelm Bayer - the last surviving member of the secret expedition - in 1939 was assigned to one of the cities of occupied Poland, where he died at the hands of underground workers associated with London. He was the last witness …

From the book: 100 Great Secrets of the Third Reich